EAI TR-20 Operator's Reference Manual page 89

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The following list of written material is categorized by both general and specific fields of appli-
cations. This is by no means a complete bibliography of material available.
is felt, how-
ever, that these references will in turn indicate other material references of the type desired.
Rogers, A. E. and Connolly, T. W.: "Analog Computation in Engineering Design", McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1960
Jackson, A. S.: "Analog Computation", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1960
Fifer, S: "Analogue Computation", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1961
Cheng, D. K.: "Analysis of Linear System", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1959
Karplus, W. J.: "Analog Simulation", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1958
Mathews, M. V., and Seifert, W. W.: "Transfer Function Synthesis with Computer Amplifiers
and Passive Networks", Proc. 1955 Western Joint Computer Conf., (published by IRE,
New York), 7 -12 (March 1955)
Heizer, L. E., and S. J. Abraham: "Transfer Function Simulation by Means of Amplifiers and
Potentiometers", J. Assoc. Compo Mach., 3(3): 186 (July 1956)
"Aircraft Performance Studies on an Electronic Analog Computer", Wadel, L. B., and Wan,
C. C., Proceeding of the Western Joint Computer Conference, presented at Los Angeles,
March 1-3, 1955, p. 78
"Human Pilot Dynamic Response in Flight and Simulator", Seckel, E., Hall, I. A. M., McRuer,
D. T., and Weir, D.H., Wright Air Development Center, WADC Technical Report 57-520,
August, 1958; ASTIA No. AD 130. 988


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