Switches; Dip-Switch; System Switch (Reset) - M2M C350 pro Technical Manual

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Technical Manual 1.02, C350 Professional
S2: System LED2 pattern overview (GSM activity and "Wait For Event")
600 ms On / 600 ms Off
75 ms On / 3 s Off
75 ms On / 75 ms Off /
75 ms On / 3 s OFF
8 s OFF / 10 ms ON



The C350 pro unit contains four dipswitches, where three of them are available for the
application to use (fourth dipswitch is reserved for future use.) The dipswitches is located
on the top side of the unit for easy user access (see the graphical view).
To use the dipswitch in the M2M Control IDE declare a Boolean input variable, and define
it as a dipswitch in the M2M Control IDE Job variable configuration dialog.

System switch (Reset)

The C350 pro unit contains a combined reset/diagnostic switch. This switch is accessible
from the front of the unit (see the graphical view) It's necessary to use a small thin object
with a diameter of approx. 2 cm, for example a straightened out paper clip.
By activating the switch shortly the unit will do a complete reset, as if the power was
removed and reapplied. If the reset switch is held down for approx. 3 seconds
program/project uploaded to the unit will not be started and the unit will turn on the GSM
module and establish connection to the GSM network and to GPRS / Gateway (if
configured). This method will also activate the unit if it is powered down due to a power
fail. The feature is very helpful when maintenance without power is needed. To "exit"
(power down the unit again) from this mode simply activate the reset switch shortly.
The status indicator indicates the state by fast blinking green or yellow as stated above.
System LED S2 will flash three times when this state is entered.
M 2 M C o n t r o l
by Infranet Technologies GmbH
Tempowerkring 2
21079 Hamburg
Operating Status
The GSM module is turned off
No SIM card inserted or no PIN code entered, or
network search in progress, or ongoing user
authentication, or network logon in progress.
Logged to the network.
No call in progress.
A GPRS session is active
Indicates GPRS data transfer.
Depending on type of call:
Voice call: Connected to remote party.
Data call: Connected to remote party or exchange of
parameters while setting up or disconnecting a call.
The unit is in "Wait For Event" low power state.
the VPL
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Ph: +49.40.69647-260
Fax: +49.40.69647-259
Web: www.m2mcontrol.de


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