Object Types And Commands; Object Types; Commands - DAE INSTRUMENT CC1000a06 Reference

Smart lighting control system modbus gateway
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Object Types and Commands

Object Types and Commands

Object Types

Object Type
Object Type
Latched DI
Single DO Pulse
Dual DO Pulse
Group Status Map
Pattern Activation
LT Alive Map
AI Value
AO Value
Authorization Mode
AO Upper Limit
AO Lower Limit


Read DO Status
Read DI Status
Read Latched DI
[寫入保全 DI]
Read Group Status Map
Read Pattern Activation Map
Read LT Alive Status Map
[LT 是否存在表]
Read AI Value
[讀取 AI 數值]
Read AO Value
[讀取 AO 數值]
CC1000 Modbus Reference 2.10e!
Read DO Status
Read DI Status
Read Latched DI
Read Group Status Map
Read Pattern Activation
Read LT Alive Status Map
Read AI Value
Read AO Value
Read Authorization Mode
Read AO Upper Limit
Read AO Lower Limit
• Reads the status of a discrete output
• Reads the real time status of a discrete input
• Reads the status of the latched discrete input. The latched DI is a flag that is
set when the DI channel to which it refers to goes from LOW to HIGH. The
event is remembered (latched), the flag is not cleared when the DI channel
goes back to LOW. It can only be cleared by explicitly issuing the Clear Latched
DI command.
• Reads the bit map representing the on/off status of each group.
• Reads the bit map representing the activation status of each pattern.
• The bit representing a pattern is sticky, once activated (set to 1), the bit will
always remain in that state since a pattern cannot be turned off. To clear the
bit, the map must be cleared manually using the Clear Pattern Activation
Map command.
• Reads the bit map representing the alive status of each LT.
• An LT is alive when it can be communicated to, an LT is not alive when it does
not exist on the bus or when it is not responding to commands from the
• Reads the value of the analog input.
• The value is a percentage from 0 to 100, with no decimal place.
• Reads the value of the analog output.
• The value is a percentage from 0 to 100, with no decimal place.
Func & Reg
Set Group On/Off
Activate Pattern
F3: 0 to 31
F3: 32 to 95
F3: 96 to 159
Clear Latched DI
Single DO Pulse Out
Dual DO Pulse Out
F3: 160 to 163
Clear Pattern Activation
F3: 164 to 167
F3: 168 to 171
F3: 256 to 511
F3: 512 to 767
F3: 768 to 1279
Set Authorization Mode
F3: 2816 to 3071
Set AO Upper Limit
F3: 3072 to 3327
Set AO Lower Limit
Set DO On/Off
F5: 768 to 1279
F5: 1280 to 1535
F16: 164 to 167
Set AO Value
F16: 512 to 767
F16: 768 to 1279
F16: 2816 to 3071
F16: 3072 to 3327
Func & Reg
F5: 1 to 63
F5: 64 to 127
F5: 256 to 767
F16: 96 to 159


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