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Orion TeleTrack 9441 Instruction Manual page 8

Altazimuth tracking mount


your telescope and viewing through it. If the object is not
centered in the eyepiece, make careful adjustments using
the "GUIDE" slew speed and directional buttons until the
object is centered.
5. Once you have centered the target object in your eyepiece,
you can track it's apparent migration across the night sky.
To activate tracking press the "GUIDE" and "SLOW" speed
buttons simultaneously. The mount will now track the cen-
tered object at sidereal rate. One of the three speed but-
tons will begin to blink, indicating that tracking is activat-
Making Directional adjustments While tracking
Your TeleTrack mount features tracking slew speeds which
allow you to make fine adjustments to the position of the
mount while tracking. These speeds are much slower than the
speeds when tracking is not activated.
With tracking activated:
• Press the "GUIDE" speed button to set the directional
buttons to slew the mount at 1x sidereal rate. The
"GUIDE" button will blink to indicate operation.
• Press the "SLOW" speed button to set the directional but-
tons to slew the mount at 4x sidereal rate. The "SLOW"
button will blink to indicate operation.
• Press the "FAST" speed button to set the directional but-
tons to slew the mount at 8x sidereal rate. The "FAST"
speed button will blink to indicate operation.
canceling astronomical tracking
To stop tracking a celestial object, simply press the "GUIDE"
and "SLOW" speed buttons simultaneously. The speed button
with which you have set the slew speed will stop blinking and
remain steadily illuminated to indicate that tracking has been
canceled. The speed buttons will now operate at their regular
(i.e. non-tracking) speed rates.
Speed Button
Slew Speed
Slew Speed
with Tracking
There are three "cruise" modes which enable your
TeleTrack mount to automatically slew to up to 6 pre-set
positions. Cruise modes are for use on stationary terrestri-
al targets. Cruise modes are not recommended for celes-
tial objects, as they change position over time due to the
rotation of the Earth.
The three different cruise modes are: "GoTo", "Cruise
and Shoot" and "Cruise and Record". "GoTo" cruise mode
allows you to automatically slew the mount to any of the
6 positions you have set. "Cruise and Shoot" mode is
designed for use with a digital camera; this mode will auto-
matically slew the mount to all of your pre-set positions and
trigger a camera shutter release at each position. "Cruise
and Record" mode is designed for use with a camcorder
device. The "Cruise and Shoot" and "Cruise and Record"
modes are especially useful for surveillance applications.
NOTE: Be sure to cancel astronomical tracking prior to
setting cruise mode positions or using cruise modes.
initial Positioning
In order for the TeleTrack to remember the Cruise mode posi-
tions you set after the mount is powered off, it is necessary to
power on the mount when it is in its "home cruise" position. To
position the mount in its home cruise position:
1. Power the mount on, and slew the mount using the "UP"
and "DOWN" buttons so the telescope is roughly level.
One of the two latitude indicator arrows should be close to
the 0 mark of the latitude scale.
2. Use the "UP" and "DOWN" buttons to precisely center the
indicator arrow on the 0 mark of the latitude scale.
6. Now, use the "LEFT" and "RIGHT" buttons to slew the tele-
scope so that it is pointing at a stationary reference point.
7. Power the TeleTrack mount off.
The TeleTrack is now in its home cruise position. For the
mount to successfully return to any pre-set cruise positions,
the mount must be powered on in the home cruise position.
The tripod must also be in the same location as when the
cruise mode positions were set.
setting Mount Positions for cruise Modes
1. Set the mount to its home cruise position, and power the
mount on.
2. Use the directional buttons to slew the mount to the desired
3. Press and hold the "SET" button, then one of the numeri-
cal buttons from 1-6 (the "7" button is not to be used for
storing positions).
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for up to five additional pre-set posi-
using "Goto" cruise Mode
Press and hold the "GO" button and press the numerical but-
ton which corresponds with the pre-set mount position you
wish to go to. All of the hand controller buttons will illuminate
to indicate a successful operation choice. While the mount is
slewing to the pre-set position, the "GO" button will remain
illuminated and the numerical button will blink. Once the pre-
set position has been reached, both buttons will dim, and the
current slew speed button will illuminate.

