Acer ProDock Wireless User Manual
Acer ProDock Wireless User Manual

Acer ProDock Wireless User Manual

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Acer ProDock Wireless
User Manual


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Summary of Contents for Acer ProDock Wireless

  • Page 1 Acer ProDock Wireless User Manual...
  • Page 2 © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Acer ProDock Wireless User Manual This revision: March 2016...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Attached Devices........20 Hardware Overview ......... 5 Backup Settings........21 Firmware Upgrade ......... 21 Start Using the Dock Reboot ........... 22 ProDock Wireless Manager Management: Application Dock Client Preference......11 USB Setting ........... 23 Signal Strength ........12 Samba ........... 24 802.11ad Profiles........
  • Page 4: Introduction

    4 - Introduction N T R O D U C T I O N Unpacking Information Thank you for purchasing this product. Before using the Acer ProDock Wireless (the Dock), please confirm that the packaging includes the following items and accessories: •...
  • Page 5: Hardware Overview

    Introduction - 5 Hardware Overview WPS button and LED indicator WPS button and LED indicator Port/LED Description Amber The system is booting. The system is on and is ready to be Blinking Amber connected. Blinking Blue A device is connecting to the Dock. Alternating Blue/ System error Amber...
  • Page 6 6 - Introduction Side Connectors USB port 1 USB port 2 Audio port Port Description USB device connection USB port 1 (Type-C) Note: Supports USB 3.0 functions only. USB device connection USB port 2 Note: This port supports Battery Charger v1.2 up to 1.5 A.
  • Page 7 Introduction - 7 Port Description USB device connection (By default the port is specified to use the connected USB storage as a NAS device. Users of the same LAN as that of the Dock USB port 4 will be able to access the folder of this storage device using Samba.
  • Page 8: Start Using The Dock

    3. Connect the devices that you want to use to an appropriate port of the Dock (such as a projector, a speaker, or a USB storage device). 4. Place your laptop within the reception range of the Dock. 5. Open the Acer ProDock Wireless Manager (the Manager)
  • Page 9 Start Using the Dock - 9 6. Click the “Connection” button. Note If the Wi-Fi function of the laptop is disabled, the Connection button will not be displayed. 7. Click the “Connect” button to connect to the Dock. The LED on the front panel will shine a steady blue when the connection has been established.
  • Page 10 10 - Start Using the Dock 8. Click the icon to return to the home page. The icon of a specific port will be highlighted to indicate a device is connected to the port.
  • Page 11: Prodock Wireless Manager

    ProDock Wireless Manager - 11 O C K IR E L E S S A N A G E R You can use this Manager to connect your laptop to the Dock and monitor the connection status of the ports. Click the “Setting” button to perform basic management of the Dock.
  • Page 12: Signal Strength

    Click the “Start scanning” button will detect the data rate between your laptop and the Dock. 802.11ad Profiles The page lists all Acer ProDock Wireless devices that have been connected to the Dock. You can delete a profile or select the Dock to which you want to auto-...
  • Page 13: About

    ProDock Wireless Manager - 13 About The page displays the software version of the Manager and the firmware version of the Dock. You can also click the link to change more Dock settings.
  • Page 14: Web Gui Management

    14 - Web GUI Management G U I M A N A G E M E N T Access the Web Graphical User Interface (Web GUI) The Web GUI allows you to configure the Dock using your web browser. Follow the procedures below to log in and configure the settings: 1.
  • Page 15: Web Gui Management: Home

    Web GUI Management: Home - 15 G U I M A N A G E M E N T O M E The status page displays basic system information including an overview of system connections and a summary of the current system status.
  • Page 16: Management: Wi-Fi

    16 - Management: Wi-Fi A N A G E M E N T Use this page to configure the Dock’s Wi-Fi settings in IEEE 802.11ad or IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac modes . Note The Dock will reboot after you apply changes to Wi-Fi settings. You may need to reconnect to the Dock.
  • Page 17: 11Ac/11Bgn Settings

    Management: Wi-Fi - 17 11ac/11bgn Settings • Enable: Select the check box to use this frequency mode for the Dock. • Select mode: Use the Dock in IEEE 802.11ac mode or IEEE 802.11b/g/n mode. • SSID: The Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of the wireless network.
  • Page 18: Web Gui Management: Internet

    18 - Web GUI Management: Internet G U I M A N A G E M E N T N T E R N E T Use this page to change the WAN and LAN settings of the Dock. Note The Dock will reboot after you apply changes to WAN and LAN settings.
  • Page 19: Dhcp Server

    Web GUI Management: Internet - 19 • IPv4 Address: Enter the LAN IP address for the Dock. The default IP address is “”. Click Apply to apply the changes, or click Discard to undo your configurations. DHCP Server DHCP assigns LAN IP addresses for connected Wi-Fi devices. You can specify an IP address range that the Gateway can assign.
  • Page 20: Management: System

    20 - Management: System A N A G E M E N T Y S T E M Account Setting There are two accounts for using the Dock. You can change the password of the two accounts: Admin: The user name for accessing this Web UI. User: This user name for accessing the Dock through Samba.
  • Page 21: Backup Settings

    Management: System - 21 Backup Settings You can click the “Back Up” icon to save the Dock’s current settings to your computer. To load a configuration file, click the “Browse” icon to find a file that you have previously saved, and then click the “Restore” button to apply the settings.
  • Page 22: Reboot

    22 - Management: System Reboot Clicking the Reboot button will reboot the Dock.
  • Page 23: Management: Application

    Management: Application - 23 A N A G E M E N T P P L I C A T I O N USB Setting You can specify the function of each USB port: • NAS: Use the connected USB storage device as a NAS for LAN users to access files in the storage device.
  • Page 24: Samba

    24 - Management: Application Samba When you connect a USB storage device to the USB port that is specified for NAS functions (USB port 4, by default), users connecting to the LAN network of the Dock will be able to access the files/folders of the USB storage by entering “\\”...
  • Page 25 Management: Application - 25 Note NAS users will need to restart their computers to apply changes to access levels. • Login Permission: Specify whether authentication through user accounts is required for accessing this folder. Note You can go to System > Account Settings to change the password of the user.
  • Page 26: Specifications

    26 - Specifications P E C I F I C A T I O N S Wireless protocol IEEE 801.11ad/a/b/g/n/ac One RJ-45 port for GbE WAN or GbE LAN Ethernet port connection 1 × VGA port 1 × HDMI port 1 ×...
  • Page 27 - 27 Regulatory Information and Safety Guide...
  • Page 28: Tips And Information For Comfortable Use

    28 - Tips and information for comfortable use IP S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N F O R C O M F O R T A B L E U S E Important Some of the information in this guide may not apply to your computer.
  • Page 29 Tips and information for comfortable use - 29 • Avoid slouching forward and/or leaning backward. • Stand up and walk around regularly to remove the strain on your leg muscles. • Take short rests to relax your neck and shoulders. •...
  • Page 30 30 - Tips and information for comfortable use • using a display visor, such as a piece of cardboard extended from the display's top front edge. • Avoid adjusting your display to an awkward viewing angle. • Avoid looking at bright light sources for extended periods of time. Developing good work habits The following work habits make computer use more relaxing and productive:...
  • Page 31: Basic Care And Tips For Using Your

    Basic care and tips for using your computer - 31 A S I C C A R E A N D T I P S F O R U S I N G Y O U R C O M P U T E R Read these instructions carefully.
  • Page 32 32 - Basic care and tips for using your computer • Do not subject the computer to heavy shock or vibration. • Do not expose the computer to dust or dirt. • Never place objects on top of the computer. •...
  • Page 33: Safety Instructions

    Basic care and tips for using your computer - 33 Safety instructions Product servicing Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel when: •...
  • Page 34: Adapter Information

    34 - Basic care and tips for using your computer Adapter information Accessing the power Be sure that the power outlet you plug into is easily accessible and located as close to the equipment operator as possible. When you need to disconnect power to the equipment, be sure to unplug from the electrical outlet.
  • Page 35 Basic care and tips for using your computer - 35 • If this product's AC adapter is equipped with a three-wire grounded plug. The plug only fits in a grounded power outlet. Make sure the power outlet is properly grounded before inserting the AC adapter plug.
  • Page 36: Warnings And Regulatory Information

    36 - Warnings and regulatory information A R N I N G S A N D R E G U L A T O R Y I N F O R M A T I O N Emergency calls Warning You cannot make emergency calls through this device.
  • Page 37: Vehicles

    Warnings and regulatory information - 37 Vehicles RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor vehicles such as electronic fuel injection systems, electronic antiskid (anti-lock) braking systems, electronic speed control systems, and air bag systems. For more information, check with the manufacturer, or its representative, of your vehicle or any equipment that has been added.
  • Page 38: Disposal Instructions

    To minimize pollution and ensure utmost protection of the global environment, please recycle. For more information on the Waste from Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE) regulations, visit Wireless adapter regulatory information Radio frequency interference Warning For safety reasons, turn off all wireless or radio transmitting devices when using your laptop under the following conditions.
  • Page 39 Warnings and regulatory information - 39 hearing aids should not hold the device to the ear with the hearing aid. Do not place credit cards or other magnetic storage media near the device, because information stored on them may be erased. Use on aircraft Warning FCC and FAA regulations may prohibit airborne operation of radio-...
  • Page 40 40 - Warnings and regulatory information USA — FCC and FAA The FCC with its action in ET Docket 96-8 has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC certified equipment. The wireless adapter meets the Human Exposure limits found in OET Bulletin 65, supplement C, 2001, and ANSI/IEEE C95.1, 1992.
  • Page 41 Warnings and regulatory information - 41 with and /or damage this device. No configuration controls are provided for this wireless adapter allowing any change in the frequency of operations outside the FCC grant of authorization for U.S operation according to Part 15.407 of the FCC rules. USA —...
  • Page 42 42 - Warnings and regulatory information • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the equipment experiencing the interference. • Increase the distance between the wireless adapter and the equipment experiencing the interference. • Connect the computer with the wireless adapter to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the equipment experiencing the interference is connected.
  • Page 43 European Union directive 1999/5/EC. See Statements of European Union Compliance, and more details refer to the attached Declaration of Conformity. Hereby, ACER INC., declares that this devise is in English compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisionns of Directive 1999/5/EC.
  • Page 44 Français est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux [French] autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/ Hér með lýsir ACER INC. yfir því að er í samræmi við Íslenska grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerða r eru í tilskipun [Icelandic] 1999/5/EC.
  • Page 45 Warnings and regulatory information - 45 Ar šo ACER INC. deklarē, ka šī ierīce atbilst Latviski Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem [Latvian] ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem. Šiuo ACER INC. deklaruoja, kad šis įrenginys atitinka Lietuvių esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos [Lithuanian] nuostatas.
  • Page 46 ACER INC. vakuuttaa täten että tämä laite on Suomi direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä [Finnish] koskevienn direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen. Härmed intygar ACER INC. att denna enhet står i Svenska överensstämmelse med väsentliga egenskapskrav [Swedish] och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
  • Page 47 Warnings and regulatory information - 47 L’uso degli apparati è regolamentato da: 1. 1.8.2003, n. 259, articoli 104 (attività soggette ad autorizzazione generale) se utilizzati al di fuori del proprio fondo e 105 (libero uso) se utilizzati entro il proprio fondo, in entrambi i casi per uso private.
  • Page 48 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信 ; 經發現有干 擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線通信。 低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機 設備之干擾。 Modifications to the product Acer cannot be held responsible for unauthorized modifications made by the user and the consequences thereof, which may alter the conformity of the product. Compliant with Russian regulatory certification...

Table of Contents