Glossary Of Terms - Kestrel 800.784.4221 Instruction Manual

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manually adjust both values.
Active gun: When a gun is made active, ballistic
solutions for that gun pertaining to all active targets are
readily displayed. Ballistic solutions for guns that are
inactive are not displayed.
Aiming/Ballistic solution: This consists of sight
corrections for windage, elevation, and in the case of
a moving target, lead for a selected active gun and
target, along with other calculated values such as bullet
velocity and energy. On the main AB screen, only
elevation and windage are displayed. On the Range
Card and
Ballistic Info screens, detailed ballistic solution data is
subsonic: The speed at which the bullet is slower than
the speed of sound. Bullet velocities in this range will be
displayed with a large dot to the left of the value.
supersonic: The speed at which a bullet is gonig faster
than the speed of sound. Bullet velocities in this range
will have no dot next to them.
Target: A target is characterized by its direction, range,
inclination angle, and applicable wind; a moving
target has a direction and speed of motion. Targets are
identified by a single letter: up to five can be created,
designated by the letters A through E. It's important to
note that wind is specific to a target – each active target
has its own wind specification.
Transonic: The speed at which the bullet slows to
the speed of sound. This is also seen as the boundary
between supersonic and subsonic. Bullet velocities in
this range will be displayed with a small dot to the left
of the value.
Target screen
Active – tells whether this target is currently active
TR – target range
DoF – direction of fire (relative to true north)
Ideg – inclination angle (negative means the target is
below the shooter)
Icos – inclination cosine (cosine of the inclination angle)
Ts – target speed
TD – target direction of movement
WD – current wind direction (direction from which wind
is blowing, relative to DoF)
Ws1 – minimum current wind speed
Ws2 – maximum current wind speed
Gun screen
MV – muzzle velocity
DC – drag curve. The amount of drag (air resistance)
applied to the bullet across various bullet speeds.
BC – bullet ballistic coefficient
BW – bullet weight
BD – bullet diameter
Bl – bullet length
ZR – zero range
BH – bore height
ZH – zero height. If your Point of Aim does not exactly
equal your Point of Impact at the zero range, you can
enter how much the group is off center. In other words,
if you have 1/4 MOA clicks on a scope and the zero is
0.1" high, you can enter this here to account for the error
that's less than 1 click. A negative value indicates down.
ZO – zero offset. Same as above for the horizontal
direction; use a negative value to indicate left.
RT – rifling twist rate (distance in which bullet achieves
360 degrees of rotation)


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