Weight And Balance; Final Assembly - Kangke STAUDACHER GS-300 Assembly Manual

Table of Contents


cowl and apply one drop of thin CA to the screw
holes and allow to soak in {the CA will "wick" into
the wood hardening the
threads}. Locate and open the hole for access to the
glow plug as well as holes for the exhaust and
needle valve. Some engines may require opening
the side of the cowl for cylinder head clearance.
Start with small holes and slowly enlarge them for
proper fit.
Trim the canopy carefully along the scribed lines.
Sand the edge smooth, be careful not to scratch the
Locate the canopy for best fit, Tape securely. Drill
two 1/8-inch holes in each side of the canopy only
then secure with the supplied screws. Remove the
screws and harden the threads with CA as done
with the cowling.


Install the fuel line to the carb, vent line to the
muffler and allow the fill line to exit the opening in
the cowl bottom {the fill line will need to be
plugged any time fuel is in the tank, a correctly
sized screw will work or a plug may be purchased
from your local hobby store}. The supplied peel
and stick black trim sheet may be fit and installed
on the cockpit bottom. A pilot figure may be added
if you wish as well as any other cockpit details.
Additional paint and exterior trim such as decals
and numbers may be added. Whatever details you
add keep in mind that weight is the enemy of a high
performance aircraft KEEP IT LIGHT.


Nothing affects the way a plane flies more than
weight and balance. Failure to perform this
procedure may result in an aircraft that is at best
difficult to control and at worst impossible to fly.
Even small changes in the balance point make large
changes in stability. For your first flights we
recommend using a balance point at the forward
end of the center of gravity {C.G.} range, this
location will provide the most stability. As your
comfort and skill increase slowly move the C.G. aft
to increase the control response.
Lay a strip of masking tape along the top of each
wing as shown. Make two marks on the tape one 3-
1/4 inches and one 3-3/4-inches back from the
leading edge of the wing. Repeat on the other side
of the fuselage. These marks represent the limits of
the C.G. range.
Turn the aircraft upside down and support it from
between the two marks. Slide the battery pack to a
position where the plane will balance level to
slightly nose heavy. Mount the battery inside the
fuselage at the determined location. Install the on
off switch in a convenient location per the
manufactures instructions. Reinstall the wing and
check the C.G. again. If necessary add weight to the
nose or tail.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents