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Dell Latitude L400 User Manual page 70

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The Boot Screen lets you define the order of the devices from which the computer attempts to boot (see Table 1). When you turn on the computer,
it attempts to boot from the first option on the list. If no bootable files are present on the first option, the computer tries to boot from the second
option, and so on down the list (except where noted in Table 1).
To arrange the boot sequence, use the up- or down-arrow key to select a device, and then press <F6> to move the device up the list or <F5> to
move it down the list. For example, if you want to boot from your CD-ROM drive, highlight ATAPI CD-ROM Drive and use the <F6> key to move it
to the top of the list.
Table 1. Boot Screen Options
Removable Devices
If this option appears first on the list, the computer attempts to boot first from a bootable diskette. If there is a
diskette present but it does not contain the required boot files, an error message appears.
Hard Disk
If this option appears first on the list, the computer boots only from the hard-disk drive.
If this option appears first on the list, the computer attempts to boot first from a bootable CD. If it does not detect a
bootable CD in the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, the computer tries to boot from the next device on the list. If there
is a CD present but it does not contain the required boot files, an error message appears.
Boot to LAN
If this option appears first on the list, the computer to attempt to boot first from a local area network (LAN).
Assigning Passwords
To help
secure system
data, you can assign different levels of passwords at the Security screen of the system setup program. A user password
prevents unauthorized access to the computer at start-up. A  supervisor password controls access to the system setup program. A hard-disk drive
password helps prevent the unauthorized access of data on the hard-disk drive, even when the device is placed in another computer.
Set User Password
Set Supervisor Password
Set Internal HD Password
NOTE: Before assigning a user password, you must set a supervisor password. The user and supervisor passwords can be the same. 
To input, change, or disable a user, supervisor, or HD password, highlight the password, press <Enter>, and follow the instructions in the dialog
NOTE: To disable an existing user, supervisor, or HD password, press <Enter> in the Enter new password field of the dialog box.
NOTICE: Disabling the supervisor password disables the user password.
Password Status Options
The User Password and Supervisor Password options show the status (Clear — the default — or Set) of the user and supervisor passwords. 
The HD password option may display a setting of Clear, Set, or Locked.  When the HD Password option is Locked, it cannot be changed or
disabled during that computer session. You must first turn off the computer and then reenter system setup program during the boot routine, after
providing password identification.
Using the Battery Auto-Learning Utility
You can run the
Battery Auto-Learning utility
capacity. Run the utility when you suspect that the accuracy of the gauge may have diminished. However, do not run it more than once every two
months, or you risk reducing the service life of the battery.
To run the utility, go to the Power screen and change the Run Battery Learning setting to Enabled. Then, at the Exit screen, select Save
Changes and Exit. The learning process may take up to six hours to complete. You can stop the process at any time by pressing <Esc>.
After learning is complete, the Run Battery Learning option automatically reverts to its default setting of Disabled.
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to help maintain the accuracy of your battery gauge by keeping the battery aware of its full charge

