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Thank you for the purchase of your Ceriatone JM50/JM100 Joyful Music! guitar amplifier!

Table of Contents

1) About the 2
2) Quick 3
3) Front Panel 4
4) Rear Panel 7
5) Tube compliment and external bias jacks and 9
6) Frequently Asked 13
1) About the Joyful Music! 100W and 50W amplifiers
The release of our Overtone series of amplifiers has been overwhelmingly popular, and the support of customers such as you
has instigated the release of currently over ten different versions within the series. In addition, we have released the Klein-
ulator and C-lator effects loop interfaces specifically for use with our Overtone amplifiers. We have been pleased to provide
many players access to our unique take on these legendary amplifiers.
A few years ago, we finally released our flagship in the OTS series - the SSS. Around the time of this amplifier release, we
became swamped with requests to offer a version of a certain artist's signature amplifier, which has many similarities in design
to the SSS. However, the said amplifier was known for a rounder, more relaxed tone that compressed ever so sweetly. This
compression and roundness made for a different playing experience than the SSS. Unfortunately, the signature amplifier was
made in limited supply and was nearly unobtainable.
Years later, we finally were able to release our version of this sweet amplifier. Compared to the SSS, it is smoother, less loud,
and has a bouncier, vintage sound and feel. The SSS is all about power, headroom, and responsiveness. While each has
overlap, their strengths are truly different than one another.
Here, we hope to explain how best to use your new amp.

