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MTD 769-01645A Operator's Manual page 8

Automatic lawn tractor


Use extreme care
when handling
gaso nel
extremely flammable
and the vapors are
explosive: Never fuel
machine indoors
or while the engine
is hot or running,
Extinguish cigarettes,
cigars, pipes, and
other sources of
NOTE: This Operators
Manual Coversa range
of produCtspecifications
for VariousmodelS:
Characteristics and
and/or illustrated in
s manualmay not
applicable toall models:
MTD LLC reservesthe
right to change product
specifications, (Jesigns
and equipment without
notice and without incur-
i[ing obligatiOnl
Figure 1
NOTE:This OperatorsManualcoversa rangeof product
specifications for variousmodels.Characteristics and fea-
turesdiscussedand/orillustratedin this manualmay not
be applicableto all models.MTDLLCreservesthe right
to changeproductspecifications, d esignsand equipment
withoutnotice and withoutincurringobligation.
the Battery
NOTE:Thepositivebatteryterminalis markedPos. (+).
Thenegativebatteryterminalis markedNeg. (-).
Thepositivecable(heavy redwire) is securedto the
positivebatteryterminal(+)with a hexbolt and hex
nut at thefactory.Beforeattachingthe negativecable,
removethe batteryby removingthe positivecable
and hold-downstrap.Notethe dateon the sideof the
battery.Ifthe batteryis putinto serviceafter this date,
chargethe batteryas instructedin the Maintaining
YourLawnTractorsectionof this manualprior to
Securebatteryback ontothe tractorwith the hold-
downstrap.Reattachthe positivecable (heavyred
wire)to the positivebatteryterminal(+)with the bolt
and nut. Makecertain that the rubberbootcoversthe
terminalto help protectit fromcorrosion.
Removethehex boltand wing nutfrom the negative
Removetheblack plasticcover,if present,from the
negativebatteryterminaland attachthe negative
cable(heavy blackwire)to the negativebattery
terminal(-) withthe bolt and nut.
Makecertain thehold-downstrap is in positionover
the battery,securingit in place. See Figure1.
Gas and Oil Fill-up
Thegasolinetank is locatedunderthe hood and hasa
capacityof eithertwo or threegallons.Do notoverfill.
WARNING: Use extreme care
when handling gasoline. Gasoline
is extremely flammable and the
vapors are explosive. Never fuel
machine indoors or while the
engine is hot or running. Extin-
guish cigarettes, cigars, pipes,
and other sources of ignition.
Servicethe enginewith gasolineand oil as instructedin
the separateEngineOperator/Owner M anualpackedwith
IMPORTANT: Y ourtractoris shippedwith motoroil in the
engine.However, y ou MUSTcheckthe oil levelbefore
operating.Be careful notto overfill.



This manual is also suitable for:

601 series