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MTD 769-01645A Operator's Manual page 26

Automatic lawn tractor


Never exceed the
maximum inflation
pressure shown on the
sidewall of the tire.
Batteries give off an
explosive gaswhile
charging. Charge bat-
tery in a well ventilated
area and keep away
from an open flame
or pilot light as on a
water heater, space
heater, furnace, clothes
dryer or other gas
5. Lookingat the cuttingdeck from theleft sideof the
tractor,locatethe deck supportpin on the rearleft
sideof the deck. See Figure23.
6. Pull the deck supportpin outwardto releasethe deck
from thedeck lift arm.
7. Rotatethe pin slightlytowardthe rear of the tractor
and releasethe pin intothe hole provided.
8. Repeatthe abovestepson the tractor'srightside.
9. Movethe deck lift leverintothe top notchon the right
fenderto raisedeck lift arms up and out of the way.
10.Gentlyslidethe cuttingdeck towardthe frontof the
tractorallowingthe hookson the deck to release
themselvesfromthe deck stabilizerrod.
11.Gentlyslidethe cuttingdeck (from the rightside)out
from underneaththetractor.
WARNING: Never exceed the
maximum inflation pressure
shown on the sidewall of tire.
The recommended operatingtire pressureis:
• Approximately 10 psifor the rear tires
• Approximately 14psi for the fronttires
IMPORTANT:Referto the tire sidewallforexacttire
manufacturer's recommended or maximumpsi. Do not
overinflate.Uneventirepressurecouldcausethe cutting
deck to mow unevenly.
The batteryis sealedand is maintenance-free. Acid
levelscannotbe checked.
• Alwayskeepthe batterycablesand terminalsclean
and freeof corrosivebuild-up.
• Aftercleaningthe batteryand terminals,apply a light
coat of petroleum jellyor greaseto bothterminals.
• Alwayskeepthe rubberboot positioned overthe
positiveterminalto preventshorting.
IMPORTANT:Ifremovingthe batteryfor anyreason,
disconnectthe NEGATIVE (Black)wire fromit's terminal
first, followedby the POSITIVE(Red)wire. When
re-installingthe battery,alwaysconnectthe POSiTiVE
(Red)wire its terminalfirst, followedby the NEGATIVE
(Black)wire. Be certain that thewires are connectedto
polarityand result in damageto your engine'salternat-
ing system.
If the tractorhas not beenput into usefor an extended
periodof time,chargethe batterywith an automotive-type
12-voltchargerfora minimumof one hour at six amps.
WARNING: Batteries give off an
explosive gas while charging.
Charge battery in a well ventilated
area and keep away from an open
flame or pilot light as on a water
heater, space heater, furnace,
clothes dryer or other gas appli-
Jump Starting
WARNING:When removing or
installing the battery, follow
these instructionsto prevent the
screwdriver from shorting against
the frame.
IMPORTANT: N everjumpyourtractor'sdead batterywith
the batteryof a runningvehicle.
1. Connectend of one jumpercableto the positive
terminalof the good battery,thenthe otherend to the
positiveterminalof the dead battery.
2. Connectthe otherjumpercable to the negative
terminalof the good battery,thento the frame of the
unit with the dead battery.
WARNING" Failure to use this
procedure could cause sparking,
and the gas in either battery could
Cleanthe batteryby removingit fromthe tractorand
washingwith a bakingsodaand water solution.If neces-
sary,scrapethe batteryterminalswith a wire brushto
removedeposits.Coat terminalsand exposedwiringwith
greaseor petroleum jelly to preventcorrosion.
Somecommoncausesfor batteryfailureare:
• incorrectinitialactivation • undercharging
• overcharging
• corrodedconnections
• freezing
These failures are NOTcovered by your tractor's



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601 series