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Yaesu 857D Quick Manual page 5


The MENU on the other hand is a list of 91 single items that you may need to access less
frequently. It is accessed by pressing and holding the FUNC key for one second Also, some Multi
Function Keys will jump to a MENU item.
Place the radio in operation and use the Multi Function Keys.
1. Place the radio in operation – Do steps 1 to 7 from Task#1
Note: Display should show VFOa or VFOb.
2. Enable Multi function Key Menu Row Selection – Briefly Press and release the FUNC key
and within five seconds begin rotating the Select Knob (Near lwr L corner of display)
Change A, B, C key assignments to enable switching VFOs – Rotate the Select Knob either way
until Mfa [A/B, A=B, SPL] shows in the display.– (Select Knob -Lwr L corner of Fnt Panel)(
Note: Select Knob must be rotated within five seconds of pressing FUNC key or the Select
Knob will revert back to its previous operation, e.g. – rapid tuning. If this happens,
press the FUNC key again before doing this step)
1. Copy the contents of the current VFO to the VFO not being displayed – Press the B [A=B]
key. (Below display center)
Note: The radio remembers the VFO settings last used for each band and will return to the
last active VFO on that band. Some operators will set one VFO for CW and the other
for SSB.
2. Verify both VFOs are now the same & leave VFOa on display – Press the A [A/B] key to
toggle between VFOs and make VFOa the current VFO.
Note: The above 2 steps should make you ready to try the next step
3. Now try Split Frequency Operation described in FT-857 manual pg# 67. (When done, be sure
to exit split frequency mode by pressing the C key)
The DNS button (next to Pwr ON/OFF) is a convenience key to instantly set the A, B, C keys to
Multi Function row p. Pressing the DNS button a second time will return the , B, C keys to their
previous row. Try this a few times to become familiar with it.
A handy reference for Multi Function Key Menu rows and item detail can be found in Pages 24-30
of the FT-857 manual. Some Multi Function keys will jump to the MENU, so be sure to go on to
Task#4 and cover entering and exiting the MENU.
The MENU is a list of 91 single items that you may need to access to adjust operational
parameters or to customize the radio. It is accessed by pressing and holding the FUNC key for
one second We learned in Task#3 that some Multi Function Keys will jump to a MENU item.
Recognizing how the display looks when in the MENU and how to exit with or without changing
the setting is a helpful skill that is introduced in Task#4.

