Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 Help Manual

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10 Help Manual

Sony cyber-shot digital still camera help guide
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Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX10

  • Page 1 NB. Thi is manual w was produc ed by down nloading ev very page o of the Sony y online ma nual… http://w microsite/cy ybershot_u userguides/ DSC-RX10/ /eng/index .html …and c...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents EFORE Identifying parts  List of icons on the screen  Display panel  Using the shoulder strap  Attaching the eyepiece cup  Adjusting the viewfinder (diopter-adjustment)  About the [In-Camera Guide]  ONFIRMING THE OPERATION METHOD   Using the control wheel ...
  • Page 3 SING SHOOTING FUNCTIONS SING THE ZOOM Zoom  The zoom features available with this product  Zoom Setting  About zoom scale  Smart Telecon.  Zoom Func. on Ring  SING THE FLASH Using flash  Flash Mode  Flash Comp.
  • Page 4 Exp.comp.set  Zebra  Exposure Set. Guide  ELECTING A DRIVE MODE ONTINUOUS SHOOTING TIMER Drive Mode  Cont. Shooting  Spd Priority Cont.  Self-timer  Self-timer(Cont)  Cont. Bracket  Single Bracket  WB bracket  DRO Bracket ...
  • Page 5 Function of the left button  Function of the right button  Function of the down button  ETTING THE OTHER FUNCTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT Smile/Face Detect.  Soft Skin Effect (still image)  Face Registration (New Registration)  Face Registration (Order Exchanging) ...
  • Page 6 HANGING SETTINGS ETUP MENU Monitor Brightness  Viewfinder Bright.  Finder Color Temp.  Volume Settings  Audio signals  Upload Settings(Eye-Fi)  Tile Menu  Mode Dial Guide  Delete confirm.  Display Quality  Pwr Save Start Time ...
  • Page 7 RANSFERRING IMAGES TO A COMPUTER Send to Computer  RANSFERRING IMAGES TO A View on TV  HANGING THE SETTINGS OF I FUNCTIONS Airplane Mode  WPS Push  Access Point Set.  Edit Device Name  Disp MAC Address ...
  • Page 8 UMBER OF RECORDABLE STILL IMAGES AND RECORDABLE TIME OF MOVIES Number of still images  Recordable time of movies  SING THIS PRODUCT ABROAD Plug adaptor  On TV color systems  THER INFORMATION Carl Zeiss lens  AVCHD format ...
  • Page 9: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting F YOU HAVE PROBLEMS Troubleshooting  ATTERY PACK AND POWER You cannot insert the battery pack into the product.  You cannot turn on the product.  The power turns off suddenly.  The remaining battery level indicator shows an incorrect level. ...
  • Page 10 [Send to Computer] is canceled halfway.  You cannot send movies to a smartphone.  [Ctrl w/ Smartphone] or [Send to Smartphone] is canceled halfway.  The shooting screen for [Ctrl w/ Smartphone] is not displayed  smoothly./The connection between this product and the smartphone is disconnected.
  • Page 11: Before Use

    So ony web s site, or co onsult you ur Sony d dealer or local auth horized S servic e facility. You can also use accessor ries that a...
  • Page 12 Display pa anel illum mination) b button 2. Microp phone 3. Viewfi nder 4. Diopte er-adjustm ment dial 5. MOVIE E (Movie) ) button (Fla ash pop-u up) butto 7. Displa ay panel 8. C (Cus stom) but tton 9. Hook f for should der strap Memory...
  • Page 13 eadphone es) jack 5. Multi T Terminal Suppo orts Micro o USB com mpatible d device. 6. HDMI micro jac 7. Charg e lamp 8. Light s sensor 9. LCD sc creen You ca an adjust the scree en to an e easily vie ewable an ngle and s...
  • Page 14: List Of Icons On The Screen

    NFC (N Near Field d Commu unication) ) is an int ternationa al standar rd of the short- range wireless commun ication te echnology 4. Batter ry eject le ever 5. Batter ry insertio on slot 6. Conne ection pla te cover Use th his when...
  • Page 15 P P* A S M Shooting mode Memory n number Memory c card/Uploa ading statu Scene Rec cognition i icons Scene Sel lection Remaining g number Aspect rat tio of still images 20M / / 18M / 1 7M / 13M M / 10M / / 7.5M / 6.5M / 5 .0M / 4.2 2M / 3.7M M / Image siz...
  • Page 16 Remaining g battery Remaining g battery w warning Flash char rge in prog gress AF Illumin nator SteadySh Camera-s hake warn ning Airplane M Mode Overlay ic No audio recording of movies Wind Nois se Reducti Setting Ef ffect OFF Write Dat 16 ...
  • Page 17 Smart tele econverte Database file full/Da atabase fi le error Overheati ng warnin Smart Zoo Clear Ima age Zoom Digital Zo Spot mete ering area C:32:0 Self-diagn nosis displ Digital lev vel gauge Audio leve View Mod 100-0 0003 Folder - fi le number Recording g format of...
  • Page 18 Protect DPOF DPOF set Auto Obje ect Framin Drive Mod Metering m mode Flash mod de/Red-ey e reductio ±0 Flash com mpensation Focus mod 7500K A A 5 G5 White bala ance Focus are D-Range O Optimizer/ /Auto HDR ND filter 18 ...
  • Page 19 Creative S Style Lock-on A Picture Eff fect Smile detection n sensitiv ity indica ator ock on AF Lock on A AF guide REC 0 Recording g time of t he movie (m:s) Manual rin ng functio Control w heel funct tion Control di al function...
  • Page 20: Display Panel

    ±0 Metered M Manual ±0 Exposure compensa ation ISO40 ISO sensit tivity AE lock Shutter sp peed indic ator Aperture i indicator Histog gram Picture Eff fect error Auto HDR R image wa arning 2013- -1-1 10:37 Date of re ecording File numb ber/Numbe...
  • Page 22 UMBE ER OF RECO RDABLE IM AGES ND F LTER Even if the nu mber of r recordabl e images s is higher r than 9,9 999 imag “9999 ” will app pear on th he display y panel. O TUR RN ON THE DISPLAY PA ANEL BACKL...
  • Page 23: Using The Shoulder Strap

    Using g the sho oulder st trap Attach h the shou ulder stra ap to prev vent dam age caus ed by dro opping th produ 1. Attach h both en ds of the strap. Attac ching the e eyepie ce cup It is re ecommen nded that you atta ch the ey...
  • Page 24: Adjusting The Viewfinder (Diopter-Adjustment)

    Adjus sting the e viewfin nder (dio opter‐ad djustme nt) Adjust t the diop pter-adjus stment di ial to you r eyesigh ht until th e display appea ars clearly y in the vi iewfinder 1. Turn t the diopte er-adjustm ment dial Abou t the [In n‐Camera...
  • Page 25: Confirming The Operation Method

    Confi irmin ng the e ope eratio on me ethod Using g the con ntrol wh eel When you turn or press the top/b bottom/r ight/left s side of th e control wheel , you can n select se etting item ms. Your selection n is determ mined wh you pr ress...
  • Page 26: Using The Fn (Function) Button

    2. Select t the desi red MENU U item us sing the u p/down/l eft/right side of th contro ol wheel o or by turn ning the c control wh heel, and then pre center r of the co ontrol wh heel.
  • Page 27: Using The "Quick Navi

    2. Select t a functio on to be r registered d by pres sing the u up/down/ /left/right t side of the control w wheel. 3. Set th he desired d setting b by turning g the con ntrol whee Some functions s can be f...
  • Page 28 1. Press the DISP P (Display Setting) button o on the con ntrol whee el repeate edly until t he screen n is set to o [For vie wfinder]. 2. Press Fn (Funct tion) butt ton to sw witch the s screen to Quick Na avi screen...
  • Page 29: Shooting

    hootin Shoo ting sti ill image es/mov vies Shoot ting still l images 1. Set th he shootin ng mode t (Intellige nt Auto). 2. Adjust t the mon nitor angl e, and ho old the ca amera. Or r look thro ough the viewfi nder and...
  • Page 30: Shooting Movies

    ights: Image e is in the e focus. T he focuse ed positio on will cha ange to s uit the m motion of the subject. ights: The fo ocusing is s in progre ess. ashes: The fo ocusing ha as failed.
  • Page 31 2. Press the MOVI IE button again to stop rec ording. Note If you use a fun nction su ch as zoo om while shooting a movie, , the nois e of  the pr roduct ope erating w will be rec orded.
  • Page 32 S (Sh utter Pr iority): Allows s you to s shoot fast t-moving subjects etc., by m manually adjusting g the shutte er speed. M (Ma anual Ex xposure) Allows s you to s shoot still images w with the d desired ex xposure b by adjust...
  • Page 33: Superior Auto

    The pr roduct wi ll not rec ognize th he scene w when you u shoot im mages wit  zoom functions s other th an optica al zoom. The pr roduct ma ay not pr roperly re cognize t these sce nes unde er some...
  • Page 34: About Scene Recognition

    Abou t Scene R Recogni tion Scene e Recognit tion opera ates in [I ntelligent t Auto] m mode and [Superio Auto] mode. This fu unction allo ows the pr roduct to a automatic ally recog nize the sh hooting conditi ions and s shoot the i mage.
  • Page 35: Program Auto

    In [Int telligent A Auto] mo ode, you m may not b be able to o shoot da ark scene es or  back-l lit subject ts clearly In [Su uperior Au uto] mode e, the rec cording p rocess ta kes longe er, since t ...
  • Page 36 3. While p pressing t he shutter r button h alfway dow wn, aim th he camera a at one en nd of the de sired pano oramic com mposition. (A) Th his part w will not be shot. 4. Press t the shutte er button f ully down.
  • Page 37: Scene Selection

    When a light sou urce such as a fluore escent ligh ht flickers, , the brigh htness and d color  of a st itched ima age may n not be cons sistent. When t the whole angle of p panoramic c shooting and the A...
  • Page 38 acro: Shoots clo ose-ups of f the subje ects, such as flowers s, insects, food, or s small items. andscape: Shoots th e entire ra ange of a s scenery in n sharp foc cus with v ivid colors Sunset: Shoots th e red of th he sunset...
  • Page 39 Shoots nig ght scenes s with less s noise and d blur with hout using g a tripod. burst of s hots are ta aken, and image pr ocessing i s applied t to reduce subject bl ur, camer ra-shake, a and noise.
  • Page 40: Shutter Priority

    To cha ange the sc cene, rota ate the con ntrol dial o on the sho oting scre een and se elect a  new sc cene. Shutt ter Prior rity You ca an expres ss the mo ovement o of a movi ng subjec ct in vario ous ways...
  • Page 41: Manual Exposure

    If prop per exposu ure cannot t be obtain ned after s setup, the shutter sp peed on th  shootin ng screen blinks. Alt though yo ou can sho ot as it is, , resetting g is recomm mended. The br rightness o of the imag...
  • Page 42: Bulb

    You ca an change the shutte er speed a and apertu ure (F-valu ue) combin nation with hout  changi ng the set t exposure e value by y rotating t the apertu ure ring wh hile pressi ng the AEL bu utton.
  • Page 43: Movie

    Registe er shootin g settings s in advanc ce by [Mem mory].  If you set [Memo ory recall] ] after com mpleting th he shootin g settings s, the regis stered  setting gs are give en priority and the o original set ttings may y become...
  • Page 44: Using The Zoom

    Using g shoo oting g func ctions Using g the zo Zoom Enlarg ge images s using th he W/T (z zoom) lev ver when shooting. 1. Enlarg ge images s with the e W/T (zo oom) leve er when s hooting. Move the W/T (zoom) le...
  • Page 45: Zoom Setting

    Note The de efault set tting for t he [Zoom m Setting ] is [Optic cal zoom only].  The de efault set tting for [ age Size] is [L]. To o use the smart zo  chang mage Siz e] to [M] or [S].
  • Page 46: About Zoom Scale

    Abou t zoom s scale The zoom m scale th hat is use d in comb bination w with optic cal zoom 8.3x  changes according g to the s selected im mage size e. Optical l zoom 8. 3x is equivalen nt to 35 m mm-forma at focal le...
  • Page 47: Using The Flash

    When using the e W/T (zo oom) leve er to chan nge the zo oom scale When recording g movies When using zoo om funct ions othe er than th e optical zoom. Using g the fla Using g flash In dar rk environ nments, u use the fla...
  • Page 48: Flash Comp

    1. MENU (Camera Settings) → [Flash h Mode] → → desired d setting. → Menu item deta ails ash Off: Flash doe es not op erate. utoflash: Fires in d dark envir ronments s or when shooting g towards s bright lig ght.
  • Page 49: Switching The Screen Display (Shooting)

    The hi igher flas h effect m may not b be visible due to th he limited d amount t of  flash l ight avai lable, if th he subjec ct is outsi de the m aximum range of flash.
  • Page 50 Histog gram Level For vie ewfinder* * [For vie ewfinder] is n ot displayed i n viewfinder m mode. Some display m methods a are not d isplayed in the def fault setti ings. The di isplayed s screen va aries depe ending on n the sett...
  • Page 51: Disp Button (Finder)

    Note Histog gram is no ot display yed during g panora ma shoot ting.  In mo vie mode e, [For vie ewfinder] cannot b be display yed.  Hint You ca an select different settings for both t the viewf finder and d the mon nitor.
  • Page 52: Image Size (Still Image)

    Graph hic Display Shows ba asic shoot ting infor rmation. G Graphical ly shows the shutt speed an nd apertur re value. Displa ay All Info Shows re ecording i nformatio No Dis sp. Info.: Does not t show rec cording in nformatio Histog...
  • Page 53: Aspect Ratio (Still Image)

    Note When uality] is s set to [RA AW] or [R RAW & JPE EG], the i image siz ze for  RAW i mages co orrespond ds to [L]. Aspec ct Ratio ( still imag Sets t he aspect t ratio of still imag ges.
  • Page 54: Panorama: Size

    Extra fine: File fo ormat: JPE The im mage is co ompresse ed in the J JPEG form mat and r recorded using a h higher quality y than wi th [Fine] Fine ( (default setting) File fo ormat: JPE The im mage is co ompresse...
  • Page 55: Adjusting The Focus

    1. MENU (Camera Settings) → [Pano orama: Di irection] → → desired → setting Menu item de etails Right t (default t setting Pan th he camera a from th e left to t the right. Left: Pan th he camera a from th e right to o the left.
  • Page 56: Focus Area

    MF (M Manual F Focus): Adjust ts the foc cus manu ally. Note If the subject is s too clos se, the im mage may y show an ny dust or r fingerpr ints  on the e lens. Wi ipe the le ns with a a soft clot...
  • Page 57: Manual Focus

    The fo ocus is loc cked. 3. Keep p pressing the shutt ter button n halfway down, an nd place t the subje back i n the orig ginal posi tion to re e-compos se the sho 4. Press the shutt ter button n down fu ully to tak...
  • Page 58: Mf Assist (Still Image)

    When you rota te the ma anual ring g, the foc cus distan ce is disp played on n the screen MF As ssist (stil l image) Enlarg ges the im mage on t the screen n automa atically to make ma anual foc cusing easier r.
  • Page 59: Focus Magnif. Time

    The [F Focus Mag gnifier] fu unction w will be rele eased whe en the sh hutter but tton is  presse ed halfwa You ca an record images w while an image is enlarged, , but the product  record ds a full-d display im...
  • Page 60: Peaking Color

    The ou utline of i in-focus r ranges is not enha anced whe en the pro oduct is  conne cted usin ng an HDM MI cable. Peaki ing Color Sets t he color u used for t the peaki ng functi on in Man nual Focu us or Dire...
  • Page 61: Pre-Af (Still Image)

    2. Align t the targe t frame a and the su ubject to be tracke ed, and p press in the center Note The [L Lock-on A AF] functio on may n not operat te well in the follow wing ...
  • Page 62: Af Illuminator (Still Image)

    1. MENU Custom S Settings) → → [Custo om Key Se ettings] → → button to be → assign ned → [AF F/MF Con trol Hold] ] or [AF/M MF Ctrl To oggle]. Menu item de etails AF/MF F Control Hold: Switches the focu...
  • Page 63: Eye Af

    Eye A Focuse es on a p person’s e eyes when n you pre ess the bu utton. 1. MENU Custom S Settings) → → [Custo om Key Se ettings] → → assign → [Eye A AF] functi on to the e desired key.
  • Page 64: Adjusting The Exposure

    Note If the subject is s closer t han the m minimum shooting g distance e, the focu  canno t be conf firmed. M ake sure you put e enough d istance b between t subjec ct and the e product Adjus sting the...
  • Page 65: Ae Lock

    1. MENU (Camera Settings) → [Mete ering Mod e] → des sired setti → Menu item de etails Multi (de efault set tting): Measu ures light on each area afte er dividing g the tota l area int to multipl areas and dete ermines th...
  • Page 66: Ael W/ Shutter (Still Image)

    The ex xposure i s locked, (AE lock) ) lights up 3. Keep p pressing the AEL b button an nd focus o on a subje ect, then shoot. Keep h holding th he AEL bu utton dow wn while t taking a s shot if yo u want to...
  • Page 67 When [Focus M Mode] is s set to [Co ontinuous AF] and L w/ shut tter] is  [Off] o or [Auto] , the ape rture is fi ixed at th he momen nt you pre ess the s hutter button n halfway y.
  • Page 68 Sets t he guide displayed d when ex xposure s settings a are chang ged in the shooti ng screen 1. MENU Custom S Settings) → → [Expos sure Set. Guide] → → desired → setting Menu item de etails Off: Does n not displa...
  • Page 69: Dro Bracket

    Single B Bracket: Shoot s a specif fied numb ber of ima ages, one e by one, each wit h a differ rent degree e of brigh htness. WB b racket: Shoot s a total o of three i mages, e each with a differe nt degree...
  • Page 70 Self‐ti imer The pr roduct sh hoots an i mage usi ng the se elf-timer w with a 10 0-second o or 2- second d delay. 1. MENU Camera Se ettings) → → [Drive Mo ode] → [S Self-timer] → 2.
  • Page 71 button n until the e bracket recordin g is comp pleted. You ca an select an image e that suit ts your in ntention, after reco ording. 1. MENU Camera Se ettings) → → [Drive Mo ode] → [C Cont. Brack ket] →...
  • Page 72 The las st shot is s shown on the Auto R Review.  When [ISO AUTO O] is selec cted in [Ma anual Expo osure] mo ode, the ex xposure is  change ed by adju usting the ISO value e.
  • Page 73 Single Bra acket: 2.0 0EV 3 Ima age: This settin ng shoots a total of three ima ges in a ro ow with an n exposur e value shifted by y plus or m minus 2.0 E Single Bra acket: 3.0 0EV 3 Ima age: This settin...
  • Page 74 DRO Brac ket: Lo (d efault sett ting): Records a a series of three ima ages with s small chan nges in the e D-Range Optimizer r value. DRO Brac ket: Hi: Records a a series of three ima ages with l arge chan nges in the e D-Range...
  • Page 75 80/10 00/125/ /160/20 00/250/3 320/400 0/500/6 40/800/ /1000/1 1250/ 1600/ /2000/2 2500/32 200/4000 0/5000/ /6400/8 8000/100 000/128 800: You ca an reduce e image b blurring in n dark loc cations or r with mov ving subj jects by inc creasing t he ISO se ensitivity...
  • Page 76 Corre ecting the e brightn ness or c contrast D‐Ran nge Opt. ( (DRO) By div viding the e image in nto small areas, th he produc t analyze es the con ntrast of ligh ht and sha adow betw ween the e subject a and the b backgroun...
  • Page 77 Sets the e exposure d difference, , based on n the contr rast of the e subject. Select the optim al level be etween 1.0 0 EV (wea k) and 6.0 0 EV (stron ng). For examp ple, if you set the ex xposure v alue to 2.0...
  • Page 78 The color temperatu ure is adju usted for a a cloudy sk ncandesce The color temperatu ure is adju usted for p places und der an inca andescent lamp, or under b bright ligh ting, such h as in a ph hoto studi Fluor.: W arm White...
  • Page 79 [White e Balance] is fixed to o [Auto] in n the follow wing situa tions:  [Intelli igent Auto [Super rior Auto] [Scene e Selection Captu uring a ba asic whit e color in n [Custom m Setup] mode In a sc cene whe ere the am mbient lig ght consis sts of mul...
  • Page 80 Pop Color: Creates a vivid look k by emph asizing co olor tones. Posterizatio Creates a high cont trast, abst ract look b by heavily emphasiz zing prima colors, or in black a and white. Retro Photo Creates th he look of an aged p photo with h sepia colo...
  • Page 81 Watercolor Creates a n image w with ink ble eed and b lurring eff ects as if p painted us sing watercolo llustration Creates a n illustrati on-like im mage by em mphasizing g the outli ines. You ca an perform m detailed settings fo or the follo...
  • Page 82 Creati ive Style Allows s you to s select the desired i image pro ocessing. You can adjust expos ure (shut tter speed d and ape erture) as s you like with [Cre eative Sty yle], unlike e with [Sc cene Selec ction] wh here the p product ad...
  • Page 83 The satura ation, con trast, and sharpnes ss are heig ghtened fo or shooting g vivid and crisp scenery. D Distant lan ndscapes a also stand out more Sunset: For shooti ing the be autiful red d of the se etting sun.
  • Page 84 Select t the six s style box (the boxe es with n umbers o on the left t side ( )) to r register p referred s settings. Then sele ect the de esired set ttings usi ng the right s side of th e control wheel.
  • Page 85 interla aced mod e, with D Dolby Digi tal audio , in AVCH HD format 24p/2 5p: Movie es are rec corded at t approxim mately 24 4 frames/ /sec (for 1080 60i-co ompatible e devices) or 25 fra ames/sec c (for 108 0 50i-com mpatible...
  • Page 86 Records s tandard im mage qual ity movies s of 1920× × 1080 (24 4p/25p). T This produces a cinema- -like atmos sphere. Bit-rate: A Average 1 7 Mbps File For mat]:[M 1440× 1080 12M M (default setting): Records m movies of 1 1440 ×...
  • Page 87: Audio Level

    Off: Does not provide [ Stead dyShot]. If you change th he setting for [ SteadySh hot], the a ngle of vie ew will cha ange.  Audio o Recordi ing Sets w whether t o record sounds w when shoo oting mov vies.
  • Page 88 1. MENU Camera Se ettings) → → [Audio Re ec Level] → → desired setting. → ENU I ITEM DETAI Turns up t the audio recording level. −: Turns dow wn the aud dio recordi ing level. Reset Resets s the aud io record ing level to the de...
  • Page 89 ENU I ITEM DETAI Reduc ces wind n noise. Off (d default s setting): Does n not reduc ce wind n oise. Setting g this item m to [On] w where win d is not bl lowing suf fficiently h ard may c cause ...
  • Page 90 Alway ys (defau ult settin ng): Starts s movie re ecording w when you u press th he MOVIE button in n any mo ode. Movie e Mode O Only: Starts s movie re ecording w when you u press th he MOVIE button o only if the...
  • Page 91 Funct tion Menu u Set. You ca an assign the func tions to b be called up when you pres ss the Fn (Funct tion) butt ton. 1. MENU Custom S Settings) → → [Funct ion Menu Set.] → set a fun nction →...
  • Page 92 Funct tion of th e C butto Once y you assig gn a funct tion to the e C butto on, you ca an perform m that fu nction by sim mply press sing the C C button when the e shooting g informa ation scre en is display...
  • Page 93 The fu unctions t that can b be assigne ed are dis splayed o on the set tup item select ion scree Funct tion of th e down b button Once y you assig gn a funct tion to the e down b button, yo ou can pe rform tha functio...
  • Page 94 IPS FO OR CAPTURI ING SMILES S MORE EFF FECTIVELY Do not t cover the e eyes wit h front ha ir and kee ep the eye s narrowe  Do not t obscure t the face b y a hat, m masks, sun nglasses, e etc.
  • Page 95 When Soft t Skin Effe ect] is set to [On], y you can se elect the ef ffect level  Face R Registrat tion (New w Registr ration) If you register faces in a advance, the prod uct can d etect the e registere face a s a priori ty when...
  • Page 96 1. MENU Camera Se ettings) → → [Red Eye e Reductio n] → desir red setting → ENU I ITEM DETAI The fla ash is alw ways fired d to reduc ce the red d-eye phe enomenon Off (d default s setting): Does n not use R...
  • Page 97 Stead yShot (st till image Sets w whether o or not to u use the S SteadySho ot functio 1. MENU Camera Se ettings) → → [ eadyShot] → desire d setting. → ENU I ITEM DETAI On (d default se etting): Uses [ [SteadyS hot].
  • Page 98 Low: Activates high ISO noise redu uction mod derately. S Select this s to priorit ize the timing of shooting. Off: Does not activate h igh ISO no oise reduc ction. Write e Date (st till image Sets w whether t o record a shootin ng date on n the still...
  • Page 99 AdobeR RGB: This has a a wide ran ge of colo or reproduc ction. Whe en a large part of th subject is vivid gree en or red, Adobe RG GB is effec tive. The f file name of the image sta arts with “_ _DSC.”...
  • Page 100 Displays t the record ed image on the scr reen right after shoo oting for t selected d duration of f time. If y you perfor rm a magn nifying ope eration du ring Auto Revi ew, you ca an check t that image e using the e magnifie...
  • Page 101 When y you use a third-part ty flash, s uch as a s studio flash h, Live Vie ew Display y may  be dar k for some e shutter s speed sett tings. Whe en [Live V iew Displa ay] is set t [Settin ng Effect O...
  • Page 102 Dial / / Wheel L Lock You ca an set wh hether the e dial and d wheel w will be lock ked by pr ressing an holdin ng the Fn (Function n) button 1. MENU ustom Set ttings) → [Dial / Wh heel Lock] →...
  • Page 103 Off: Disabl les the [N ND Filter] function. When t the ND filt ter is activ vated, the icon is dis s played on n the botto o m of the  screen 103   ...
  • Page 104 iewin Viewin ng still im mages Playin ng back i mages Plays back the recorded images. 1. Press t Playback) button to o switch to o the playb back mode 2. Select the image e with the control w heel. The pr roduct crea ates an im mage datab...
  • Page 105 9 Ima ages (de efault set tting)/25 5 Images O RET TURN TO SIN NGLE IMAG GE PLAYBAC Select t the desi red imag e and pre n the cent ter of the e control w wheel. ISPLA AYING A DES SIRED IMAG GE QUICKLY Select...
  • Page 106 Menu i item detai Multip ple Img. Delete es the sel ected ima ages. (1) Se elect the i images to o be delet ted, then press on the c center of contro ol wheel. mark is d displayed d in the ch heck box.
  • Page 107 : Display ys the nex t frame  : Display ys the prev vious fram  Sound vo olume adju ustment  Closes the e operatio n panel  “Forwa ard slow p layback,” “Reverse slow playb back,” “Dis splays the e next fram me”...
  • Page 108 Multip ple Img. Select ts images s to order printing. (1) Se elect an im mage and d press on the center of f the cont trol whee l. A mark is di splayed i n the che eck box. T To cancel the selec ction, pre...
  • Page 109 AVCH HD View: Displa ays only A AVCHD-fo rmat mov vies. Displa ay Rotati Select ts the orie entation w when play ying back k recorded d still ima ages. 1. MENU Playback) → [Displa ay Rotatio n] → desir red setting →...
  • Page 110 You ca an activate e a slidesh ow only w when [View w Mode] is s set to [D ate View]  [Folder r View(Sti ll)]. Rotate Rotate es a recor rded still image co ounter-clo ockwise. 1. MENU Playback) →...
  • Page 111 Cancel l All in this s Folder: Cancels th he protect ion of all s still image es in the se elected fol lder. Cancel l All with t his date: Cancels th he protect ion of all s still image es in the se elected da ate range.
  • Page 112 T TV screen This pr roduct is c compatible e with the “PhotoTV HD” stand dard. If yo ou connect t Sony  PhotoT TV HD-com mpatible de evices usin ng an HDM MI cable (s sold separ rately), th...
  • Page 113 6. Press t the SYNC MENU but ton on the e TV Remo ote Contro ol, and sele ect the de sired mode. Only T TVs that su upport “BR RAVIA” Syn nc can pro ovide SYNC C MENU op perations.
  • Page 114 hangi ing se etting Setup menu Monit tor Brigh htness You ca an adjust the brigh htness of the scree 1. MENU (Setup) → → [Monito or Brightn ness] → d desired se etting. → Menu item de etails Auto (default t setting) Adjust ts the brig ghtness a...
  • Page 115 Finde er Color T Temp. Adjust ts the col or tempe erature of f the elect tronic vie wfinder. 1. MENU (Setup) → → [Finder r Color Te emp.] → d desired se etting. → Menu item de etails -2 to o +2: When yo u select “...
  • Page 116 For de etails, refe er to the manual s supplied w with the E Eye-Fi car 3. Insert t the Eye- -Fi card y ou have s set up int to the pro oduct, and d shoot s still image Image es are tra nsferred...
  • Page 117 Wirele ess LAN c ommunic cation ma y be influ uenced by y other co ommunica ation  device es. If the commun ication st tatus is po oor, move e closer t to the acc cess point t to be con nnected.
  • Page 118 "Canc cel" first t (defaul t setting [Cance el] is sele ected as t the defau lt setting Displa ay Qualit You ca an change e the disp play quali ity. 1. MENU (Setup) → → [Display y Quality] ] → desire ed setting →...
  • Page 119 Note This fu unction is s provided d with 10 80 50i-co ompatible e devices only. It is s not  provid ded with 1 1080 60i- -compatib ble device es. The 10 080 50i-c compatibl device es have a “50i”...
  • Page 120 Note You ca an set thi s item on nly when the produ uct is pow wered by the AC-P PW20  AC Ad aptor (so old separa ately). Even i if [On] is selected, , the prod duct does s not start t a demon nstration...
  • Page 121 [CTRL FOR HDM I] is availa able only w with a “BR RAVIA” Sy nc-compat tible TV.  HDMI I Info. Dis splay Select ts whethe er to displ lay the sh hooting in nformatio n when th his produ uct and the TV V are con nected us...
  • Page 122: Date Format

    If Devi ice Stage* * is not dis splayed wi ith Window ws 7 or Wi indows 8, set [USB  Connec ction] to [ [Auto]. * Dev ice Stage e is a men nu screen n used to manage connected d devices s, such...
  • Page 123 Area S Setting Sets t he area w where you u are usin ng the pro oduct. 1. MENU (Setup) → → [Area S Setting] → → desired area. → Forma Forma ats (initia lizes) the memory y card. Wh hen you u use a mem mory card d with...
  • Page 124 You ca annot selec ct the fold er when y you select the [Date Form] set tting. New F Folder Create es a new folder in the mem mory card. . A new fo older is cr reated wi ith a folder number one grea...
  • Page 125 Recov ver Image e DB If ima ge files w were proc essed on a compu uter, prob lems may y occur in n the image e database e file. In such case es, the im mages on the mem mory card will not be e played b...
  • Page 126 For details s on “Play Memories Mobile,” r refer to th e support page (http://ww net/pmm/) Conne ecting an n Android d smartp hone to t this prod duct 1. Launc h “PlayMe emories M Mobile” on...
  • Page 127   Conne ecting th e produc ct to an iP Phone or r iPad Select th e model n name of t this produ uct (DIRE ECT-xxxx : xxxx) o n the  Wi-Fi set ting scree en of you ur iPhone or iPad. Input the e passwor rd display yed on th is produc...
  • Page 128 Contro olling this s product t using a Smartph hone Ctrl w w/ Smartp phone You ca an use a sm martphone e as the re emote con ntroller for this produ uct and sh hoot  still im mages. Still l images s shot via re emote cont trol are se...
  • Page 129 This pr roduct sha ares the co onnection informatio on for [Sen nd to Sma artphone] with a  device that has permission n to conne ect. If you want to c change the e device th hat is permit tted to con nnect to th he product...
  • Page 130 If you cannot ma ake a conn nection, d o as the fo ollowing:  Launch h “PlayMem mories Mo obile” on yo our smart tphone, an nd then mo ove the smartp phone slow wly toward d the (N mark) of this pro oduct.
  • Page 131 Selec t on Sma artphone Displa ays all ima ages reco orded on t the produ uct’s mem mory card d on the smart phone. You ca an select a n image s size to be s sent to the e smartph one from [Original]...
  • Page 132 Before you touch h the sma rtphone, c cancel the sleep and d lock-scre een functio ons of the sm martphone. The NF FC function n is availa ble only w when the (N ma ark) is disp played on produc Touch the smart...
  • Page 133 1. Start y your comp puter. 2. MENU Wireless) → → [Send to o Compute er]. → Depen ding on th he applicat tion settin gs of your r compute r, the prod duct will tu urn off  after s aving the images to o your com...
  • Page 134 Date View: Select ts from [A All] and [A All in Dat te Rng.]. Interv val: Select ts from [S Short] an d [Long]. Effect ts*: Select t from [O n] and [O Off]. Playb back Ima age Size: Select t from [HD D] and [4 4K].
  • Page 135 setting g is set to WEP or yo our access s point doe es not sup port the W WPS butto metho d, perform m [Access Point Set. For det tails about t the avail lable funct tions and s settings of f your acc cess point,...
  • Page 136 Access s points wi ithout the mark d do not req uire a pas ssword. 4. Select [OK]. OW TO O USE THE KEYBOARD When manual c character r entry is required, , a keybo ard is dis splayed on n the screen 1.
  • Page 137 Depen nding on t the status s or the s setting m ethod of your acce ess point, , you may w want to se et more it tems. PIN: Displa ays the PI IN code y ou enter into the c connected d device.
  • Page 138 Note After r resetting th he connec ction inform mation, an nd if you c connect thi is product t to the  smartp phone, you u must reg gister the smartpho ne again. Reset t Network k Set. Resets s all the n network s settings to o default...
  • Page 139 Viewing on computers Recommended computer environment The following computer environment is recommended when using the software “PlayMemories Home” and “Image Data Converter”. INDOWS OS (pre-installed): Windows Vista SP2*/Windows 7 SP1/Windows 8 “PlayMemories Home” CPU: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz or faster (For playing/editing the High Definition movies: Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz or faster/Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHz or faster, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz or faster (AVC HD (FX/FH)), Intel Core 2 Duo 2.40 GHz or faster (AVC HD PS))
  • Page 140: Playmemories Home

    CPU: Intel processor, such as Intel Core Solo, Core Duo and Core 2 Duo “PlayMemories Home” Hard Disk (Disk space required for installation): 100 MB Display: At least 1024 × 768 dots “Image Data Converter” Memory: At least 1 GB of memory is recommended. Display: At least 1024 ×...
  • Page 141 URL, the en click [Instal l] → [Run www.s If “PMB B” (Picture e Motion B Browser) s upplied w ith a prod uct that w was purcha...
  • Page 142 You can apply color labels.    Installing “Image Data Converter”   Download and install the software by accessing the following URL (English only). Log on as Administrator.    Accessing “Image Data Converter Guide” Windows: [Start] → [All Programs] → [Image Data Converter] → [Help] → [Image Data Converter Ver.4].
  • Page 143 “Ima age Data C Converter” ”  suppor rt page (E nglish only http:// / s-se/ Conn necting this pr roduct a and a co ompute Conne ecting th e produc...
  • Page 144 ( HD) disc o on AVCHD D format  playba ck devices s, such as a Sony B lu-ray Dis c player a nd a PlayS Station®3 3. You cannot t play the disc on or...
  • Page 145 (HD)  Writable movie fo rmat: PS , FX, FH Player: B Blu-ray Di sc playba ack device es (Sony Blu-ray D Disc playe PlayStati on®3, et tc.) reates a disc wit th high-d definitio n image quality (HD) ...
  • Page 146 Fo or details, , see the fo llowing U http:// /support. .d-imagin To ins stall, your r compute er must b be connec cted to the e Interne et. For det tailed...
  • Page 147 To play back a Blu-ray Disc that was created using movies recorded in [60p  28M(PS)]/[50p 28M(PS)], you must use a device that is compliant with AVCHD format Ver. 2.0. 147   ...
  • Page 148 Precautions/This product Precautions ACKING UP MEMORY CARDS Data may be corrupted in the following cases. Be sure to back up the data for protection. When the memory card is removed or the product is turned off during a read or  write operation.
  • Page 149 N MOISTURE CONDENSATION If the product is brought directly from a cold to a warm location, moisture may  condense inside or outside the product. This moisture condensation may cause a malfunction of the product. If moisture condensation occurs, turn off the product and wait about an hour for ...
  • Page 150 N THE MONITOR AND LENS The monitor is manufactured using extremely high-precision technology so over  99.99 % of the pixels are operational for effective use. However, there may be some tiny black points and/or bright points (white, red, blue or green in color) that constantly appear on the monitor.
  • Page 151 Notes on the battery pack HARGING THE BATTERY PACK Charge the battery pack (supplied) before using the product for the first time.  The charged battery pack will discharge little by little even if you do not use it.  Charge the battery pack each time before you use the product so that you do not miss any opportunities to shoot images.
  • Page 152 . Doing s o may ca ause a ma alfunction Make sure to u se a genu uine Sony y AC Adap ptor.  If the product's s Charge lamp flas shes while e chargin g, remov...
  • Page 153 chargi ing correc ctly. If th e newly i nserted b battery is charging g correctly y, the previo ously inse erted batt ery may be faulty If the Charge la amp flash hes even if the AC Adaptor is connec cted to th ...
  • Page 154 Note When you use a memory card with this product for the first time, it is  recommended that you format the card using the product for stable performance of the memory card before shooting. Note that formatting permanently erases all data on the memory card, and is unrecoverable.
  • Page 155: Cleaning This Product

    “M ” EMORY TICK MEDIA The types of “Memory Stick” media that can be used with the product are as follows. However, proper operation cannot be guaranteed for all “Memory Stick” media functions. “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media: *1*2*3  “Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo”...
  • Page 156 pattern n from the e center to o the outsi ide. Do no ot spray le ns cleanin ng solution directly y onto the e lens surfa ace. LEAN NING THE E FLASH Clean the flash surface before us se. The he eat of the e flash em mission m...
  • Page 157 16GB: 2400 images 32GB: 4850 images 64GB: 9600 images Fine 2GB: 170 images 4GB: 345 images 8GB: 700 images 16GB: 1400 images 32GB: 2800 images 64GB: 5600 images Extra fine 2GB: 125 images 4GB: 255 images 8GB: 520 images 16GB: 1000 images 32GB: 2050 images 64GB: 4150 images RAW &...
  • Page 158 2GB: 8 88 image 4GB: 175 imag 8GB: 355 imag 16GB: : 710 ima ages 32GB: : 1400 im mages 64GB: : 2850 im mages When n the [ Aspect Ratio] is set to ot ther than [3:2], yo ou can re cord more pictures t...
  • Page 159 60i 17M(FH) 50i 17M(FH) 2GB: 10 m 4GB: 30 m 8GB: 1 h 16GB: 2 h 32GB: 4 h 5 m 64GB: 8 h 15 m 60p 28M(PS) 50p 28M(PS) 2GB: 9 m 4GB: 15 m 8GB: 35 m 16GB: 1 h 15 m 32GB: 2 h 30 m 64GB: 5 h 5 m 24p 24M(FX)
  • Page 160 2GB: 10 m 4GB: 30 m 8GB: 1 h 16GB: 2 h 32GB: 4 h 5 m 64GB: 8 h 15 m 1440×1080 12M 2GB: 15 m 4GB: 40 m 8GB: 1 h 20 m 16GB: 2 h 45 m 32GB: 5 h 30 m 64GB: 11 h 5 m VGA 3M...
  • Page 161: Using This Product Abroad

    shooting scene. When you record a fast-moving subject, the image is clearer but the recordable time is shorter because more memory is required for recording. The recordable time also varies depending on the shooting conditions, the subject or the image quality/size settings.  Using this product abroad Plug adaptor You can use the AC Adaptor (supplied) in any country or region where the...
  • Page 162: Other Information

    Other information Carl Zeiss lens The camera is equipped with a Carl Zeiss lens which is capable of reproducing sharp images with excellent contrast. The lens for the camera has been produced under a quality assurance system certified by Carl Zeiss in accordance with the quality standards of Carl Zeiss in Germany. ...
  • Page 163 Use th e following g URL to d download i http:// / ducts/Linu We wo ould prefer r you do n ot contact t us about the conte ents of sou urce code.
  • Page 164  the United States and in other countries. DLNA and DLNA CERTIFIED are trademarks of Digital Living Network  Alliance. “PlayStation” is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment  Inc. Eye-Fi is a trademark of Eye-Fi Inc.  In addition, system and product names used in this manual are, in ...
  • Page 165: Battery Pack And Power

    3. Initialize the settings. 4. Consult your dealer or local authorized service facility. Additional information on this product and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at our Customer Support Website. Battery pack and power  You cannot insert the battery pack into the product. Make sure the direction of the battery pack is correct, and insert it until ...
  • Page 166: Shooting Still Images/Movies

    Battery capacity decreases over time and through repeated use. If  decreased usage time between charges becomes significant, it is probably time to replace it with a new one.     The charge lamp on the product flashes when charging battery pack. Make sure that the battery is NP-FW50.  When you charge a battery pack that has not been used for a long time, ...
  • Page 167 Press the shutt ter button n halfway y down, th hen shoot t images.  Ambie ent light is s insuffici ient.  The su ubject yo u are sho ooting is n not suitab ble for au to-focusin ng. Shoot t in ...
  • Page 168 The aperture value and/or shutter speed and/or metering indicator flashes. The subject is too bright or too dark to shoot using the current aperture value  and/or shutter speed settings. Readjust the settings.   The image colors are not correct. Adjust [White Balance].  [Picture Effect] is set. Set [Picture Effect] to [Off]. ...
  • Page 169: Viewing Images

    The image is blurred. Activate the SteadyShot function by pressing the shutter button halfway  down and then shoot images. The picture was taken in a dark location without the flash, resulting in  product-shake. The use of a tripod or the flash is recommended. [Hand-held Twilight] and [Anti Motion Blur] in [Scene Selection] are also effective in reducing blur.
  • Page 170 Wi-F You ca annot fin nd the wi reless ac ccess poin nt to be c connecte ed. reless acce ess points may not b be display ed on the product d due to sign  nditions. P lace the p roduct clo oser to the wireless a access poi int.
  • Page 171: Memory Cards

    If another NFC-based application is running on your smartphone, terminate  that application. Computers The computer does not recognize this product. Set [USB Connection] to [Mass Storage].  Use the micro USB cable (supplied) to connect the devices.  Disconnect the USB cable, and connect it again firmly. ...
  • Page 172 Image es are pri inted wit th both e edges cut off. pending on n your prin nter, the l eft, right, top, and b bottom ed dges of the  age may b be cut off. Especially y when you u print an image sho ot with [ pect Ratio] ] set to [1...
  • Page 173 Connect the power cord and turn on the product again. If the product repeats the same error often or still does not work after trying these solutions, consult your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility. 173   ...
  • Page 174 If you cannot solve the problem even after trying the following corrective actions a few times, this product may need repair. Contact your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility. C:32:□□...
  • Page 175 If th he messag ge appears freq quently, co onsult you ur Sony de ealer or loc cal author ized Sony service fa acility. able to m magnify.  able to ro otate ima age.
  • Page 176 Situations this product has difficulty handling The product cannot take full advantage of some features under certain circumstances. When shooting under the following conditions, either recompose the shot or change the shooting mode, then shoot the images again. Low light conditions Sweep Panorama  Lock-on AF ...
  • Page 177 Scenes changing constantly, such as a waterfall Sweep Panorama  Superior Auto    177   ...

Table of Contents