HP NetMail/3000 User Manual page 41

Netmail/3000 menu interface user guide
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You can extract and save a file that is attached to a mail message with the "
" command. As you read a message, you will see special blocks denoting that
there is an "attached" file at that point in the message. Attachments are listed with the "name" of
the attached file (if available) and each attachment is numbered. To extract an attached file and
reconstruct a file identical to the original file, use the "Save Attachment" command under the
Message menu once you have selected the message you want to save attachment(s) from. Use the
arrow keys in the message window until you have the appropriate message highlighted.
Note that attached files are NOT automatically converted back to original file types when
received -- you must explicitly decide to save the attachment or not. Whether you save any attach-
ments or not, the data still remains within the message. You are free to save the same attachment
as many times as you need, or to send the message on to another user that can also extract and
save the attachments. Messages with large attachments take up large amounts of the available mail
system database and should be deleted as soon as they are not needed anymore (save the attach-
ments you need then delete the message from the mail database). When you select the "
" command, you will be prompted with a window listing all the attachments in
the message by number and type, and allowing you to select the particular attachment that you
want to save. Select an entry using the arrow keys til the proper entry is highlighted, then hit
"RETURN". Note that you have some special options including the ability to save "All attach-
ments" into the same file, as well as the ability to save only the "Message headers" (the From:,
To:, Subject:, etc. lines from the message).
NetMail/3000 Menu Interface
Users Guide
Save Attachment


Table of Contents

Table of Contents