storing Numbers
ou can store up to 199 phone
nufnbers In ihe memory cf ibe
Phone numbers can be stored both
vvhefi the phone is In standby mode
and during a conversaiion.
A phone nuTnber 1o be stored may con¬
tain uplo 32 c&gil£.
A phone niimber can be stored in a
meniory location with, or wItbouE, an
accompanying name.
A name may contain up to 10 letters,
incfudir>g spaces.
storing a Number (and N^e)
t. E ntef Ihe phone number you wish
to slore, including the area code.
2. Press M (tWioda) followed by R/S
STORE Is displayed, loliowed by
the number of the first free mem¬
ory location.
3. To slDfe the number In thla mem¬
ory location, go to step 5, below.
4. To store the number in a dttfemnt
memory location, enter the number
oi itis meniory location [one, two
or three di^).
5. Press FUS again. The question
NAME ? appears and the
[Alphabetic rnode) indicator bimtcs
in the display. This indicates that
you can now enter an accompa¬
nying name.
6, Enter the first letter ol the name
by pressing the aF^ropnaie nu¬
meric Hey onco^ twice or three
tim^, depending on the position
of the tetter on the key. For exam¬
ple. pressing the 1 key tudod en¬
ters a B
When an urkdeftlm oharacler (_)
appears to the right of the letter
entered, you can enter the noKL
You can enter up to ten letters.
* II you want to enter a digit
[1 - 9) Instead of a letter^
press the appropriate numer¬
ic key tour times. To erder the
digit 0. press the 0 k*y+
* It you want a
* {star) key once.
Pressing ▼ * twice, enters a
* If you want a hyphen (-),
press the #A (hash) key
once. Puling
enters a hash.
* If you make a mistake, cor¬
rect il with the G key.
7. When you have entered the en¬
tire name, pness
The num¬
ber and name is stored.
STORED is dlsptayed, loliowed
by the memory location number.
The display then returns to nor¬
N you do rtoft press R^S, the num¬
ber and name will be stored aiito-
matioally after about 20 seconds.
It you change your mind and do
not wish to store the number and
name, press and hold down C
within these 2D seconds.