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BSA Winged Wheel W1 Instruction Manual page 11

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Th. amount of maíQtenance and adjustment of
¢ho WINGEI) WHEEL ha® been reduced to a
mhi"m, but tb fouowing points may requiro
attentíon írom time to tho amd they should
certa.inly be checked periodicany, say onco a weok
and rectify if nocegsa']r h the manner described
Hub bearing adJustment.
There aro two sets o£ beaffings in tho hb, theso
beiQg the cup and cono ban bearhg§ Íor tho sphdb
itself. and a sqparato cup and cone ball boaüg ror
the pedalling gear sprocket and wheel.
are an adjusted simultaneously when tho fouowiag
procedure is adopted.
First suppoft tho bícycle, eíther on a box mder
the bottom bracket or by a rope slmg mder tho
saddle in such a way that the reaJ whoel is cleair
oí the ground.
Next slacken oír the oÍÏsido wheeI
spindle nut ,4, Fig. 9. and the"elea£e tho lockíQg
waúher.B by 8üding it sideways aloag tho spíndlo
groov®, sufficient to free the spamer flats on ad-
justing cone.
Disengage the clutch by means of tho
lever on the hdlebar aind lock it in tho fiee position
by allowiag the ratchet ,E, Fig. 8, to engago. "n
wíth a spanner on tho adjusting cone, eitha screw
this in or out as necessary mtn the wheel can still
be revolved freely, although but a s]ight íurther
turn oí the adjusting cone h a clockwíse directioli
results in an appreciable tighteriDg of tho whool.

