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Troubleshooting - La Sorrentina Instruction Manual


By varying the quantities of water and coffee used this Machine can
produce a single 30ml 'espresso' style shot or 5 mugs of long black
'Americano' style coffee.
Short Black
- this is the standard espresso 'shot', 30-40ml of intense, dark
coffee. It forms the basis of the drinks listed below. To make espresso
style coffee use half a Coffee Jug of water or less. Using half a Jug of
water (300ml) produces 160ml of espresso - enough for four or five serves.
- espresso with hot milk and a small head of dense froth, usually
served in a glass.
- a shot of espresso with densely frothed milk poured into
it and dusted with chocolate powder. Served in a coffee cup.
- espresso with a dash of milk added. Some use a
dash of foam; others a dash of milk and froth, or even just a splash of
cold milk. All methods are correct! (The Italian expression means espresso
'stained' or 'marked' with milk) - usually served in a small
espresso or demitasse cup.
Flat White
-a perfect breakfast staple. Simple espresso with hot milk,
no fancy froth. Much like the French 'cafe au lait'. Served in a coffee cup.
- espresso, hot chocolate and steamed milk served in a glass
Long Black / Americano
- a standard espresso with hot water, served in a
regular coffee cup or mug.
Iced Coffee
- a standard espresso shot served with crushed ice and cold
milk in a tall glass. You can also add ice cream. A black version without
milk is known as a
- after you have made coffee you can froth extra milk
for fluffy hot chocolates. Leave the used coffee in the holder to keep the
steam pressure up. Mix a few spoons of quality chocolate powder with
a small amount of hot water (or black coffee for a Mocha) in a glass. Pour
hot milk in, stir and spoon some froth on top. Serve with a marshmallow.
Coffee Extract
- follow the process for making espresso shots­
use the large filter basket, well packed. Only fill the Machine with 1/3 of
a Coffee Jug of water and place the unit on a moderate heat. This will
produce a very strong rich espresso essence that can be used to make
ice creams, cakes, cocktails, etc. You can freeze this extract in ice cubes.
Insufficient steam/Poor Milk Froth
To froth milk successfully - a good build of steam is required:
1 )
commonly lack
caused if the coffee is
too loosely
grind of
coffee is too coarse
Machine requires finely ground coffee like that used in Espresso
machines, lightly packed. If you are only getting a a weak jet of steam
try a finer grind of coffee and/or pack the coffee more tightly into the
Coffee Filter. Experiment until you find the right method. When making
smaller amounts of coffee and using the small filter it may be necessary
to pack the coffee more tightly than usual to create enough steam
Another problem may be
dried milk blockfng the Steam Nozzle
They can be cleaned and cleared with a damp cloth and a pin or
paper clip. Cleaning the Machine properly after use will avoid this
problem. Always release a little steam after frothing to clear the nozzle.
If you produce a
of steam but are not able
to froth the
-check your frothing action and refer to the frothing section of this
manual. Remember that some milk will simply not produce good
froth. Practice makes perfect- and once you have it you will never lose
Coffee Grind Too Fine or Tightly Packed.
If you use a coffee grind that is too fine, or that is packed too tightly,
your coffee may come out slowly and have a burnt taste. If the coffee
does not come out at all you have packed it much too tightly-or
it is much too fine. When this happens and steam is released from the
safety valve in the back of the Black Knob
and allow
the Machine to cool. Release the steam with the
Knob and then
empty the coffee basket and try again. Fresh medium/fine ground
coffee gives the best results. Once you have discovered the correct
grind: stick to it! Grinding your own is the best way- the coffee tastes
better- and you control the consistency.
This Coffee Machine can easily produce very fine flavoured strong coffee.
However like all coffee machines it takes a little practice to get the very
best results. If you are not happy with your coffee - try and change the
quantities and methods that you use. Experiment: The problem may be
the grind consistency, the quality of the water or coffee used, how hard
the ground coffee is packed into the Filter Basket or a combination of these
elements. Once you have mastered the machine you will get perfect
results every time!

