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Getting The Most From Your Messaging - Care Messenger Emergency Phone Quick Start User Manual


9: Getting the most from
your messaging
Care Messenger is a great way to stay in touch with loved ones.
We aren't trying to replace personal visits or telephone calls -
we see our system adding regular interest and contact for
someone who may otherwise not be included in modern day-
to-day messaging communication. It's about greater inclusion.
To make the most from your new system, we have included a
short list of ways that you might use Care Messenger.
Remember that one Care Messenger system can have multiple
supporters - all sending unlimited messages, covered within the
monthly contract fee. There is no additional cost per message
or user. So have fun, invite family and friends to connect!
- Send simple messages regularly – frequent but brief contact
often really helps to keep your friend or relative feeling

- Keep messages fairly short - a few lines is fine and the
message box expands to accommodate, but don't be too

- Try some simple interaction - allow your friend or relative to
choose from options you define. For example, simple YES or
NO questions, or questions with up to 5 response choices

- Tell your loved one what you're doing, where you've been,
something that made you think of them

- Send images that show you and your family, familiar places
and objects. We have found this is the most effective way of
enjoying Care Messenger - your pictures really make a big
difference to a loved one feeling included in your life.
Support: call 0191 206 4004 or visit

