SoundCraft SM12 User Manual page 44

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Auxiliary Send
CR (Control Room) Monitors
dB (decibel)
DI(Direct Injection)
Frequency Response
(sub) Group
Highpass Filter
Line Level Signals
Noise Gate
Pan (pot)
PFL (Pre-fade Listen)
an output from the console comprising a mix of signals from channels and groups
derived independently of themain stereo group mixes. Typically the feeds to the
mix are implemented on rotary level controls.
the relative levels of the left and right channels of a stereo signal.
the onset of severe distortion in the signal path, usually caused by the peak signal
voltage being limited by the circuit's power supply voltage.
loudspeakers used by the operator (engineer) in the control room to listen to the
a ratio of two voltages or signal levels, expressed by the equation
Adding the suffix 'u' denotes the ratio is relative to 0.775V RMS.
the practice of connecting an electronic musical instrument directly to the input of
the mixing console, rather than to an amplifier and loudspeaker which is covered
by a microphone feeding the console.
a device that allows the boosting or cutting of selected bands of frequencies in the
signal path.
a feed sent back to the artistes via loudspeakers or headphones to enable them to
monitor the sounds they are producing.
the variation in gain of a device with frequency.
an output into which a group of signals can be mixed.
the available signal range above the nominal level before clipping occurs.
a filter that rejects low frequencies.
at a nominal level of -10dBV to +6dBu, coming from a low impedance source.
an electronic switch which only passes signals exceeding a set threshold level.
abbreviation of 'panorama': controls levels sent to left and right outputs.
a connection panel providing access to most input/output signals on the console,
allowing the operator to redirect or rearrange internal and external connections using
flexible patch cords.
an equaliser response curve affecting only a band of frequencies i.e. based on a
bandpass response.
a function that allows the operator to monitor the pre-fade signal in a channel
independently of the main mix.
a fall in gain at the extremes of the frequency response.
an equaliser response affecting all frequencies above or below the break frequency
i.e. a highpass or lowpass derived response.
acoustic interference from other sources.
the operator speaking to the artistes or to tape via the auxiliary or group outputs.

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