Nokia Asha 500 Dual SIM, Nokia Asha 500 RM-934 RM-972 (Dual SIM), RM-973 (Single SIM) Version 1.0 1) For disassembling you need the Nokia Standard toolkit version 2. You will also need the camera removal tool SS-276. 2) Protect the TOUCH PANEL with protective film.
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3) Push from the RELEASE BUTTON to release the B-COVER. 4) Remove the B-COVER.
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5) Unscrew the four Torx+ size 6 screws in the order shown. 6) Start releasing the D-COVER from the top left corner with the SRT-6 to detach the two shown clips.
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7) Then release the other clip on the left side of the device. 8) Then release the two clips on the right side of the device...
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9) Remove the D-COVER. 10) Open the DISPLAY connector. Be careful not to damage the connector or any components nearby.
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11) To remove the ENGINE BOARD, first release the shown clip with the SRT-6. 12) Then release the other shown clip with the SRT-6.
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13) Remove the ENGINE BOARD. 14) Protect the DISPLAY with protective film.
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15) Release the DISPLAY by carefully sliding the SS-93 under it to detach the adhesive. 16) Remove the DISPLAY.
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17) Release one corner of the TOUCH IC GASKET with the dental tool and remove it with tweezers. Be careful not to injure yourself or damage the ENGINE BOARD with the sharp end of the dental tool. Do not use the TOUCH IC GASKET again. Disard it. 18) Peel off the two DISPLAY CONDUCTIVE ADHESIVES with the SS-93.
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19) Use the SS-276 to remove the CAMERA. Push the SS-276 to the CAMERA socket and hold down the button on top of the SS-276. 20) Pull up the CAMERA.
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21) Use the SS-93 to release the IHF SPEAKER. Remove the IHF SPEAKER with tweezers. 22) Remove and discard the SPEAKER BOTTOM GASKET with the dental tool.
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23) Use the SS-93 to release the hook holding the ANTENNA MODULE. 24) Push up to release the ANTENNA MODULE as shown with the SRT-6. Remove the ANTENNA MODULE.
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25) Release the RELEASE BUTTON with the SRT-6 and remove it. 26) Release one corner of the SPEAKER MESH with the dental tool and peel it off with tweezrs. Do not use the SPEAKER MESH again. DIscard it.
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27) Protect the other side of the TOUCH PANEL with protective film. 28) Release the EARPIECE with the dental tool and remove it with weezers. Do not use the EARPIECE again. Discard it.
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