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Ladner G-1 Owner's Manual page 6

Guitar amplifier


Model G-1 Guitar Amplifier Owner's Manual
tighten and produce a more detailed bottom
sound if desired.
9 – OD LEVEL – Sets the output level of the
overdrive channel.
It provides a way to
balance the overdrive signal to the clean signal
for a balanced sound or even a boost or cut
within the overdrive function.
10 – MID SHIFT– This control shifts the mid-scoop
point from around 400 Hz to 300 Hz.
again, it does not cut or boost any mids.
11 - OVERDRIVE – Adjust the amount of
overdrive or crunch.
Switched by either
footswitch or front panel toggle switch (
). The adjustment of the first-
footswitch unplugged
stage GAIN knob is crucial to the response of
the OVERDRIVE knob, Another way to describe
this knob is your "overdrive sound" or how
much gain you can get out of the amplifier
adding dirty tones to the clean in response to
the position of the gain knob. The gain and
overdrive represent a cascading gain stage in
a fashion that delivers smooth singing gain.
12 – CLEAN / OD – Switches between Clean
and Overdrive channels.
NOTE: This switch is
disabled when the footswitch is plugged into
the rear of the amp.
The footswitch takes
precedence when connected.
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