Pong-Master Parties; Parts List; Part List - Newgy Industries Pong-Master Owner's Manual

Electronic interactive table tennis game
Table of Contents


Balls hit to this zone force the opponent to move
and/or return the ball from an awkward position. They
may cause your opponent to hesitate momentarily as he
decides whether to use his forehand or backhand. These
zones are not stationary—they vary with the position of
your opponent. Just remember to aim at the elbow of your
opponent's playing arm.
When placing the Pong-Master sensors on the table,
consider carefully the above information in deciding where
to put them. Decide before starting a game what stroke you
want to practice and what kind of placement you want to
learn with that stroke. Keep the sensors away from the easy
zone for best results. Practice placing your shots into the
"hard zones" and you'll quickly see good results when you
play a regular game.
If you have a Model 1929 Newgy Table Tennis Robot,
you may also enjoy the fun and benefits of playing Pong-
Master. However, the 1929 was produced before Pong-
Master was invented, so its Control Box works
independently from the Pong-Master Scoreboard. When
you use Pong-Master with the 1929, you must manually
turn the Control Box on at the start of the game and turn it
off at the end of a game.
It is easy to determine if you have a 1929 Control Box
(part # 753-350). Its case is made of black plastic and it does
not have a 9-pin connector on its bottom. The case of a
Model 2040 Control Box (part # 2000-224) is colored gray
and it does have a 9-pin connector on its bottom. The 2040
Control Box is compatible with the 1929 robot, so it is
possible to upgrade your robot and enjoy all the features of
Pong-Master simply by purchasing a 2040 Control Box (call
Newgy Customer Service for details).
If you choose to use Pong-Master with a 1929 Control
Box, there are a few deviations from the previous
instructions you should be aware of:
(1) You will not use the Linking Cable supplied with
the game.
(2) To begin a game, set your robot for the type of shot
you want, then turn the Control Box off. Press the "Start"
button on the Pong-Master Scoreboard. You will have 3
seconds to quickly turn your Control Box on and get ready
to return the balls. Even though the robot will begin to
deliver balls immediately, the game clock will not start and
the sensors will not be activated until the Scoreboard
sounds its warning beep to begin the game.
(3) At the end of the game, you must manually turn the
Control Box off.
(4) You do not need to turn the Scoreboard off before
making adjustments to the Control Box settings.


Pong-Master is too much fun to keep to yourself. Make
sure your entire family gets in on all the fun and
excitement. Table tennis is an easy game to learn and a hard
game to master. Even small children can learn basic strokes
well enough to beat Pong-Master at its simpler settings.
Most disabled individuals can do the same also.
When you're ready to really have some fun and show
off your table tennis prowess, turn off the TV, round up
your family and gather them around the table tennis table.
Or invite some of your buddies over to have a good time.
Have your robot and the Pong-Master game set-up at a
fairly simple level. You can go first to demonstrate how
easy it is to win and how to play the game. Then everyone
else takes a turn. Record everyone's score after each game.
After everyone has gone once, whoever got the best score
against the robot wins that round!
After several rounds, start handicapping the better
players by making them play with smaller targets or with
less time. To keep things moving, change the robot settings
occasionally. Show your family or friends how to return the
different spins. For a real challenge, make the robot
oscillate while playing a Pong-Master game. The variations
are almost endless.
Get out of the TV/video game rut! Get active and get
healthy the fun way. Pong-Master is a game the whole
family will enjoy for years to come!
A Pong-Master Party!
Fun For The Whole Family
Part #
PM Scoreboard
PM Large (10") Sensor Target
PM Medium (6") Sensor Target
PM Small (4") Sensor Target
PM Transformer Cord
PM Linking Cable
PM Owner's Manual
PM Safety Cord


Table of Contents

Table of Contents