Lenovo ThinkPad User Manual
Lenovo ThinkPad User Manual

Lenovo ThinkPad User Manual

Hard disk drive
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Hard Disk Drive
User's Guide


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Lenovo ThinkPad

  • Page 1 Hard Disk Drive User’s Guide...
  • Page 2 RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to the GSA ADP Schedule contract with Lenovo Group Limited, if any, or the standard terms of this commercial license, or if the agency is unable to accept this Program under these terms, then we provide this Program under the provisions set forth in Commercial Computer Software–Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19, when applicable,...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Guarantee supplement for Mexico . . B-18 Appendix C. Notices . C-1 Appendix D. Electronic Emissions notices . . D-1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity Appendix E. Trademarks . . E-1 © Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 4 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 5: Registering Your Option

    Lenovo to better serve you in the future. Your feedback is valuable to us in developing products and services that are important to you, as well as in developing better ways to communicate with you.
  • Page 6 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 7: About Your Thinkpad Hard Disk Drive

    Keep the drive in its static-protective bag until you are ready to install the drive in your ThinkPad computer. If you must put the drive down, place the static-protective bag on a flat, padded surface, and place the drive on the bag with the component side facing up.
  • Page 8 The security screw may not be included in your ship group. However, you can purchase screws directly from NABS at www.nabsnet.com. 12. Reinstall the battery. 13. Connect the ac adapter and cables to the computer. ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 9 A propos de l’unité de disque dur de votre ThinkPad La présente section fournit des informations sur la manipulation et le remplacement de l’unité de disque dur de votre ThinkPad. Manipulation de l’unité de disque dur Pour protéger votre unité de disque dur, respectez les consignes suivantes : v Conservez l’unité...
  • Page 10 éviter qu’il ne soit trop facile de retirer l’unité de disque dur. Aucune vis de sécurité n’est fournie avec l’unité. Vous pouvez toutefois vous en procurer une auprès de NABS (www.nabsnet.com). 12. Réinstallez la batterie. 13. Rebranchez le boîtier d’alimentation et les câbles. ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 11 Para proteger a unidade de disco rígido, tome as seguintes precauções: v Mantenha a unidade em sua embalagem antiestática até o momento da instalação da unidade no computador ThinkPad. Se você precisar colocar a unidade na posição deitada, coloque a embalagem antiestática em uma superfície plana e revestida, colocando-a na embalagem com o lado do...
  • Page 12 No entanto, você pode adquiri-los diretamente no site NABS, no endereço www.nabsnet.com. 12. Recoloque a bateria. 13. Conecte o adaptador de corrente alternada e os cabos ao computador. ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User ’s Guide...
  • Page 13 Beachten Sie die folgenden Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, um das Festplattenlaufwerk zu schützen: v Bewahren Sie das Laufwerk bis zur Installation im ThinkPad in der zugehö- rigen antistatischen Schutzhülle auf. Wenn Sie das Laufwerk ablegen müs- sen, legen Sie zunächst die Schutzhülle auf eine flache, nicht zu harte Ober- fläche, z.
  • Page 14 Anmerkung: Die folgende Vorgehensweise hängt von Ihrem ThinkPad-Modell ab. Ausführlichere Anweisungen finden Sie in der Systemdoku- mentation. Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um das Festplattenlaufwerk auszutauschen: 1. Schalten Sie den ThinkPad aus. 2. Trennen Sie das Netzteil und alle Kabel vom Computer.
  • Page 15 I connettori e il vano dell’unità disco fisso non sono stati progettati per modifiche frequenti o sostituzioni di unità. Nota: La seguente procedura potrebbe variare a seconda del modello di elaboratore ThinkPad. Per istruzioni più dettagliate, fare riferimento alla documentazione del sistema. Per reinstallare l’unità disco fisso, completare la seguente procedura: 1.
  • Page 16 La vite di sicurezza potrebbe non essere inclusa nella spedizione del prodotto. Tuttavia, è possibile acquistare le viti direttamente da NABS all’indirizzo www.nabsnet.com. 12. Reinstallare la batteria. 13. Collegare l’adattatore ac e i cavi all’elaboratore. 1-10 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User ’s Guide...
  • Page 17 Na ochranu jednotky pevného disku dodržiavajte tieto opatrenia: v Ponechajte jednotku v antistatickom ochrannom obale až pokiaľ nebudete pripravený nainštalovať ju do počítača ThinkPad. Ak musíte jednotku položiť, umiestnite antistatický ochranný obal na rovný, mäkký povrch a položte jednotku na obal stranou komponentov smerom hore.
  • Page 18 Opomba: Skrutku môžete nahradiť bezpečnostnou skrutkou, ktorá bráni jednoduchému vybratiu disku. Bezpečnostná skrutka nemusí byť súčasťou dodávky. Skrutky si však môžete kúpiť priamo od NABS na www.nabsnet.com. 12. Vložte naspäť batériu. 13. Pripojte k počítaču AC adaptér a káble. 1-12 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 19 Jednotku pevného disku vyměňte pouze tehdy, pokud provádíte upgrade, nebo při opravě jednotky. Konektory a pozice jednotky pevného disku nebyly navrženy pro časté výměny disku. Poznámka: Uvedený postup se může lišit podle modelu vašeho počítače ThinkPad. Podrobné instrukce naleznete v dokumentaci k vašemu systému. Jednotku pevného disku vyměníte následujícím postupem: 1.
  • Page 20 Bezpečnostní šroub nemusí být obsažen ve vaší dodávce. Tento šroub lze však objednat u firmy NABS na webové stránce www.nabsnet.com. 12. Vložte zpět baterii. 13. Připojte k počítači adaptér napájení a kabely. 1-14 Jednotka pevného disku ThinkPad: Uživatelská příručka...
  • Page 21 Sabit Disk Sürücüsünün Tutulması Sabit disk sürücünüzü korumak için aşağıdaki önlemleri alın: v Sürücüyü ThinkPad bilgisayarınıza takmaya hazır oluncaya kadar, statik elektriğe karşı koruyucu çantasında tutun. Sürücüyü yere koymak zorundaysanız, statik elektriğe karşı koruyucu çantasını düz ve korumalı bir zemine koyun ve sürücüyü, bileşenlerin bulunduğu yüzü...
  • Page 22 Not: Sabit disk sürücüsünün kolayca çıkarılmasını önlemek için vidayı bir güvenlik vidasıyla değiştirebilirsiniz. Güvenlik vidası teslimat grubunda bulunmayabilir. Ancak, vidaları doğrudan www.nabsnet.com adresindeki NABS’den alabilirsiniz. 12. Pili yeniden takın. 13. AC bağdaştırıcısını ve kabloları bilgisayara takın. 1-16 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 23 Adresi: Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi, ODTÜ Ofis Bina, Batı Cephe A-1 Semt: Odtü Posta kodu: 06531 Şehir: Ankara Web Adresi: http://www.probil.com.tr/ Telefon: 312 210 18 08 Faks no: 312 210 18 05 - ANTALYA 1-17 © Lenovo 2005. Portions © IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 24 Adresi: Ali Emiri 5. Sokak, Kaçmaz Apartmanı, No:4/1 Posta kodu: 21100 Şehir: Diyarbakır Web Adresi: http://www.metrobilgisayar.com.tr/ Telefon: 412 223 94 36 Faks no: 422 224 55 07 - ERZİNCAN Erzincan Bigisayar Adresi: Hükümet Caddesi, No:33/1 Şehir: Erzincan 1-18 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 25 Web Adresi: http://www.erzincanbilgisayar.com/ Telefon: 446 223 89 87 Faks no: 446 224 24 34 - ERZURUM Şark Bilgisayar Elektronik San. ve Tic. Ltd.Şti. Adresi: Yukarı Mumcu Caddesi, No:9 Posta kodu: 25100 Şehir: Erzurum Web Adresi: http://www.sarkbil.com.tr/ Telefon: 442 234 21 02 / 04 Faks no: 442 233 02 79 - ESKİŞEHİR Eğitim Tanıtım ve Müşavirlik A.Ş.
  • Page 26 Telefon: 216 345 08 00 Faks no: 216 349 09 92 Probil Bilgi İşlem Destek ve Dan.San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Adresi: Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, Dilaver Sokak, No:4 Otosanayi Semt: 4. Levent Posta kodu: 80660 Şehir: İstanbul 1-20 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 27 Web Adresi: http://www.probil.com.tr/ Telefon: 212 317 61 00 Faks no: 212 325 42 04 Tepum Teknoloji Prog. ve Uygulama Merkezi A.Ş. Adresi: Emniyet Evleri Mah. Yeniçeri Sok. Emir Han. K:2 No:6 Semt: 4.Levent Posta kodu: 34416 Şehir: İstanbul Web Adresi: http://www.tepum.com.tr/ Telefon: 0 212 324 60 10 Faks no: 0 212 284 52 40 Turkuaz Bilgisayar Danışmanlık ve Yazılım Ltd.
  • Page 28 Posta kodu: 55060 Şehir: Samsun Web Adresi: http://www.vipbilgiislem.com.tr Telefon: 362 230 88 52 Faks no: 362 234 77 22 - ŞANLIURFA Bilban Bilgisayar Eğitim Tic. San. Ltd. Şti. Adresi: Kızılay İşhanı, Kat:1-2 ehir: Şanlıurfa 1-22 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 29 Web Adresi: http://www.bilban.com.tr/ Telefon: 414 215 05 52 Faks no: 414 212 22 15 - TRABZON Somdata Bilgisayar Paz. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Adresi: Kemerkaya Mahallesi, Gazipaşa Caddesi, 1315 Saruhan İş Merkezi, No:6 Semt: Posta kodu: 61100 Şehir: Trabzon Web Adresi: http://www.somdata.com.tr/ Telefon: 462 323 15 64 / 84 Faks no: 462 326 56 07 1-23...
  • Page 30 2. Bakım, onarım ve kullanımda uyulması gereken kurallar: Bu konuyla ilgili öncelikle güvenliğe ilişkin bölümlerin okunmasını tavsiye ederiz. Ürünün kullanılmadan önce kuruluşuna ilişkin bilgiler kitabınızın ″ThinkPad Sabit Disk Sürücüsü Hakkında″ başlıklı bölümünde verilmiştir. Ürününüzün onarım ya da bakıma gereksinimi olduğunda servis istasyonlarından birine başvurmanızı öneririz. Servis istasyonlarına ilişkin bilgiler ilgili bölümde sağlanmıştır.
  • Page 31 Ürün bir uzmanın yapması gereken periyodik bakımı içermez. 9. Bağlantı ve montaja ilişkin bilgiler: Aksamınızı çalışır hale getirebilmeniz için gerekli bağlantı ve montaj bilgileri ″ThinkPad Sabit Disk Sürücüsü Hakkında″ başlıklı bölümde açıklanmıştır. Kuruluş işlemini kendiniz yapmak istemiyorsanız satıcınızdan ya da bir servis istasyonundan ücret karşılığı destek alabilirsiniz.
  • Page 32 Şirketimizin AR-GE ve kalite kontrol laboratuvarları ürettiğimiz ürünlerin CE Uygunluğunu değerlendirmeye yetkilidir. 1-26 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 33 "b: 2L}/w.VtP#;}7DYwI\aT2LOD}]lIp5M@C *'#Z6B2L}/w0,T2LOyPE"v;v8]1>,;sYX UFcz#PpZ53}KP"&Z}z==r]_==16B}/w# |;2L}/w vZ}6r^42L}/wivB|;|#2L}/wDSZMP\DhF";J O51D|;r}/w;;# ":y] ThinkPad FczME,TB}LI\d|#PX|`j8D5w,kN< zD53D5# *|;2L}/w,kjITB}L: 1. XU ThinkPad Fcz# 2. SFczOO*;wg4Jdw0yPgBD,S# 3. XUT>w"QFcz-*# 4. 6BgX# 5. 6B#$2L}/wD]$# 6. 6BbG,;s(}-v(Z6B2L}/w# 7. S2L}/wpk_5p$# 8. r*BD2L}/wD|0# 1-27 © Lenovo 2005. Portions © IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 34 "b Zr*2L}/wD|0.0,k7#DAZ 1-27 3D:Yw2L}/ 9. +_5p$,S=BD2L}/wO# 10. +xP,SD_5p$D2L}/wek2L}/wP\;;s+|G20N L"XB20bG# 11. XB20]$# ":zITC2+]$f;-4D]$T@9aW6B2L}/w#0KDi ~PI\;P2+]$#;x,zICJ www.nabsnet.com,1SS NABS :r]$# 12. XB20gX# 13. Q;wg4Jdw0gB,S=Fcz# 1-28...
  • Page 35 \z t í σ≤C Yn≤½w ≈A ¿UCBJG 1. ÷¼ ThinkPad qúq C úqú AC πy M 3. ÷¼π AMßNqú αL C Uq C 5. εUTww ≈ XHεUw C AMßNTw 7. εUw ≈Γ ≤ªO@ C 1-29 © Lenovo 2005. Portions © IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 36 10. N WO@ w ≈íJw ≈≈ AMß¡TaNw ≈ nAAN 11. ½sΩW : ziHN ≤½ w AR Tww ≈A²w ≈ú÷ε°Cú ñiαú q NABS]⌠} AziH www.nabsnet.com 12. ½s 13. N AC πy M u½s qúWC 1-30 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 37 ThinkPad ThinkPad v ThinkPad ThinkPad 1. ThinkPad 2. AC 1-31 © Lenovo 2005. Portions © IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 38 1-31 www.nabsnet.com ( NABS 13. AC 1-32 ¥ ThinkPad...
  • Page 39: Online Technical Support

    Telephone technical support Installation and configuration support through the Customer Support Center will be withdrawn or made available for a fee, at Lenovo’s discretion, 90 days after the option has been withdrawn from marketing. Additional support offerings, including step-by-step installation assistance, are available for a nominal fee.
  • Page 40 Support phone list. If the number for your country or region is not listed, contact your reseller or Lenovo marketing representative. ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 41: Appendix B. Warranty Information

    Support Phone List pour obtenir une liste de numéros de téléphone en cours. Les numéros de téléphone font l’objet de modification sans préavis. © Copyright Lenovo 2005. © Portions Copyright IBM Corp. 2005.
  • Page 42 Si desea información sobre el servicio de garantía, consulte la lista de teléfonos siguiente. Para obtener servicio en los países que no figuran listados, visite www.lenovo.com/think/support y pulse Support Phone List para conseguir un listado telefónico actualizado. Los números de teléfono están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso.
  • Page 43 Per il servizio di graanzia consultare l’elenco telefonico riportato di seguito. Per il servizio nei paesi non in elenco, visitare il sito www.lenovo.com/think/support e fare clic su supporto Elenco telefonico per un elenco telefonico corrente. I numeri telefonici sono soggetti a modifiche senza previa notifica.
  • Page 44 3. Versie van Verklaring van beperkte garantie: LSOLW-00 05/2005 Voor garantieservice raadpleegt u de telefoonlijst hieronder. Voor niet genoemde landen gaat u naar www.lenovo.com/think/support en klikt u op Support Phone List voor een actuele telefoonlijst. Telefoonnummers kunnen zonder voorafgaand bericht worden gewijzigd.
  • Page 45 Det fulde Servicebevis (Statement of Limited Warranty) er oversat til 29 sprog og kan læses online på adressen http://www.lenovo.com/think/warranty eller kan fås ved at ringe til telefonnummeret for Deres land i nedenstående telefonliste. Garantioplysninger for Deres Maskine: 1. Garantiperiode: 1 år 2.
  • Page 46 3. Versjon av garantibetingelser: LSOLW-00 05/2005 For garantiservice, se telefonlisten nedenfor. For service i land som ikke er på listen ennå, gå til www.lenovo.com/think/support og klikk på Support Phone List for å få en oppdatert telefonliste. Telefonnumre kan endres uten forhåndsvarsel.
  • Page 47 Para obter o serviço em países que ainda não constam na lista, consulte o Web site www.lenovo.com/think/support e faça clique em Support Phone List para obter uma lista telefónica actual. Os números de telefone estão sujeitos a alteração sem aviso prévio.
  • Page 48 Den fullständiga Begränsade garantin (Statement of Limited Warranty) finns på 29 språk och kan läsas i sin helhet på webben, adress http://www.lenovo.com/think/warranty Du kan också beställa den på ditt lands telefonnummer i listan nedan. Garantiinformation som gäller den här Maskinen: 1.
  • Page 49 Appendix B. Warranty information...
  • Page 50 B-10 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 51 B-11 Appendix B. Warranty information...
  • Page 52 телефонам, приведенным ниже. Если в списке нет телефона для вашей страны, посетите сайт http://www.lenovo.com/think/support/ и щелкните по Support Phone List ( Список телефонов поддержки), чтобы просмотреть текущий список телефонов. Приведенные здесь номера телефонов могут измениться без дополнительного уведомления. B-12 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 53 B-13 Appendix B. Warranty information...
  • Page 54 B-14 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 55: Worldwide Telephone List

    Worldwide telephone list Phone numbers are subject to change without notice. For the most current phone numbers, go to http://www.lenovo.com/think/support and click Support phone list. Country or Region Telephone Number Africa Africa: +44 (0)1475 555 055 South Africa: +27 11 3028888 and 0800110756...
  • Page 56 Chile 800-224-488 (Spanish) China 800 810 1818 (Mandarin) China (Hong Kong S.A.R.) Home PC: 852 2825 7799 Commercial PC: 852 8205 0333 ThinkPad and WorkPad: 852 2825 6580 (Cantonese, English, Putonghua) Colombia 1-800-912-3021 (Spanish) Costa Rica 284-3911 (Spanish) Croatia 0800-0426...
  • Page 57 +39-800-820094 (Italian) Japan Desktop: Toll free: 0120-887-870 For International: +81-46-266-4724 ThinkPad: Toll free: 0120-887-874 For International: +81-46-266-4724 Both of the above numbers will be answered with a Japanese language voice prompt. For telephone support in English, please wait for the Japanese voice prompt to end, and an operator will answer.
  • Page 58: Guarantee Supplement For Mexico

    All software programs pre-loaded in the equipment shall only have a thirty- (30) day guarantee for installation defects from the date of purchase. Lenovo is B-18 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 59 Col. Club de Golf Atlas El Salto, Jalisco, México C.P. 45680, Tel. 01-800-3676900 Marketing by: Lenovo de México, Comercialización y Servicios, S. A. de C. V. Alfonso Nápoles Gándara No 3111 Parque Corporativo de Peña Blanca Delegación Álvaro Obregón México, D.F., México C.P.
  • Page 60 B-20 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 61: Appendix C. Notices

    Consult your local Lenovo representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to a Lenovo product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that Lenovo product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any Lenovo intellectual property right may be used instead.
  • Page 62 The result obtained in other operating environments may vary. Lenovo may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Any references in this publication to non-Lenovo Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites.
  • Page 63: Appendix D. Electronic Emissions Notices

    Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help. Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than recommended cables or connectors or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
  • Page 64 Um dieses sicherzustellen, sind die Geräte wie in den Handbüchern beschrieben zu installieren und zu betreiben. Des Weiteren dürfen auch nur von der Lenovo empfohlene Kabel angeschlossen werden. Lenovo übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Einhaltung der Schutzanforderungen, wenn das Produkt ohne Zustimmung der Lenovo verändert bzw. wenn Erweiterungskomponenten von Fremdherstellern ohne Empfehlung der Lenovo gesteckt/eingebaut werden.
  • Page 65 Le présent produit satisfait aux exigences de protection énoncées dans la directive 89/336/CEE du Conseil concernant le rapprochement des législations des Etats membres relatives à la compatibilité électromagnétique. Lenovo décline toute responsabilité en cas de non-respect de cette directive résultant d’une modification non recommandée du produit, y compris l’ajout de cartes...
  • Page 66 Lenovo no puede aceptar responsabilidad alguna si este producto deja de satisfacer dichos requisitos de protección como resultado de una modificación no recomendada del producto, incluyendo el ajuste de tarjetas de opción que no sean Lenovo. Este producto ha sido probado y satisface los límites para Equipos Informáticos Clase B de conformidad con el Estándar Europeo EN 55022.
  • Page 67 Appendix D. Electronic Emissions notices...
  • Page 68 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 69: Appendix E. Trademarks

    Appendix E. Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both: Lenovo ThinkCentre ThinkPad ThinkVantage IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both, and is used under license.
  • Page 70 ThinkPad Hard Disk Drive: User’s Guide...
  • Page 72 Part Number: 40Y8742 (1P) P/N: 40Y8742...

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Thinkpad series

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