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Seiko Astron 7X52 Quick Start Manual page 2

Seiko astron 7x52 gps solar watch quick start manual
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 Manual time adjustment (To set only the time)
 How to set the sub-dial
Manual time adjustment
How to set the sub-dial
・The sub-dial displays
The watch can be set to the precise current time of the currently set time zone.
the time in a 24-hour
(The time zone is not changed.)
・Even when the time
z o n e o f t h e d i a l i s
c h a n g e d , t h e t i m e
How to manually adjust the time
of the sub-dial is not
Continue to press Button B (3 sec),
When the second hand
Direct the watch face
and then release it when the second
T h e s u b - d i a l m o v e s
points to "Y" or "N,"
upward and wait
hand moves to the 0-sec position.
reception is completed.
independently from the
When the second hand has
It takes up to 1 min to
The reception result is
reached the 0-sec position,
complete reception.
displayed for 5 seconds.
Unlock the crown
Then, the hour and minute
reception is started.
※The reception time depends on
hands move, and the time
the reception conditions.
Unlock the crown
The indicator hand points to "1."
and date are adjusted.
<Display during reception>
Turn the crown
The second hand indicates ease of
Move to the
receiving (= number of GPS satellites
result display
(downward) to unscrew
it. Now the crown can
from which GPS signals are received).
under an
be operated.
※ To acquire only time information,
open sky with
the number of satellites necessary
good visibility
for reception is one.
where GPS
Check that the reception is
Number of
signals can
acquired satellites
successful after the watch
※ While the indicator hand points to
be easily
returns to the time display
"E" or
, reception is not started
even with operation for reception.
When the time is not correct
  When the hand points to "E,"
Easy to
even if "Y" is displayed, the
charge the watch by expose to
time zone may not correspond
※ To cancel the
to the region where you are.
  When the hand points to
, reset
Check the time zone setting.
the in-flight mode ( )
press Button
 How to manually set the time
How to manually set the time
・When using the watch again under a condition in which the watch is able to receive GPS signals, receive GPS signals to set the time.
Pull out the crown to
Press Button B or Button C
Push the crown back in
・When adjusting the time, the date will be accordingly adjusted.
the first click
to set the time
Continue to press Button A (3
The watch enters the
O p e r a t i o n h a s b e e n
Unlock the crown
seconds)and then release it when the
time setting mode of the
hand moves to the 0-second position
Unlock the crown
The second hand moves to
( Hands on the main-dial
s t o p a t t h e 0 - s e c o n d
keep moving.)
The watch enters the
manual time setting mode.
※ Lock the crown
Pull out the crown to
the second click
Turn the crown clockwise
(upward) while gently
The second hand moves
W hen the
pressing it in toward the
to the 13-second position
b u t t o n
watch body until it stops.
and stops.
i s
k e p t
※ When the watch enters
p r e s s e d
While pressing the
the manual time setting
for 2 seconds or longer,
crown in
m o d e , t h e r e c e p t i o n
the sub-dial hour/minute
result will be displayed as
hands will start to move
"N," since the reception
c ontinuously, and w hen
results data will be lost.
it is pressed again, they
stop moving.
※ Even if GPS signals cannot be received, the watch can be used with the same accuracy as a normal quartz watch. (at loss/gain ±15 seconds per month on average)
※ If the watch receives GPS signals after manual time setting, it displays the received time.
 How to manually set the date
How to manually set the date
Precautions on the setting the date manually
Please refrain from doing this operation except where GPS signals cannot be received because this
watch can be set to the precise current time and calendar by automatically receiving GPS signals. It
Push the crown back (in
P r e s s B u t t o n B o r
may cause the preliminary position of this watch misaligned.
simultaneously with a
Button C to set the time
time signal)
When the date is not auto-
Pull out the crown to
Press Button B or Button C
m a t i c a l l y c h a n g e d u n d e r a
O p e r a t i o n h a s b e e n
the second click
to set the date
condition in which the watch is
unable to receive GPS signals
The second hand moves
The watch resumes its
(when changing from months with
to the 13-second position
30 days or less to months with
normal movement.
and stops.
When the button
31 days), set the date manually.
is kept pressed
for 2 seconds or
・ The date can be set independently
longer, the hour/
minute hands will
regardless of the time.
s t a r t t o m o v e
・ When using the watch again under
c o n t i n u o u s l y ,
and w hen it is
a condition in which the watch
pressed again,
is able to receive GPS signals,
they stop moving.
receive GPS signals to set the
time and date.
 → 5 How to adjust the time zone.
※ When the date is not correct even
when the watch has successfully
※ Lock the crown.
r e c e i v e d G P S s i g n a l s , t h e
※ The hands will not move
preliminary position of the date may
by turning the crown.
※ W h e n t h e wa t c h e n t e r s
be misaligned.
While pressing the
the manual time setting
 → BASIC MANUAL「Adjust the
※ The point in which the
crown in
mode, the reception result
preliminary positions of the
will be displayed as "N,"
d a t e c h a n g e s i s a t
date, indicator hand and hour/
0 : 0 0 A M (12 : 0 0 P M ).
since the reception results
minute hands」
P.55 〜 56
data will be lost.
Set the time taking into
consideration AM or PM.
※ The date will not move by
Unlock the crown
turning the crown.
Unlock the crown
※ During movement of the
date, the buttons cannot
be operated.
 Instructions for Receiving Leap Second Data on Seiko Astron GPS Solar Watch
Thank you for purchasing a Seiko Astron Watch.
This watch enters the "leap second data" receiving mode after the first GPS signal is received on or
after December 1st and June 1st.
It is conducted every six months whether the leap second data is put into effect or not. This process
occurs automatically so no special operation is required from the user. The process of receiving the
leap second data takes longer than the regular time adjustment. Be sure to complete receiving the leap
second data in an environment where a GPS signal can be received, such as outdoors.
The process of receiving leap second data
Push the crown back in
Although this movement is different from the normal time display, it is not an indication that the watch is defective.
O p e r a t i o n h a s b e e n
When the button
is kept pressed
for 2 seconds or
longer, the date
will start to move
Press the button
again to stop.
※When the second hand points to the one-second position, it is indicating that one minute is required before the
watch begins receiving the leap second data. At this time, it is recommended that you remain in an environment
※ Lock the crown.
where a GPS signal can be received, such as outdoors.
※Please refrain from button operation while the watch is in the data receiving mode.
While pressing the
crown in
The watch will repeatedly enter the "leap second data" receiving mode until the process is successfully
completed. During this time, no time adjustment will take place. In the event that the attempt to receive
leap second data is unsuccessful, indicated by position N (not successful), it is recommended you move to
a place where a GPS signal can be easily received, such as outdoors, and complete the process of receiving
time data and then leap second data through a GPS signal by pressing and holding button B for 3 seconds.
For details, please read the Basic Manual (P.18).
About Leap Second
The leap second is to compensate for deviations from the "Universal Time" (UT) which is astronomically
determined and the "International Atomic Time" (TAI). 1 second may be added (deleted) once a year or
every few years at the end of June or December.



This manual is also suitable for:

Astron 7x52 gps solar