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Flexiblity - SteelFlex XT-7600 User Manual



During workout, the motor
will stop automatically after
10 seconds, if the heart rate
signal is not detected (shown
by a flashing Heart), During
workout, the elevation may
be changed, but not the speed.
Adequate flexibility is the ability to move your limbs and joints easily (through
a complete range of motion) the way you need to in order to meet the callenges
of daily life. Fortunately thereís a positive reinforcing cycle between flexibility
and activity. Adequate flexibility enables you to maintain an active lifestyle, and
an active lifestyle makes an important contribution to maintaining adequate
flexibility. These relationships grow stronger the older we become.
When should I stretch?
Any time is a good time to Stretch. In the morning it can work out the kinks in
your back, at work, you can relax your neck and shoulders, and after work
stretch out your lower back. However, your should never do your stretches
before you have had a chance to warm your body up.
How should I stretch?
Perform the following stretches slowly and smoothly until you feel a slight
ìtuggingî sensation on the muscles involved. Donít stretch to the point you feel
pain, and donít bounce you could pull a muscle. Hold each stretch for 10 to 20
seconds. Exhale through the stretch, and breathe slowly. This will keep you from
1. Calf ( back of lover leg)
a. Straight knee start with the leg to be stretched approximately
three feet from the wall and the opposite leg on step forward.
Lean toward the wall, keeping your heels down and feet turned
in slightly.
b. Bent knee start same as above, but move approximately one
foot closer to the wall and bend the knee of the back leg to be
c. Repeat using the other leg.

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