M Bass MOSDR011 User Manual page 25

Personal dab tuner
Table of Contents


Select button signal function
The signal strength icon on the screen
The select button has a
continues to be displayed at the same time.
second function in addition to
Press SELECT again to cancel the signal
the one where, in normal
level function.
station navigation, it confirms
the highlighted selection.
The volume can be adjusted using the
When SELECT is pressed while the radio is
Central Navigator button. Push it forwards
in play mode the lower text line displays a
to increase the volume and backwards to
graphical representation of the received
decrease the volume.
signal level. The minimum signal level
Each time you press the UP/DOWN button,
required is imposed on this bar array and
the volume increments/decrements by one
takes the form of an open box.
preset step. Two presses of the button result
in the addition or removal of a bar from the
The bars indicate the current signal level
volume level icon at the top left corner of
and the central highlighted bar is the
the screen.
minimum signal required.
A continuous press in one direction
continues to increment/decrement the
volume until the button is released. No other
changes to the display occur.
The volume can only be adjusted when a
station has been acquired and is playing.
When the radio is scanning or selecting
stations the audio will be muted but no
change will be made to the displayed
volume icon.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents