SPORTS ART 506P User Manual

SPORTS ART 506P User Manual

506p recumbent cycle



A. SAFETY GUIDELINES.........................................................................................
B. INTRODUCTION...................,..............................................................................
List of parts.........................................................................................................
Step by step instructions......................................................................................
Floor level adjustment..........................................................................................
Understanding the Electronics Package..............................................................
Cool Down...........................................................................................................
How long should I exercise................................................................................
How often should I exercise...............................................................................
Cleaning The Cycle............................................................................................
H. PULSE................................................................................................................


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for SPORTS ART 506P

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    Understanding the Electronics Package.............. Manual......................... Interval......................... Program....................... Cool Down......................E. KEY FUNCTIONS RESET........................ RPM........................TIME........................DISTANCE......................CALORIE......................F. Exercising With Sports Art How long should I exercise................How often should I exercise................G. MAINTAINING YOUR CYCLE Cleaning The Cycle.................... H. PULSE........................
  • Page 2: Safety Guidelines

    Sports Art 506P recumbent cycle A. SAFETY GUIDELINES: Please read and follow the following safety guidelines: ‧ Read this owner's manual and follow the instructions. ‧ Assemble and operate the cycle on a solid, level surface. ‧ Always unplug the cycle from an electric socket immediately after using and before cleaning.
  • Page 3: Introduction

    B. INTRODUCTION: Congratulations on purchasing one of the finest pieces of exercise equipment on the market today. Constructed of high quality materials and designed for years of troublefree usage, you will find the unit very easy to assemble and use. Before using your cycle, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this Owner's Manual.
  • Page 4: Assembling Your Cycle

    C. ASSEMBLING YOUR CYCLE: Before assembling your cycle, please make sure you have all the following items. If any items are missing, contact your authorized Sports Art dealer. List of parts: ‧ Four (4) sets of 5/16" bolts and washers - - Upright post and cycle main frame ‧...
  • Page 5: Step By Step Instructions

    Step by step instructions Before assembling your cycle, make sure that you have all the above parts. The following steps explain how to assemble your exercise cycle. Please read every step thoroughly, and follow the directions completely to ensure correct assembly. 1.
  • Page 6 5. Please attach the handlebar mounting plate to the cycle frame, using four (4) bolts, spring washers and flat washers. Tighten the bolts securely (See Fig. 3). Fig.3 6. Please insert the seat back frame assembly into the handlebar mounting plate and tighten securely by using the four (4) bolts and washers provided.
  • Page 7 6.1 Please attach the seat back to the seat back frame by using the four (4) bolts and washers provided. Tighten the bolts securely (See Fig. 4.1). Fig.4-1 7. Please attach the seat base to the handlebar mounting plate by using the four (4) bolts and washers provided.
  • Page 8 8. Please attach the foot pedals to the crank arms on the cycle using the wrench provided. Be careful to install the pedals on the correct crank arm. A "R" or "L" on the foot pedal indicates the correct side. Install the pedal marked "R" on the right- hand crank arm (as you stand at the rear of the cycle facing front).
  • Page 9: Floor Level Adjustment

    10. Please check to make sure all the bolts are tightened securely. If your Sports Art 506P cycle is unsteady on the floor, turn the right or left wheels of the rear leg either to make the cycle sitting stable. (See Fig. 8) Fig.8...
  • Page 10: Exercising On Your Cycle

    3. The Sports Art 506P has five users (Users 0 - 4), and the electronics package will hold the User data you enter into it (not for User 0). To enter USER information, press the USER key for the USER number you prefer.
  • Page 11: Program

    If you want to repeat your workout, just press ENTER and continue pedaling. PROGRAM The 506P features a total of four (4) professionally designed workout programs. The programs control the tension of the bike. At any point during the program workout, ▼▲...
  • Page 12: Key Functions

    2. When your workout is over, you will be prompted to perform a COOL DOWN. This COOL DOWN portion will decrease the tension you are using by half and decrease one level every three seconds until you get to level one, when the COOL DOWN period will be over.
  • Page 13: Exercising With Sports Art

    F. Exercising With Sports Art How long should I exercise? The duration of your exercise session is dependent on your fitness level. In general, it is recommended that you maintain your heart rate in the training zone for at least 10 minutes to realize an aerobic benefit.
  • Page 14: Pulse

    H. PULSE PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW IF YOUR CYCLE IS EQUIPPED WITH EARLOBE PULSE. US MODELS ARE NOT EQUIPPED WITH THIS FEATURE. 1. Press the MANUAL/HRC control key until "HRC" appears in the display. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□■□□□□■□■■■■■□□□■■■■□□□□ □□■□□□□■□■□□□□■□■□□□□■□□□ □□■□□□□■□■□□□□■□■□□□□■□□□ □□■■■■■■□■■■■■□□■□□□□□□□□ □□■□□□□■□■□□■□□□■□□□□□□□□...
  • Page 15 ▼ ▲ 4. Press "ENTER" and "TIME" displays on the screen. Then press to set time. ▲ ▼ (Time range: 5:00~99:00 minutes). Press once to add one minute and press once to deduct one minute. If you hold down the keys, the numbers will be increased or decreased by five minutes every 0.5 seconds.
  • Page 16 □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □■■□■■□□□■□□□□■□□■■□□□■■□ ■■■■■■■□□■□□□■■□■□□■□■□□■ ■■■■■■■□□■□□□□■□□□□■□□□□■ □■■■■■□□□■□□□□■□□□■□□□□■□ □□■■■□□□□■□□□□■□□■□□□□□□■ □□□■□□□■■■■■□□■□■□□□□■□□■ □□□□□□□□■■■□□□■□■■■■□□■■□ □□□□□□□□□■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ ■■■■■■■■□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ REAL RPM 8. When the real heart rate exceeds the prescribed figures, you will get in "HEART RATE CONTROL" program and hear 6 beeping sound. The Time Display will begin to count down from the time in Target Zone you chose. 9.
  • Page 17 REMARKS: 1. If you use earlobe pulse to measure heart rate, you have to make sure you plug securely. 2. If you press "RESET" during the workout, "HRC" will appear on LCD immediately. 3. The AGE and TIME of User 1 ~ 4 input will be retained.
  • Page 18: Wiring Schematic

    Control Board Yellow Blue 2Pin 110V Red 220V Blue 110V Black Wh ite 220V Brown Gray Purple Blue Green 110V White Yel low 220V Blue FUSE Orange Brown Black 、 、 506P 508P 508J Reed Switch Your Authorized SPORTS ART Distributor...

Table of Contents