Frigidaire FFGC3015LWC Installation Instructions Manual
Frigidaire FFGC3015LWC Installation Instructions Manual

Frigidaire FFGC3015LWC Installation Instructions Manual

30"/36" gas cooktop
Table of Contents


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If the information
in this manual is not followed
exactly, a fire
or explosion
may result causing property damage, personal injury or death.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.
call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas
supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
and service must be performed by a qualified
installer, service
agency or the gas supplier.
Refer to your serial plate for
applicable agency certitication
in the
of Massachusetts:
This Appliance can only
be installed in the state
of Massachusetts by a
Massachusetts licensed plumber
or gasfitter.
This appliance must be installed
with a three (3) foot / 36 in.
long flexible gas connector.
A"T" handle type manual gas
valve must be installed in the
gas supply line to this appliance.
Cooktop Dimensions
* 30" min. for unprotected cabinet
24" min. for protected surface
30" Min.*
I.........B ........(76.2
cm) Min.*
Cooktop Cutout Dimensions
Figure I
30" Models
21 1/2(54.6)
36" Models
All dimensions are in inches (cm).
* Dimension F is for clearance under cooktop for gas connection.
NOTE: Wiring
for this appliances
is enclosed in this booklet.
Only some models are available in Canada.
Printed in United States
P/N318201489 (0910) Rev.A
English - pages
Espahol - p_iginas 9-15
Fran_ais - pages 16-23
- pages


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Frigidaire FFGC3015LWC

  • Page 1 iNSTALLATiON AND SERVICE MUST BE PERFORMED BY A QUALiFiED iNSTALLER. iMPORTANT: SAVE FOR LOCAL ELECTRICAL iNSPECTOR'S USE. READ AND SAVE THESE iNSTRUCTiONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Refer to your serial plate for If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire applicable agency certitication or explosion...
  • Page 2 • Be sure your cooktop is installed and grounded important Notes to the Installer Read all instructions contained in these installation properly by a qualified installer or service technician. instructions before installing the cooktop. This cooktop must be electrically grounded Remove all packing material before connecting the accordance with...
  • Page 3 30" (76.2 cm) Min. Clearance Between the Top of the Cooking Platform and Unprotected 13" (33cm) Wood or Metal Max.Depth For Cabinet Installed Cabinet Above Cooktop. 24" (61 cm) Min. when Bottom of Dimensions K is the Minimum Clearance Wood or Metal Distance Required Between Cabinet is Rear of Cooktop and Adjacent...
  • Page 4 Electric Built-in Typical Under Counter Installation of an Above Oven with a Cooktop Mounted Only certain cooktop models may be installed over Cabinet side filler panels certain built-in electric oven models. Approved cooktops are necessary to isolate the and built-in ovens are listed by the MFG ID number unit from adjoining cabinets.
  • Page 5: Installation

    Typical Gas Cooktop Installation Over an Electric Built-in Oven Installed Under the Counter 18" (45.7 cm) Max.-----_ ÷ 4" (10.2 cm) 61/2" Manifold Pi 5"cm)(16.5 cm) Flare (12.7 Min. Union '._:Z__I .." 120V/6OHz Flexible Connector Grounded Right Side Flare Outlet of Cabinet Union...
  • Page 6: Gas Conversion

    Assemble the flexible connector from the gas supply pipe 4. Provide an Adequate Gas Supply to the pressure regulator in order: 1- manual shutoff This cooktop is designed to operate on natural gas at 4" valve, 2- 1/2" nipple, 3- 1/2" flare union adapter, 4- flexible (10.2 cm) of manifold pressure only.
  • Page 7: Check Operation

    Check alignmentof valvesafterconnecting t he Where a standard 2-prong wall receptacle is installed, cooktop to thegassupply to besurethecooktop it is the personal responsibility and obligation of the manifold pipehasnotbeenmoved. consumer to have it replaced by a properly grounded 3-prong wall receptacle. Disconnect t his cooktopand its individualshutoff valvefromthe gassupply pipingsystem duringany Do not, under any circumstances,...
  • Page 8: Before You Call For Service

    4.Adjust the "low" setting for regular surface When Hookups are Complete burner valves (Figure 8) Make sure all controls are left in the OFF position. a. Push in and turn control to LITE until burner ignites. Make sure the flow of combustion and ventilation air to b.
  • Page 9 LA INSTALACION Y EL SERVICIO DEBEN SER REAUZADOS POR UN INSTALADOR CAUFICADO. IMPORTANTE: GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA USO DEL iNSPECTOR ELleCTRICO LOCAL. LEA Y GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA FUTURAS REFERENCIAS Refierase a su placa de serie para la Si la informacion contenida en este manual no es seguida 1 certificaciOn de la agencia aplicable exactamente,...
  • Page 10: Notas Importantes

    Notas • Asegurese que la plancha de cocinar sea instalada importantes para el instalador: 1. Lea todas las instrucciones de instalaciOn antes de y puesta a tierra correctamente pot un instalador o t_cnico calificado. realizar la instalaci6n de la plancha de cocinar. 2.
  • Page 11 30" (76.2cm)Minimo entrelapartesuperior de laplataforma delaplancha d e cocinar yelfondodeuna madera n onprotegida o armario met_qlico. 13" (33cm) 24" (61cm)min.cuando Max.Depth For Cabinet Installed dela parteinferior d el Above Cooktop. armario de madera o k,,,, __-J metal est_q protegida por una placa cortafuego menos de "_...
  • Page 12 Tipica instalaci6n de un horno el ctrico empotrado con una plancha de cocinar por encima Los paneles de relleno laterales del SOlo ciertos modelos de tapas de cocina se pueden instalar sobre gabinete son necesarios para aislar la ciertos modelos de hornos electricos empotrados. Las tapas de unidad de los gabinetes adyacentes.
  • Page 13 Instalacion tipica de la plancha de cocinar a gas por encima de un homo electrico empotrado instalado debajo del mostrador 18" (45.7 cm) M_ix.-----_ ÷ 4" (10.2cm) 61/2 '' Tubo m01ti 5" (13.5 cm) (1 2.7 cm) Min. UniOn Lado derecho UniOn del armario 120V/60Hz...
  • Page 14 La I[nea de suministro de gas pot el plancha de cocinar deber[a Abra la wilvula de cierre en el tubo de suministro de gas. Espere tenet un tubo de Y2" (1.3 cm) o de 3A" (1.9 cm). unos minutos para que el gas pase a trav_s del tubo de gas. 5.
  • Page 15 M_todo Preferido hasta que usted puede dar vuelta r_ipidamente a la perilla de la posici6n LITEa la POSICION MAS BAJA sin extinguir la No debe, bajo . ] circunstancia I llama. La llama debe ser tan peque_a como sea posible sin luna cortar o retirar la | apagarse.
  • Page 16 INSTALLATEUR QUALIFiI_DOlT EFFECTUER L'INSTALLATIONET LE SERVICE. iMPORTANT:CONSERVEZ CESiNSTRUCTiONSPOUR LESiNSPECTEURS LOCAUX. LISEZCESiNSTRUCTiONSETCONSERVEZ-LES POUR REF[=RENCES ULTI_RIEURES. Si ies instructionsde ce manuel ne sont passuivies& ia iet- Rderez-vous a la plaque signaletique tre, il pourrait en r_sulter un incendieou une explosion susceptible de causer des pourla certification d'agence applicable.
  • Page 17 • Assurez-vous que votre appareil est correctement Notes importantes a I'lnstallateur 1. Lisez toutes les instructions contenues dans les Instruc- insta[l_ et mis _ [a terre par un insta[lateur ou un tions d'installation avant d'installer la cuisini_re. techniden d'entretien qua[ifi& •...
  • Page 18 D#gagement minimum de30" (76.2cm)entre lehautdelasurface de cuisson e t labase de I'armoire enboisouen L' a rm oire "'__ m#talnonprot#g#e. pasexc#der une Minimum de24" (61 superieurened°it_1_!' cm)Iorsque l abase de I'armoire e nboisou 13" (33cm) istance enm#tal e stprot#g#e "\_ recommand_e entre I _"...
  • Page 19 encastr electrique sous le Installation typique d'un four de cuisson au-dessus comptoir et d'une table Seulement certains modules de tables de cuisson peuvent _tre ins- II faut fermer les c6t_s de I'habi- tail,s au-dessus de certains modules de fours encastr_s. Les modules tacle par des panneaux de bois approuv_s pour _tre combings sont identi%s _ I'aide d'un num_ro pour isoler I'appareil des armoires...
  • Page 20 Installation typique d'une table de cuisson a gaz au-dessus d'un four encastr install sous le comptoir 18" Max. (45.7 cm) 5" Max. 6 1/2"Min. :r_l_'2_:: (12.7,cm) (1_.5 cm) .Manchon I Murde evase droite de Prise de I'armoire Tube en m_tal flexible I 120V/6OHz Manchon conduit d'alimentation en gaz...
  • Page 21 Pourv_rifier l er_gulateur, lapression d 'admission dolt Robinet Circulation du gaz R_gulateur _tresup_rieure d 'aumoins1" (2.5cm)(oude0.25 kPa) a celledur_gulateur ajust_ a la rampe a gaz.Le d'arr_t Joint Joint de pression r_gulateur _tantajust_ a 4" (10.2cm)depression, la pression d 'admission dolt_tred'aumoins 5" (12.7cm). man el Laconduite d 'alimentation engazbranch_e a laplaque d e Ouve...
  • Page 22 Lorsdetoutev_rification d epression d ucircuit _ une 8. Verification de fonctionnement pression s up_rieure _ 1/2 I b/po2(3.5kPa ou 14" C.E.), R_f_rez-vous au Guide de I'utilisateur fourni avec votre d_branchez la plaquede cuissonet sonrobinet appareil pour le mode de fonctionnement et I'entretien d'arrCtindividueldeI'alimentation engaz.
  • Page 23: Avant D'appeler Le Service D'entretien

    Avant d'appeler le service Lorsque tous ies raccordements sont terrnines d'entretien V_rifiez que toutes les commandes sont en position Consultez la liste des v_rifications pr@entives et les d'arr_t. instructions d'op_ration dans votre Guide de I'utilisateur. Vous sauverez probablement du temps et de I'argent. Assurez-vous que la circulation d'air de combustion et de La liste contient les incidents ordinaires ne r_sultant pas ventilation a la plaque de cuisson n'est obstru@.
  • Page 24 <c _LU_ :_zI E}W(9 (..> • _O/- -©zwz ..J ..o ui (..) z zcco D> cr i_ z_d ---0 O--- 0- . 0; Lo- _8_: WOZNZ d >- ld Q J© z< ixJQ zccz u_Wz EODD mE ..©...

Table of Contents