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contents Air Gap Appliance Registration CareandCleaning China,Crystal,Sterling CycleFeatures Detergent,Detergent G uide DispenserCups DoorLatch EnergySaver Energy-Saving T ips Features Loading Modeland SerialNumbers OperatingGuide CycleSelection ProblemSolver 12-14 RepairService RinseAgent ‘ SafetyInstructions Warranty BackCover WaterTemperature WinterStorage EFF)RTe. -.4- fxjl--v P ‘meGEflmwer Use and Care built-in m odel GSD400Y...
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?spaiiol de &temanual,” Ilamegratisa The Cj13 A nswerCenter? serviciode informacibn parad cons~midor, tek$fmm 8(?0.626.2000. your Thepowerconsumption of dishwasher canbeminimized i f y(.NJ followthesesuggestions: ~ (@rate dkhwsher Ody WhWi ML Letdishesaccumulate in dishwasher. Whenyouputin a partialload,use. R INSEONLY cycleto rinseoffheavysoils.Be sureto latchdoorwhenwaitingfor fullload.Thishelpskeepsoils...
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MPOaW’MTSAFETY ~STRUCTIONS ead allimtmctions beforeusing thisappliance. ~DO~0~Washplastic items unless marked“dishwasher s afe”or the equivalent. F or plasticitemsnot so checkthe marked, rnanufkcturer’s recotiendations. toplayinside,on or withthis applianceor anydiscarded appliance.Disposeofdiscarded appliancesan~shippingor ‘ material P~C~t3 giropeiily. ‘ Beforediscardinga dishtisher, removethe doorofthewashing compartment. “’ :- ,.,, ,.’ M ms~~qcTroNs ‘...
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(perKwh) $.05 $ .08$ .11 Estimated Yearly S avings $6.25 $10.00 $13.75 DoorLatch (Locked) STEP4. SelecttheCycleandstart dishwasher. If yourdishwasher d rainsintoa foodwastedisposer,operatethe disposeruntilit is emptybefore startingthedishwasher. ( SeeCycle selectionhintson nextpage.) Toobtainthebenefitsofa complete cycle,be carefulthatyoudo not turn the dial anyfurtherthan necessaryto startthedishwasher.
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SE!kdioll Mm cycle ORMALWASH—For mostloads f everyday dishes,glasses LIGHT_ W ASH—For dishesthat havebeenpre-rinsedbefore loading. A lso,for washing very lightly-soiled disheswithsoilsthat havenotdriedon. RINSEONLY—For rinsingpartial loadswhichwillbe washedlater, Donotusedefqgent. what hqqm’lsilleach cycle @ You’ll h earoccasional c licking sounds : —Soft f ooddisposershredding action.
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Gooddishwa$hi~ $tarts withHOT water. Togetdishescleananddry,you needhotwater. T O helpyougetwater oftheproperternper@re,your dishwasher a utomatically h eatsthe waterin thewashcycle’. Forgood washing aid ,drying, ‘ t~e eritering watermustbeat ]eqst120 ‘F,To preventdishdarnagej i nletwater shouldnotexceed150°F. Howto testwakr temperature: ‘ ‘ Checkthewatertemperature insideyourdishwasher w itha candyor meatthermometer.
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L Scrapeoffbones,seeds,Wins, toothpicks a ndotherhardsolids.It is alsobestto remove hardshelled veget~bks, m eattrimmifigjs, leafy vegetables a ndcrusts.Remove excessive quantities ofOilor grease. 2. Remove largequantities Ofany food.Your dishwasher h asiibtiilt~in softfooddispdserthatpulverizes soflfoodbitsandflushes theiniiwy, It canhtmdlesmallamountsof softfoods,butlargeamoufits Will be difficultto handle. liquid) MEDIUMWATER...
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hwllthe B~~M andsaucersbetweenthe pins.Loadplatters, plates potsandbowlsalongthe sides,in cornersor in the back. Put flatwarein the removablesilverwarebasketwith handlesup toprotectyourhands.Mix knives,forksand spoonsso theydon’tnest together.Distributeevenly. Smallplasticitems,such as measuringspoonsandlids fromsmallcontainers,are notrecommendedfor automaticdishwashing. I f placedin thedishwasher, t hey shouldgo in the bottomof the silverwarebasketwiththe silverwareon top. Heavilysoiledpots,pansandcasseroles MUSTbe loadedin the bottomrack, facingdown.Propthebroiler panandrackalongthe edge.Shallowitemsmaybe...
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cEywd ‘was -YES steel staink$s Sw.’hlgSmu% mm’ pkde 7’ Non-stick -YIN matings I Tincanrust, ‘wow! i Woodcanwarp,crackor lose its finishwith&y typewashing. Forget did-i? Heregs when ww!lUim add it. time during the dishesany RINSEONLYcycle.‘With other dishes was~ cyckx, you can ackl at any timeBEFOREthe main detergentwashportionof thecycle.
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GAPIS N~ PART OFYOUR DISHWASHER. IT ISN~ COVERED INYOUR W~. The air gap is easy@ With clean, mosttypes,firstturn offthe dishwasher, t henlift. o ffthechrome cover.Thenunscrewtheplasticcap andcheckfor anybuild-upof grit. A toothpickmakescleaningeasy. Cheek the airgapanytimeyour dishwasher isn’tdrainingweR 3. Put the coloryouwantin front;...
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POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY A fuseinyourhomemaybeblown,or thecircuitbreakertripped,Replacefuseor resetcircuitbreaker.Remove anyotherappliances f romthecircuit + Utensilsmaynotbe secureonrackpins,or something smallmayhavedroppedfrom thereck.Wateris causingutensils to rattle.Makesureeverything is securelyplaced in dishwasher. Makesureinletwatertemperature is correct.(Seepage6.) Unloadthebottomrackfirst.Waterfromdishesin thetoprackmaybespillingintothe bottomrack, Checkforimproperloading. D ishesshouldn’t n esttogether. A void overloading. Checkinletwatertemperature. I t shouldbe at least 120°F. ( Totest, seepage6.)
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Remove the stainsby hand, usinga solutionof 1/2cup bleachand 3 cupswarmwater. b. overallyellowor brownfilmorIdishesor glasswarecan be causedbyiron deposits [nwater.A specialfilter in the watersupplylineis the onlywayto correctthis ~roblem. Y ourwatersoftenercompanycan tellyouaboutthe filter. Yi40wfilm on sterlingsilverresultswhenyouwashcopperutensilsin the sameload. lilve~polishwill usuallyremovethis stain. NORMALWASHcycle. dishwasher andallowto run for 15to 20 minutes.Thedishwasher...
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WATER WON’TPUMF gap,ifyouhaveone.(Seepage 11,) OUT OF THE TUB Check thekitchen sink,Isitdraining w ell? You mayneedaplwnber. If dishwasher d rainsintodisposer, f in disposerto clear.Besuredisposeris notclogged. Sucking detergents tie notmeantfor dishwashers. U SEONLYAIYIXIMATIC SUDS IN THE TUB DISHWASHER DETERGENTS ~ AVOID SUDSING.
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service HYOU Need Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty orIthebackpageofthisbook. llkfmproudof our serviceand want. y iu to bepleased.If for some reasonyouare nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,hereare three stepsto f’llaw forfurtherhelp. FIRST’, contactthnpeoplewho yourappliance, Explain serviced whyyouarenotpleased. I nmost cases, t hiswillsolve theproblwn, NEXT’, i f youare stillnotpleased, writeallthedetails-including ym.uphonenumber—to: Manager, C onsumerRelations GEAppliances...
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Somestatesdo notallowthe exclusion or limitationof incidental o r consequential damages, s othe abovelimitationor exclusion maynotapplyto you.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state. Toknowwhatyourlegalrightsareinyourstate,consultyourlocalor stateconsumeraffairsofficeor yourstate’s AttorneyGeneral. Hfurtherhelpis neededconcerningthis warranty, w rite: Manager–consumerAffairs, G EE A ppliances, L ouisville, IO’40225 I Part No. 165 D3080P027 pk). 49-5389 / p~~. 4-88 WARRANW FULL ONE-YEARWARRANTY F&one year from date of original...