User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 ABLE OF ONTENTS Introduction ..............................1 Bluetooth Tray............................1 Access My Bluetooth Places........................2 Bluetooth Icons ............................2 Notification Area Icon..........................2 Device and Service Icons ........................2 Device Icons ............................ 2 Service Icons ........................... 5 Basic Operations ............................
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WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Configure ..........................15 Audio Gateway ..........................15 Overview ..........................15 Create an Audio Gateway Connection ...................15 Close an Audio Gateway Connection ..................15 Configure ..........................15 Bluetooth Serial Port ........................16 Overview ..........................16 Create a Bluetooth Serial Port Connection ................16 Close a Bluetooth Serial Port Connection ................16 Configure ..........................16 Dial-up Networking .........................16 Overview ..........................16...
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User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Other File Operations ......................21 Configure ..........................21 Network Access ..........................21 Create a Network Access Connection ................... 22 Close a Network Access Connection ..................22 Configure ..........................22 PIM Synchronization ........................22 Configure PIM Synchronization ..................... 22 PIM Item Transfer ..........................
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WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Configure the Headset Service ....................30 Usage Example with a Bluetooth Telephone .................30 Network Access..........................31 Setup for Windows 98SE & Windows Me ................31 Setup for Windows 2000 and Windows XP ................31 Verify the Server Setup ......................32 PIM Item Transfer...........................32 Configure ..........................32 Close a PIM Item Transfer Connection ..................33...
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User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 To Remove Pairing ........................40 Passkey ..............................40 Secure Connection ..........................40 Security Request Dialog Box ........................ 40 Troubleshooting ............................41 Cannot Connect to a Paired Device...................... 41 Cannot Discover Services on an Unpaired Remote Device..............41 Dial-up Networking Service Does Not Start ..................
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WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Page viii Document WL-BTD 202...
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User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 IST OF ABLES Table 1: Bluetooth Icon............................2 Table 2: Device Icons for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 ............3 Table 3: Device Icons for Windows XP ......................4 Table 4: Service Icons for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 ............6 Table 5: Service Icons for Windows XP ......................
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WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Page x Document WL-BTD 202...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 • Access the Quick Connect option—right-click the Bluetooth icon, select Quick Connect, and then select the type of service to which you wish to connect. • Start/Stop Bluetooth on this computer. CCESS LUETOOTH LACES My Bluetooth Places is part of Windows Explorer. There are multiple ways to access My Bluetooth Places: •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Device icons have three states: • Normal - this unadorned icon indicates the presence of a device in the vicinity. Each type of device is represented by a different icon. For example, the icon to the right represents a desktop computer in a normal state.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Table 2: Device Icons for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 (Cont.) Name Normal Connected Paired Unknown Table 3: Device Icons for Windows XP Name Normal Connected Paired Audio Gateway Imaging Device Desktop Computer Headset Human Interface Device Keyboard...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Service Icons Services are what a Bluetooth device can do for other Bluetooth devices, such as provide access to a local area network, or the ability to send a fax. Some devices, such as headsets or network access points, may provide only a single service. Others, such as desktop and laptop computers, can potentially provide all of the Bluetooth services.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Table 4: Service Icons for Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 Name Normal Connected Not Available* Audio Gateway Imaging Dial-up Networking Headset Network Access PIM Item Transfer PIM Synchronization File Transfer Serial Port *Services may be unavailable because they are in use or because the necessary hardware is not installed. Page 6 Bluetooth Icons Document WL-BTD 202...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Table 5: Service Icons for Windows XP Name Normal Connected Not Available* Audio Gateway Imaging Dial-up Networking Headset Network Access PIM Item Transfer PIM Synchronization File Transfer Serial Port *Services may be unavailable because they are in use or because the necessary hardware is not installed. Document WL-BTD 202 Bluetooth Icons Page 7...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 ASIC PERATIONS TART OR LUETOOTH To start Bluetooth - in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, right-click the Bluetooth icon and select Start the Bluetooth Device. The Bluetooth icon is blue in color with a white insert when Bluetooth is running.
User Manual WL-BTD202 11/12/04 REATE A ONNECTION NTIRE LUETOOTH EIGHBORHOOD 1. From Windows Explorer, in the Folders pane, select My Bluetooth Places, and then select Entire Blue- tooth Neighborhood. 2. In the right pane of My Bluetooth Places, right-click a device name, and then select Discover Available Services.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Find A Service The process of determining the services that a device provides is called Service Discovery. To initiate a Service Discovery, in My Bluetooth Places, right-click a device name and then, from the shortcut menu, select Discover Available Services.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Bluetooth Connection Status The Bluetooth Connection Status dialog box displays information about the state of a connection and provides a means to disconnect an active connection. Display the Connection Status dialog box - in My Bluetooth Places, select a device, and then, in the right pane of My Bluetooth Places, right-click a service name and select Status from the shortcut menu.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 1. In the application: • Windows Explorer - select one or more files to be transferred. Folders cannot be transferred. • Microsoft Office - only the document in the active window can be transferred. • Microsoft Outlook - select one or more items to be transferred.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 How this computer uses a service that is provided by a remote device is configured on the Client Applications tab of the Bluetooth configuration panel. LUETOOTH XCHANGE OLDER This is the highest-level directory on this computer to which a remote Bluetooth device has access. Devices that have been granted access to the Bluetooth exchange folder also have access to all subfolders contained within that folder and all files in those subfolders.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Note: Client Applications and Local Services usually have coinciding names; e.g., there is a Fax service and a Fax application. General Configuration All of the built-in Bluetooth applications allow you to rename the application and/or require a secure connection when using the application.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 If, for some reason, the connection must be closed: from My Bluetooth Places, right-click the service name, and from the shortcut menu, select Disable. When a HID connection is closed manually by the operator, the connection’s persistence is broken. The connection must be re-established manually, after which the connection will again persist until broken manually.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Bluetooth Serial Port Overview The Bluetooth Serial Port application allows this computer to establish a wireless serial connection with a remote Bluetooth device. The applications on both this computer and the remote device must be configured to send and receive data to and from the respective communications port (COM port) assigned to the Bluetooth serial port.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Open a connection to the Dial-up Networking service that is provided by another Bluetooth device using one of these techniques: • Notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, Bluetooth icon • From My Bluetooth Places •...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Close a Fax Connection Fax connections close automatically when the Fax transmission is complete. Configure The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > Fax > General tab provides options to configure: • The application name - to change it, highlight the existing name and enter the new name. •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Configure The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > Headset > General tab provides options to configure: • The application name - to change it, highlight the existing name and enter the new name. • Secure connection - to enable secure connection, select the option box.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Close an Imaging Connection Imaging connections close automatically when the image transfer is complete. To abort the image transfer, click Cancel in the transfer dialog box. Configure The Bluetooth Configuration Panel > Client Applications > Imaging > General tab provides options to configure: •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Copy To/From a Remote Device 1. In the Folders pane of Windows Explorer, from the Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood branch, select a device and expand that branch to view the File Transfer folder of the remote device. Note: If File Transfer is not available, the remote device is not configured to allow remote file operations.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Create a Network Access Connection Establish a connection using one of these techniques: • Notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, Bluetooth icon. • From My Bluetooth Places. • Using the Bluetooth Setup Wizard. Close a Network Access Connection •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Note: If synchronization is enabled for a specific item type, but is not enabled for that item type on the remote device, synchronization will not take place for that item. The data item types that can be synchronized are: •...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 • Drag-and-drop a supported item directly from your PIM to the PIM Item Transfer service icon of a remote device. • For business cards: • From Windows Explorer, My Bluetooth Places, right-click the PIM Item Transfer service on a remote device and select the appropriate option.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Printer The Bluetooth Printer application allows this computer to use a Bluetooth printer. Once a Bluetooth printer has been properly installed, it can be used from this computer in the same way as any other printer would be. Configure The Bluetooth Configuration Panel >...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 LUETOOTH ERVICES Common Configuration Settings These properties can be set individually for each Bluetooth service: • Service Name - the default name of each service can be changed. • Secure Connection - requires that remote devices provide proof of identity and that all data be encrypted. •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Associate a Sound with Service Access From the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, Local Services tab: 1. Double-click a service name and then select the Notifications tab. 2. Select the options you want; both visual and sound notifications may be selected for a single event. 3.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Bluetooth Serial Port The Bluetooth Serial Port service enables a remote Bluetooth device to establish a wireless serial connection with this computer. The wireless serial connection may be used by applications as though a physical serial cable connected the devices.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Fax Service The Fax service allows a remote Bluetooth device to send a Fax via a modem that is physically attached to this computer. Configure the Fax Service From the Notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, right-click the Bluetooth icon, select Advanced Configuration >...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Headset Service The Bluetooth Headset Service allows this computer to provide audio input/output for remote Bluetooth devices. Example: if the remote device is a Bluetooth telephone, this computer’s microphone and speakers can be used as speakerphone input and output for that device. Hardware Requirements •...
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Network Access The Bluetooth Network Access service enables a remote Bluetooth device to access a Local Area Network that is physically attached to this computer or allows a remote device to become part of an ad hoc network provided by this computer.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection. Then select Bluetooth Connection in the Home Networking drop-down list, if available. (The Home Networking drop-down list is not available on all versions of Windows XP.) - Windows 2000 - from the Sharing tab, in the Internet Connection Sharing section, select Enable Internet Connection Sharing for this connection.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 • Always send the same business card - when a request is received, always send the same business card. When this option is selected, a dialog box prompts you to select an installed Personal Information Manager (if more than one is installed on this computer) and an existing business card.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Note: Move your mouse over a selected business card to display additional information about that contact. 2. Click OK to choose a selected business card and return to the PIM Item Transfer Properties page. The chosen contact is now displayed and selected in the Business card requests shortcut menu.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 ARDWARE ETTINGS The Hardware tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel provides basic information about the Bluetooth hardware installed on this computer and access to the Advanced Settings dialog box, if required: • Devices: • Name - the name of the device, e.g., My Bluetooth Device. •...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Click No to save the changes - the changes will be applied the next time the Bluetooth device is reset or restarted. CCESSIBILITY ETTINGS The Accessibility tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel lets you specify whether remote devices may access this computer, which remote devices have access, and whether an audio warning is played when a Personal Identification Number (PIN code) is required.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 ISCOVERY ETTINGS The settings on the Discovery tab of the Bluetooth Configuration Panel determine whether this computer looks for other Bluetooth devices automatically, how often it looks for devices, and what type of devices it looks for. Periodic Search for Devices When Look for other Bluetooth devices is selected, Bluetooth automatically searches for devices every X minutes.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 Temporarily Override the Discovery of Specific Devices In the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, from the Discovery tab, select Report all Bluetooth devices. The specifically selected devices will be discovered along with all other devices. To re-enable specific device discovery, re-select Report Only Selected Bluetooth Devices. Note: When all devices are deleted, an error message will appear if Report all Bluetooth devices is not selected.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Note: The devices must be paired. 1. From My Bluetooth Places, right-click a paired device, select Properties, and then the Authorization tab. 2. Select the services in the list box for which Authorization will NOT be required, and then click OK. LUETOOTH EVICE DENTITY...
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 The server user must acknowledge the Authorization balloon or the connection will fail and the file will not be transferred. If there are no duplicate files, the Authorization balloon is displayed on the server immediately. To Pair with Another Device If Secure Connection is enabled, the first time two devices attempt to connect, a prompt to pair the devices is displayed.
User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 Click the balloon to proceed. ROUBLESHOOTING ANNOT ONNECT TO A AIRED EVICE Paired devices are always displayed in My Bluetooth Places, even if the remote device is out of range or not powered on. • Verify that the remote member of the pair is within radio range, and powered on, and then attempt the connection again.
WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 (LMP) ETERMINE THE ERSION OF THE ANAGER ROTOCOL In the Bluetooth Configuration Panel, on the Hardware tab, in the Device Properties section, the seventh entry provides Link Manager Protocol version number information. The eighth entry contains the Link Manager Protocol sub-version number information, if appropriate. NFORMATION BOUT THE LUETOOTH...
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User Manual WL-BTD 202 11/12/04 LUETOOTH EADSET LWAYS UNCTION NDER INDOWS Windows 98 cannot convert audio files with the extension m3u (e.g., myfile.m3u) into the Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) audio format used by Bluetooth headsets; this is a limitation of Windows 98. Other versions of Windows (2000, ME and XP) can translate m3u audio files into the PCM format.
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WL-BTD 202 User Manual 11/12/04 ASUS 16215 Alton Parkway P.O. Box 57013 Irvine, CA 92619-7013 Phone: 949-450-8700 Fax: 949-450-8710 Broadcom Corporation reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability, function, or design.
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