Revision History Rev. Date Description Initial version in order to provide a M2M 05/15/09 L. Battini protocol based on XML. Set Simple request removed (Depreciated) 10/02/10 L. Battini Disclaimer updated 03/25/10 L. Battini Multi Set Request updated TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION ...........................
1. Description The Dell UPS Management Card supports a M2M protocol that allows to ”Get” and or “Set” several parameters. The goal of this document is to describe how the parameters can be Read / Write. It also provides a list of the objects that are currently implemented.
4. Get & Set objects feature The Dell UPS Management Card supports the XML protocol over HTTP or HTTPS to set parameters. 4.1. <GET_OBJECT> Service This service downloads from the Dell UPS Management Card the values of all parameters and data inside the NMC card.
The object name. Value The object value. 4.2. <SET_OBJECT> Service This service allows setting individually one or many parameters inside of the Dell UPS Management Card. <SET_OBJECT url="Forms/set_obj_2" security="basic" mode="FORM" /> : Attribute Description Indicates the URL to access to the main menu.
4.2.1. Multi Set Request The post use a multi-part file upload type field. The field name is "objectList" and is define in the HTML Form as follow: <INPUT type="file" name="objectList"></INPUT> The posted file uses this format: <SET_OBJECT> <OBJECT name="name">value</OBJECT> <OBJECT name="name">value</OBJECT> <OBJECT name="name">value</OBJECT>...
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