Sybase Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.2 Administration And Performance Manual page 90

Table of Contents


Creating and editing ODBC data sources
Network tab
Advanced tab
For more information on the parameters in the Database tab, see the
EngineName, StartLine, DatabaseName, DatabaseFile, and AutoStop
connection parameters in the chapter "Connection and Communication
Parameters" in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual.
Select the network protocol and specify any protocol specific options
The TCP/IP, IPX, and NetBIOS check boxes specifies
where necessary
what protocol or protocols the ODBC DSN will use to access a network
database server. In the adjacent boxes, you may enter communication
parameters that establish and tune connections from your client application to
a database.
For a TCP/IP example, see "To create an ODBC User Data Source:" on page
66. For more information see the CommLinks connection parameter, and
Network communications parameters, in the chapter "Connection and
Communication Parameters" in the Adaptive Server IQ Reference Manual.
Encrypt all network packets
from the client machine over the network. By default, network encryption
packets is set to OFF.
A liveness packet is sent across a client/server to
Liveness timeout
confirm that a connection is intact. If the client runs for the liveness timeout
period without detecting a liveness packet, the communication will be severed.
This parameter works only with network server and TCP/IP or IPX
communications protocols. The default is 120 seconds.
Set the maximum size of communication packets, in bytes.
Buffer size
Indicates the amount of space to allocate on startup for
Buffer space
network buffers, in kilobytes.
For more information on the Encryption, LivenessTimeout, CommBufferSize
and CommBufferSpace connection parameters, see the Adaptive Server IQ
Reference Manual.
The name of the connection that is being created.
Connection name
The name of the character set.
Character set
Allow multiple record fetching
at one time instead of individually. By default, multiple record fetching is
Enables encryption of packets transmitted
Enables multiple records to be retrieved


Table of Contents

Table of Contents