Appendix B: Firewire Tips - Gibson Robot Interface Pack Owner's Manual

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Appendix B: FireWire Tips

Some say that FireWire was never really intended for audio interfaces, but it's here, it's
universal, and it works...well, mostly. Some people have a hard time getting FireWire to
play nice, but these tips can help.
There are different FireWire chip sets. Find out what type your computer uses,
then check the Echo web site to see if there are any known issues (most
companies recommend the TI chip set). To find the chip set used in a Windows
XP computer, right-click on My Computer, select Properties, click on the
Hardware tab, then click on Device Manager. Expand "IEEE 1396 Bus host
controllers" in the device tree by clicking on the little (+) sign, and Windows will
show the chip set being used.
This Windows computer uses a Texas Instruments chip set, which is recommended by
most manufacturers.


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