Starting The Mower - MTD 12A-559Q795 Operator's Manual

21-inch self-propelled mower
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ARNING:The operationof any lawn mower
can result in foreign objectsbeingthrown
intothe eyes,whichcan damageyoureyes severely.
Alwayswear safetyglasseswhileoperatingthe
mower,or while performingany adjustments or
repairson it.
Starting the Mower
the Engine
ARNING:Be sure no one otherthan the
operatoris standingnearthe lawn mower
whilestartingengineor operatingmower.Never
run engineindoorsor in enclosed,poorly ventilated
areas. Engine exhaustcontainscarbon monoxide, an
odorlessand deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hair,and
looseclothing awayfrom any movingpartson engine
and lawn mower.
Referto the enginemanualfor help with enginecontrols.
1. Placethe fuel valveleverfoundon the left sideof the
engine intothe ON (OPEN)position,Figure4-2.
2. Movethechoke leverall the way backwardintothe
choke position.
3. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezethe bladecontrol
againstupper handle,Figure4-2.The chokewill now
begin to slowlyreturnto the off chokepositionafter
activatingthe bladecontrol.Therefore,quicklymove
onto stepfour below.
4. Holdingthesetwo handlestogetherfirmly,grasp recoil
starterhandleand pull ropeout with a rapid,continu-
ous, full arm stroke,Figure4-2. Keepinga firm grip on
the starterhandlelet the rope rewindslowly.Repeat
until enginecranks.Letthe rope rewindeachtime
the Engine
1. Releasebladecontrol to stop theengineand blade.
2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug and
groundagainstthe engine.
WARNING:Wait for the blade to stop com-
pletely before performingany maintenance
on the moweror to removethe grass catcher.
Using Your Lawn Mower
ARNING:Neveroperate yourmower
withouteitherthe rear door or the entire
grass catcherassembly firmly secured.
Be surelawnis clearof stones,sticks,wire,or other
objectswhich coulddamagelawnmoweror engine.
Such objectscouldbe accidentlythrownby the mower
in anydirectionand cause seriouspersonalinjuryto the
operatorand others.
Figure 4-2:Steps involved instarting themower.
WARNING:if you strikea foreign object,
stop the engine.Removewire from the
spark plug,thoroughly inspectmower for any
damage, and repairdamage before restarting and
operating. Extensive vibration of mower during
operation is an indicationof damage. The unit
should be promptlyinspectedand repaired.
1. Oncethe engineis running,squeezethedrive
controlagainstthe upperhandleto propelmower.
Forbest results,do notcut wet grassand never
cut off morethanone-thirdof the total lengthof the
Using as iVlulcher
Formulchinggrass,removethe grasscatcherfrom the
mower.The rear dischargedoor shouldclose.
• Foreffectivemulching,do notcut wet grass.
• Newor thick grassmay requirea narrowercut.
Adjustgroundspeedaccordingto conditionof lawn.
• If thegrass has beenallowedto growin excessof
fourinches, m ulchingis not recommended.
Grass Catcher
Youcan usethe grass catcherto collectclippingswhile
youare operatingthe mower.
Attachgrasscatcherfollowinginstructionsin Setup
bag as you run mower.Operatemowertill grass bag
is full.
2. Stopenginecompletelyby releasingthe blade
controlhandle.Makesurethat the unit hascometo
a completestop.
3. Lift dischargedoor and pull grassbag up and away
fromthe mowerto disposeof the grass clippings.
The operation of any
lawn mower canresult
in foreign objectsbeing
thrown intothe eyes,
whichcandamage your
eyes severely. Always
wear safety glasses while
operating the mower,
or whileperformingany
adjustments or repairs
on it.
Be sure no one otherthan
the operator is standing
near the lawn mower
while starting engine or
operating mower.Never
run engine indoorsor
in enclosed, poorly
entilated areas. Engine
xhaust containscarbon
monoxide, an odorless
and deadly gas. Keep
hands, feet, hair and
loose clothingawayfrom
any moving parts on
engine and lawn mower.

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