MTD 546 Series Operator's Manual page 10

21" hi-wheel mower
Table of Contents


Deck Care
lVloWe r
Do not use a pressure
Washer or garden
hose to Cleanyour
uniL These may Cause
damageto eleCtric
componentsi spindles;
pu,eys, bearings;
theenginel The use
Ofwater Willresu!tin
shortened life and
reduce serviceability:
This Operator'sManual
covers several models;
Lawn Mowerfeatures
vary by model: Not
all features disCussed
(Oreng nespictur
in this manual are
app!icableto all Lawn
Figure 5-1:Areas to lubricate onmower.
• Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhen performing
• Thewarrantyon this lawnmowerdoesnot cover
itemsthat havebeen subjectedto operatorabuse
or negligence.To receivefull valuefromwarranty,
operatormustmaintainthelawn moweras
• Changingof engineigovernedspeedwill void
• All adjustmentsshouldbe checkedat leastonce
• Periodicallycheckall fastenersand makesurethese
are tight.
nect spark plug, and ground against
engine before performing any type of
maintenance on your machine.
1. Lubricatepivot pointson theblade controlat least
oncea seasonwith lightoil. The bladecontrol must
operatefreely in both directions.See Figure5il.
2. Lubricatethe wheelsat least oncea seasonwith
lightoil (or motoroil). If wheelsare removedfor any
reason,lubricatesurfaceof the pivotarm and inner
surfaceof thewheelwith light oil. See Figure5il.
3. Lubricatethe torsionspringsand pivot pointon the
rear dischargedoor and side mulchplug periodically
with lightoil to preventrust.See Figure511.
4. Followtheaccompanying engine manualfor lubrica-
tion scheduleand instructionfor engine lubrication.
Cleanundersideof the mowerdeck after eachuse to
preventbuild-upof grass clippingsor otherdebris. Follow
stepsbelowfor this job.
1. Disconnectsparkplug wire. Draingasolinefrom lawn
moweror placea pieceof plasticunderthegas cap.
2. Tip mowersothat it restson the engine.Keepthe side
with the air cleanerfacing up. Holdmowerfirmly.
ARNING:Never tip the mower more
than 90° in any direction and do not
leavethe mower tipped for any lengthof
time. Oil can drain intothe upper part of the engine
causing a starting problem.
3. Scrapeand cleanthe undersideof the deck with a
suitabletool. Do notspraywith water.
4. Putthe mowerback on its wheelson the ground.If
youhad putplasticunderthe gas capearlier,make
sureto removeit now.
A list of key enginemaintenance jobs requiredfor good
performanceby the moweris given below.Followthe
accompanying engine manualfor a detailedlist and
• Maintainoil levelas instructedin enginemanual.
• Serviceair cleanerevery25 hoursundernormal
conditions.Cleaneveryfew hoursunderextremely
floodingusuallyindicatesthat the air cleanershould
be serviced.Toservicethe air cleaner,referto the
• Cleansparkplug and resetthegap once a season.
Sparkplug replacementis recommended at the start
of eachmowingseason.Checkenginemanualfor
correctplugtype and gap specifications.
• Cleanengineregularlywith a cloth or brush. Keepthe
top of theengineclean to permitproperair circulation.
Removeall grass,dirt, and combustibledebrisfrom


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

540 series

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