
Quick Links

Product Registration ..................................2
Important Safety Instructions ...................2
Version en Espafiol .....................................2
First Steps ................................................... 3
Energy Saving Ideas ..................................4
Setting the Controls ...................................4
Temperatures .......................................4
Energy Saver Switch ........................... 4
Moisture ...............................................4
Fresh Food Storage .................................5-6
Care and Cleaning ...................................7-8
Automatic Ice Maker .................................9
Reversible Door Instructions .............. 10-12
Avoid Service Checklist .....................13-15
Normal Operating Sounds ....................... I5
Warranty (United States) ........................16
Service Information (Canada) ................. 17
Warranty (Canada) ..................................18


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Frigidaire FRT18TPHW0

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    Product Registration ........2 Important Safety Instructions ....2 Version en Espafiol ........2 First Steps ........... 3 Energy Saving Ideas ........4 Setting the Controls ........4 Temperatures ........4 Energy Saver Switch ......4 Moisture ..........4 Fresh Food Storage .........5-6 Care and Cleaning ........7-8 Automatic Ice Maker .........9 Reversible Door Instructions ....
  • Page 2: Product Registration

    Model Number : de este Marmal del Usuario, escribir a la dir_cci_n que se incluye a acntirmmci_]. Solicite la P_N 218942800. S_0anish C_¢]er 's Guides Register Your Product Frigidaire Produ_ Theself-addressed P_ODUST REGISTRATIC_ CARDshouldbe filledincompletely, P.O. Box 212378 signedandretttlzledtoFrigidaire, or irlCanada, FrigidalreCanada.
  • Page 3: First Steps

    Before startingthe refrigerator, follow these important first steps: First Steps Location • Choose a place that is near a grounded electrical outlet. DO NOT use an 3" AIR SPACE ext_nsicn cordor an adapter plug. • If possible,place the refrigeratorout of clirect sunli_t and away from the range, dishwasher or other heat smtmces.
  • Page 4: Energy Saving Ideas

    Energy Saving Ideas • Locatetherefrigeratorinthecoolestpartoftheroom,cutofdirectsmlightand away fromheatingducts or re_isters. Do not place therefrigerator n_xt to heat- progacinga_pliancessuchasarange, _ordi_her. If thisisnot possible, a section of cabinetry or an added layer of insulation between the two appli_ will help the refrigerator operate more efficiently.
  • Page 5: Fresh Food Storage

    Fresh Food Storage Adjustment Shelf Refrigerator shel_ are_ilyadjustabletosuit individual r_eds. Befcme a_ustir_ shelves, renr_ea] ifosd. q _eshi_ir_clip_, wbichstabilizet_ f<mshi_c_ be removed and discarded. Toadjust sli dir_shelves , r_rcvebypu]iir_ f_tot_ stcppo_iticn, lift t he fr<r_ e chjeupandp]ll cut. Replace _anyvir ofrails by_ir_ this p rocedme.
  • Page 6: Fresh Food Storage

    TheHtmddityCcntrol (s<m_modelswithCrisperdrawers) allcwsyoutoadjust the Fresh Food Storage htmdditywithin the£_ri_r. Thiscan_<te_ thelifeoffreshvegetables whic!] k eep (c<_tinued) best inhighhunidity. Leafyvegetables, however, keepbest when storedwith the Ht_nidityCtntrol setcnHI<_{, or inadrawerwithmut aHt_idityCcntrol. Thlskeeps incoming air to a Kinimtmland maintains maxlmtmlmoisture content. Deli Drawer (some models) Some models are equipped with a Deli Drawer for storage of luncheon meats, cheeses, andotherdeli...
  • Page 7: Care And Cleaning

    Keepycur refrigerator andf_zer clee_l t o p_t cdorbuild-up.Wipeup anyspills Care and Cleaning iK_at ely and clean both sections at least twice a year. Never use metallic s<rllrlr_pgJs, brushes, abrasiv_clemnersc_strcr_alkallne soluticns<narfysurface. Do not wash any removable parts in a dishwasher. Denp objects stick to cold metal surfaces.
  • Page 8: Care And Cleaning

    Care and Cleaning Vacation and Moving Tips Shortvacaticr_: Leavethe refrigerator operatir_c_J ngvacationsof i to3 weeks. (continued) Us_ tpall [serisbs_le items frcmthe refrigeratmr secticn. Wrap ard store cther items inthe freezer.Iftheunit hasanautomaticiceKeker, turnoff theiceKeker. Longvacations: R_nove all foodandice if youwillbegcne inrnthormore. Turn thecr ntroltoOFF anddisosnnectthepower.If thezmitbs snauton_ticic__mker, turnoff th9ic_m_ker_Itu_itk_ w_terstioplyvalve toth9closedpositi<n.
  • Page 9: Automatic Ice Maker

    Automatic Ice Maker Ifysur refrigezmtor hasanautc_at icicei_mk_r , itwillprovidea ccntinost_sui0plyof ice for normal use. The automatic icemaker is an opticrml acce_ry which may be ir_talledlxl_t m0delsatanytime.Callycurlocaldealerforinstallaticn. After the plt_ nbingccnnectionshave been conpleted, the water supplyvalve must be opened. Place the ice container under the ice maker, pushing it as far beck as possible.
  • Page 10 Your refrigeratoris equippedwith ccrr_er tibledoor hinges.Hinging of thedoor can ReversibleDoor be changed to the opposite side any time you wish. An envelope containing extra plasticholeplugs isincludedin somenmdels.Turn therefrigeratorccntroltoOFF. Instructors Rer0mve all fcod, hottles, and other items from the door. Begin with freezerdoor. Completely rer0mve one door before beginning the other.
  • Page 11: Reversible Door Instructions

    Reversible Door Ir_S tructic_Is (continued) Self-adhesive Trim Screws i Nameplate (some models) Screw Adhesive Full Length -Nameplate Trim Frame "Magnetic Nameplate Freeze_c Door 7. Magnetic Nameplate (some models) Reverse handles while doors are off. Remove the two screws at taching the handle to the bottom of the freezer door. Remove Trim Lock Adhesive Refrigem_torD0or...
  • Page 12 Reversible Door Instructicns (continued) Hinge Pin i Washer -..< _lug Hinge Pin Lower Hinge 14[nge (ups de down) Center HingU Washer I0. Turn center hinge upside down and ii. Placeoriginalwasher (somem0dels) secure to cabinet as shown, using the everholeinrefrigermtordoorar<lllneup screwswhichare inthenewholes. Install bole in center hinge.
  • Page 13: Avoid Service Checklist

    Beforeca]lir_forservice,reviewthislist. Itm_ysaveysubothtimeandex_ei0se. AvoidServiceChecklist Thislistincludescrlnn:n _ thatarenot theresultof defective_rkman- shiporn_terials inth_saLplianee. SOLUTION OCCURRENCE RUNNING OF REFRIGERATOR Refrigerator control isoff. Set_ f rigemator control. _ Setting t heCc_trols. Refrigerator cc_pressor does not run. Refrigerator is_-ide frost c ycle. T his isnozmgl f or afullymitrmmtic de_rostir_ refrigerator, q%_ defrost...
  • Page 14 OCCURRENCE SOLUTION WATER/MOISTURE/FROST INSIDE REFRIGERATOR Mmisture collects c_ inside of refrigerator We_t!%e_ i shot_Ib_d _llich inc_ rateof frestbuildupand in_l sweatir_._-_s isn9_. walls. Door is slightly open. See Occurrence section opmm_/_ oFDOO_S/D_. [_Jor is opened tco often or tco lor_. O_en the door less often. Water collect s on bottom side of drawer Vegetables contairl a nd give off mmisture.
  • Page 15: Normal Operating Sounds

    OCCURRENCE SOLUTION OPENING/CLOSING OF DOORS/DRAWERS Flcoristm_v_lor_eak,BefriQ_rator l _ocks _]tJze f icor when_tis1_Tv_d s li_t ly,Bes<_eflcor isleve! andcanack_gmtely sULvort refrigerator. < Imt_ct_t_m tocorrect. _ orslqginz floor. Refrigeratoris tou_ the _mllor cabmnets.Be sure floor islevel andcan adequatelysupport refrig÷rator,O_tact cazpemter tocorrectsaggingorsloplngflcor. Drawers are difficult tomove. Food istouch_ shelf on top of drawe_r.
  • Page 16: Warranty (United States)

    Service under this warranty must be obtained by contacting Frigidaire Home Products S00"944"9044 [] FRIGIDAIRE Frigidaire Home Products P.O. Box 212378 HOME PRODUCTS Augusta, 30917 Product features or s_ecifications as d_scrJoed or illust rat ed are subject...
  • Page 17: Service Information (Canada)

    FRIGIDAIRE PARTS AND SERVICE depot. FRIGIDAIRE PARTS SERVICE All Frigidaire appliances are backed by FRIGIDAIRE PARTS AND SERVICE, one of Canada ' s largest parts arld service networks. TheFrigidaire reputaticn meansyoucanenjoycomplete professic_al service fromoneof ourhundreds of trainedtechnicians acrossthecountry.
  • Page 18: Warranty (Canada)

    _xcludeor limltyour rightsunder _ statutes. Thewarrantorhoweverreservesthe right to chargetrano_portaticn a nd travelling costs for distancesin excess of 48 kil<Ketres (30Kdles )from thenearest FRIGIDAIRE PARTS AND SI_VI C_ authorized service depot. This w_-ranty plusthestatutory w arranties Kent i<_d arethecrlywarrant iesgiven tothe_/c_er forthisproduct.
  • Page 19 Notes...

Table of Contents