Summary of Contents for Electrolux ICON E32AF75JPS0
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Use Et Care Guide Guia de Uso y Cuidado Congelador Guide d'utilisation et d'entretien iiiiili!i!! !iiiiiil iii!iiii! !ilili il!iiiil iiiii if!ii iiilii ii i i!ili ii!iiii! iii ii!l!! iii i!ili iii iliil iiii !!i!! iiiii!ii iliilili !!ill i!i!ii iliili ii!!iiii i! i lili iii ii!!il ii i !ilil ii i i!!i!!
Finding information Please Read And Save This Guide Thank you for choosing Electrolux, our new premium brand in home appliances. This Use & Care Guide is part of our commitment to customer satisfaction and Model and Serial product quality throughout the service life of your new Number Plate appliance.
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Safety Electrical Information The freezer must be plugged into its own G[ounding type dedicated 115 Volt, 60 Hz, AC-only non-GFCI wall receptacle electric outlet. The power cord of the appliance Do not, under is equipped with a three-prong grounding plug for any circumstances, your protection against electrical shock hazards.
Feature Overview Understanding Features and Terms Your Electrolux freezer is designed for optimal convenience and storage flexibility. The illustration below is provided to assist you with familiarizing yourself with product features and terminology. ice Bin Pure ice Maker Custom Set TM...
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!_i!!_i!i!_)i!i!!:i_;i!i)_!i_i)i)!!_)_)_i!_!_!i!_!ii_!_!_i_ii_ii_i_i_i_!!i_i_!!i_i_!!i_i)_i_!i!i_i!i!!iii_iii_i_i_i_!_)i!_!_i!i_ii)_! Levelin TO Level Freezer: • Slide second unit into place leaving a minimum gap of 3/16 between units for door swing While unit is lying on its back for wood skid removal, c earance note the location of the four (4)leg levelers installed at This last step may require at least one extraction each corner.
Door Removal and Temperature Control Door Removal If door must be removed: Unplug the unit or switch the breaker that supplies Hinge power to the unit to the off position. Remove the plastic top hinge cover. Hold the door in place while removing the top hinge from the cabinet.
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Resetting Air Filter Alarm LEDwillbeilluminated g reen forthree(3)seconds, i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_ii_i...
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!_i_i_!i!_i!i_i_!i_i_!!_!;_i_Ji_!_:!_!_!i:_i!_i_i:!_;_:_:i_!i_!_!i_ii_iii_ii!_i_!i_i_:_!_!i;i_!!_ii!i_i_i_i!i_!_!_iii 1_ Sabbath ode and Air Filter Sabbath Node TheSabbath Mode isafeaturethatdisabiesportionsofthefreezerand itscontrolsinaccordancewiththe observanoeoftheweekiySabbathand religious holidayswithintheOrthodoxJewishoommunity. T__nit_ate_r_an_ei_abbat_M_de_pres_theC_NTR___L_CKandTEMPM__Ekey_atthesame_meand holdforthree (3) seconds. Thedisplaywill nowshow"Sb andtheconfirmationtonewillsound. WhenAC poweriscycledwhilethecontrol is inSabbath mode, thecontrolentersint, oSabbathmodeautomatically. "Sb willagainbedisplayed. While [nSabbathMode, thedisplaywillshow"Sb. Intheinterestoffoodsafety, onlytheHIGHTEMPAlarm remainsactiveandtakesprecedenceoverother Sabbath Mode features. Foricemaking, thewiresignalarmofthe ice makermustbe...
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Water Suppl' Theater TMLighting an Theater T_ LED Lighting Water Supply The interior cabinet lighting features LED lights that gradually ramp up in intensity after the door is opened. To replace an LED: Unplug the electrical cord or switch OFF the power supply breaker.
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Plastic W ater T ubing 3. Remove plastic capfromwatervalveinletand toIceMaker discard cap. i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_!_ii_i...
Storage Components Custom Design Glass Shelving Multi-position adjustable slide out glass shelves can be moved to any position for larger or smaller packages. The shipping spacers that stabilize the shelves for shipping may be removed and discarded. To Adjust The Shelves Lift front edge up.
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iiii_ii_:_!;!_!!i Sto age Co po e ts Adjustable Door This model is equipped with adjustable door bins that can be moved to suit individual needs. • Lift the bin straight up. • Remove the bin. • Place the bin in desired position. Lower the bin onto supports until locked in place.
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Stori Food & Savi Energy Energy Saving Ideas Vacation And Moving Tips Short Vacations: • Locate the freezer in the coolest part of the room, out of direct sunlight, and away from heating ducts • Leave the freezer operating during vacations of or registers.
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Care & C CARE AND CLEANING CHART Part Cleaning Agents Tips and Precautions _nte.or&Door .Soapandwater - Use_tab_espoonsofbak_ngsoda_n_quartofwarmw *Bakingsodaandwater Liners Besuretowringe×cesswateroutofspongeorcloth before cleaning around controls, light bulb oranyelectrical part. DoorGaskets *Soapandwater Wipegasketswithacleansoftcloth. Drawers&Bins *Soapandwater Useasoffclothtocleandrawerrunnersandtracks • Do not wash any removable items (bins, drawers, etc.) in dishwasher.
In the U.S.A. your appliance is warranted by Electrolux Home Products Inc. We authorize no person to change or add to any of our obligations under this warranty. Our obligations for service and parts under this warranty must be performed by us or an authorized Electrolux Home Products, Inc.
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temperature tostabilize. i_i!_!_i!i_ii_!i!_...
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