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Electrolux OXYGEN3 series Owner's Manual
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Summary of Contents for Electrolux OXYGEN3 series

  • Page 1 E ,,,j _ +' _ 'di ..i _'" ,, <:' ",_ ':_ _ _ ..,:, ,. :.,o,,j ',,.;" OXYGENS'"_ CANISTER SERIES ,,,',,,,,,7',, / "-_iJ $ ,;,,,,_ _), iiiiiii,,_, ..<...
  • Page 2: For Household Use Only

    EN_USH IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS VACUUM CLEANER. WARNING To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury: o Do not use outdoors or on wet surfaces. Do not leave vacuum cleaner when plugged in..
  • Page 3 Apres avoir regle le probIBme, attendez au moins 30 minutes avant de remettre Faspirateur en marche. Apr6s 30 minutes, branchez I'aspirateur et mettez Finterrupteur sur (i}..Si Faspirateur ne marche toujours pas, il faut le retoumer & un centre de service agrds6par Electrolux pour une dsparation..
  • Page 4 ESPANOL IMPORTANTE MEDIDAS PROTECCION Cuando utilice un aparato elOctrico, se deben tomar algunas precauciones basicas, incluidas las siguientes: LEA TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES ANTES DE UTILiZAR ESTA ASPIRADORA ADVERTENOIA Para reducir el riesgo de incendio, descarga el_ctrica o lesiones: No use la aspiradora a la intempede ni sobre superficies mojadas.
  • Page 5 EN{_LMSM ESPAHOL FRANCAMS Oongratu ations! Yeu've chosen Ebctre ux, the R_I citations Veus avez chois Ebctrohx, la marque a iFelicitaciones! Por haber prefe ido Electlolux, la word's most popula vacuum cleaner brand Like pk_s courante au monde pour les aspirateurs Comme marca de aspiradora m_s popular del mundo...
  • Page 6 Push and Hold Until On/Off Canister On/Off Poussez et ilrtaintenez entons_ Josqu'& marchelarr_t Tra'_nea u marche/arr_t Presione y retenga hasta que se Control de encendido/apagado del recipiente apaguetencienda Bate Floor/Carpet Brushroll On/Off Sol naimoquette (Brossse rotative marche/arr_t) Piso durotalfombra (Encendldo/apagado del cepillo giratorio) Suction...
  • Page 7 EN{_iSLISM ESPANOL FRAHCAIS Accessories Aooesorios Access@ties s-bag s-bag s-bag P. be t8 escopique T_sescopic wand [L_bo te esc6pico Pc gn6e de tuyau avec commandes Hose handle with centre s Mango de la manguera con conboles Tee motor s_._e Powerhead Cabezal de potencia Brosse _ @pousseter Dusting brush Cep/Io...
  • Page 8 II iiIi I IIii I iI' ll_...
  • Page 9 EN{SUSM ESPANOL FRAN_[;A_S Using the carrying handle UItHisation de la poignSe de Itransport Use de la manila de transporte La Oxygen s cuenta con una manila girator a qua 1 Oxygen s features a rotat ng handle that makes it easer to LiOxygen s comporte une pogn{_e rotatve qLi fac ite e permite levantar y transpcrtar la rnaquina mas...
  • Page 11 Oxygen s utiIiza usa balsa s-bag Replace the f/ter when the ind cater Ight is iIum nated replacer le sac & poussi@e par un v6ritable s-bag Electrolux. Electrolux. Aseg [4rese de reempiazar a balsa para polvo in red. con ma balsa para pave s-bag...
  • Page 13 Fig. 4 CoJoq e el otro extreme de la correa aBededor de rotative. Iratroduisez le c6t6 avec }a courr_> e de }a Use GENU NE ELECTROLUX replacement be}t 77133_ cepl}ograorio, raserteelextremodelacorreadel brosse rotative daras }e bo_tier, et coratinuez avec...
  • Page 14 To reg ster your warranty, please vst www,e ectro uxusa,cem (US/',,), w ww,e ectreluxca,com (Canada) or fil}out and return the attached warranty registration card, To obtain warranty service you must return the defective c eaner or c eaner parts along with preof of purchase to any Electrolux Autherized Warranty Stat on_For the location of the nearest...
  • Page 15 En curnpl miento de la poiitica de }a garant%, Electrolux reembelsar9, a censum dot el precis de compra. Para r_t,_gistrar s u garant[a, per favor vsite www.e ectK}
  • Page 16 75975B _D2008 Eiectrolux Home Care Products, Inc. Pnnted in U.S.A.

This manual is also suitable for:

Oxygen 3 canister series