TomTom Navigator SDK Installation And Use Manual page 16

Version 3.0 build 193
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«cmd line 1»
«cmd line 2»
Where empty lines and lines starting with ";" or "/" are ignored, and:
• «app version number» is the integer version number of the external application,
• «app exe name» is the name of the executable file of the external application,
• «app path» is the default path to the executable file (used only if Navigator fails to locate the
external application by other means),
• «app main wnd title» is the title of the main window of the external application (used to send request
• «external poi file» is the name of the optional external POI file,
• «app tmt file» is the pathname of the optional .TMT file that contains the icon for the external
• and «cmd line 1» and «cmd line 2» contain the description of the external commands.
The line that describes an external command has the following format:
COMMAND|«cmd type»|«cmd name»|«cmd tmt file»|«dutch title»|«english title»|¬
«french title»|«italian title»|«german title»|«spanish title»|¬
«US english title»|
• «cmd type» is either "GEO" (for commands available on arbitrary locations) or "POI" (for
commands available on associated points of interest),
• «cmd name» is the name of the external command as stored in requests,
• «cmd tmt file» is the pathname of the optional .TMT file that contains the icon for the external
• and «dutch title», «english title», etc. is the title of the external command in various languages as
displayed in the location−sensitive menu.
To locate the executable file for the external application, Navigator first tries to find one of the
following entries in the registry:
HKLM\Software\Apps\«app name»\InstallDir
HKLM\Software\Apps\«app main wnd title»\InstallDir
Where «app name» is the name of the executable file without the extension ".EXE" and «app main wnd
title» is the title of the main window, as given in the .CAP file. If this fails, Navigator will try to use the
default path in the .CAP file.
Please note that Microsoft's application manager will create during installation of an application the
following entry in the registry:
HKLM\Software\Apps\«Provider» «AppName»\InstallDir
Where «Provider» and «AppName» are defined in the setup .INF file. If the title of the main window of
the external application is "Acme Guide", for example, its .INF file should contain the lines:
Provider = "Acme"
= "Guide"
Example: \TomTom\Acme.cap
AppName|Acme Guide.exe|
AppPath|\Program Files\Acme Guide\|
4. Extending the Location−sensitive Menu


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