Dell E1913 Safety Information Manual
Dell E1913 Safety Information Manual

Dell E1913 Safety Information Manual

Safety, environmental, and regulatory information
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Summary of Contents for Dell E1913

  • Page 1 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information...
  • Page 2: Notes, Cautions, And Warnings

    Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden. Trademarks used in this text: Dell and the DELL logo are trademarks of Dell Inc.; ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Page 3: General Safety Information

    WARNING: Do not use your equipment in a wet CAUTION: Dell products are not intended for use in patient environment. Protect equipment from liquid intrusion. health care environments unless specially designated.
  • Page 4 NOTE: Additional user information for your optical storage • Contact Dell (or an authorized dealer or service device may be available under the "Manuals" section at center for retail purchases) if your equipment does
  • Page 5: Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge

    Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information – Protecting Against Electrostatic A manual voltage selection switch - Devices with a voltage selection switch on the back panel must be Discharge manually set to operate at the correct operating voltage. Set the switch to the position that most closely matches the voltage used in your location.
  • Page 6 Dell that is designed to Use only the following Dell AC adapter family with work with your Dell computer. Do not use a battery from your laptop computer or docking device: other computers with your computer.
  • Page 7 Dell may result in exposure to hazardous radiation. NOTE: For CATV system installers – Section 820.93 of Dell Laser Printers comply with safety requirements and are...
  • Page 8: Ergonomic Instructions

    For additional information concerning ergonomics, please go to (NEC Article 250.52) the Regulatory Compliance homepage on at the electric service equipment following location: ground clamp...
  • Page 9: Environmental Considerations

    Any Dell product bearing the ENERGY STAR emblem on the product or on a start-up screen is certified to comply with the Any Dell™ product bearing a TCO label has been certified to a Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR TCO voluntary environmental certification.
  • Page 10: Recycling Information

    Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Recycling Information Battery Disposal Dell recommends that customers dispose of their used CAUTION: Do not dispose of the battery in a fire or with computer hardware, monitors, printers, and other peripherals household waste. Contact your local waste disposal in an environmentally sound manner.
  • Page 11: Regulatory Notices

    Information on substances of very high (“U.S. ” ) and may also be subject to the customs and export concern contained in Dell products in a concentration laws and regulations of the country in which the Products are above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) can be found at...
  • Page 12: Finding Additional Information

    For Mainland France and individual components (such as storage drives, PC cards, • 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (Channels 1-13) authorized for indoor use and other peripherals) go to • 2.400 -2.454 GHz (Channels 1-7) authorized for outdoor use Additional Country-Specific...
  • Page 13 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Za proizvode sa sučeljima s bežičnom Italija mrežom LAN / 802.11 Za vanjsku primjenu u Italiji potrebno je općenito odobrenje. Upotreba ove opreme regulirana je putem: Proizvodi koji spadaju u ovu kategoriju označeni su simbolom Class 2 •...
  • Page 14 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Frankrig Voor producten met draadloze LAN / 802.11-aansluitingen For det franske fastland • 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (kanaler 1-13) godkendt til indendørs brug Producten die in deze categorie vallen worden aangegeven met het symbool voor Klasse 2 (uitroepteken in een cirkel), •...
  • Page 15 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Voor alle Franse gebiedsdelen: REMARQUE : le numéro de corps notifié (Notified Body) Alleen 5,15 - 5,35 GHz toegestaan voor 802.11a dénoté par 'NBnr' n'est présent que lorsqu'il est obligatoire et n'affecte en rien les restrictions d'utilisation, qu'elles soient présentes ou non.
  • Page 16 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information • • 2,400 -2,454 GHz (κανάλια 1-7) επιτρέπονται για 1.8.2003, n. 259, article 104 (activité soumise à une χρήση σε εξωτερικούς χώρους autorisation générale) pour une utilisation à l'extérieur et article 105 (utilisation libre) pour une utilisation à l'intérieur ; Για...
  • Page 17 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Vezetékmentes LAN / 802.11 interfésszel Minden Francia terület számára: csak 5.15 -5.35 GHz engedélyezve 802.11a számára rendelkező termékek esetén Olaszország Az ebbe a kategóriába tartozó termékek a Class 2 (2. oszt.) azonosító jelzéssel (egy körben található felkiáltójel) vannak ellátva, amely a CE Olaszországban a kültéri használathoz általános engedély szükséges.
  • Page 18 • 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (Canais 1-13) autorizado para utilização interna • N.B. Il numero dell'organismo notificato, indicato con 2.420 - 2.4835 GHz (Canais 5-13) autorizado para utilização 'NBnr', sarà presente solo se è necessario e se non ha externa alcun rapporto con la limitazione all'uso, se presente o meno.
  • Page 19 (uso libero) per l'uso interno, in entrambi i casi per uso zewnątrz budynków privato. • D.M. 28.5.03, per fornitura al pubblico dell'accesso RLAN a Dotyczy Gujany i Reunion reti e servizi di telecomunicazione. • 2,400 - 2,4835 GHz (kanały 1-13) dopuszczone do użytku wewnątrz budynków...
  • Page 20 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information For produkter med trådløse LAN / Italia 802.11-nettverkskort En generell godkjennelse er anmodet for utendørs bruk i Italia. Bruken av dette utstyret er regulert av: Produkter som faller inn under denne kategorien er merket • 1.8.2003, n.
  • Page 21 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Franţa Pre produkty s rozhraním Wireless LAN / 802.11 Pentru Franţa Continentală • 2,400 - 2,4835 GHz (Canalele 1-13) autorizat pentru utilizare Produkty, ktoré spadajú do tejto kategórie, sú označené identifikačným in interiorul clădirilor symbolom triedy 2 (výkričník v krúžku) spolu so značkou CE na regulačnom štítku produktu, alebo na vkladacej karte 802.11, pozri dolný...
  • Page 22 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Taliansko Francija Pre použitie vonku v Taliansku sa vyžaduje všeobecné oprávnenie. Za osrednjo Francijo Používanie týchto zariadení reguluje: • 2,400 - 2,4835 GHz (Kanali 1-13) odobreno za uporabo v zaprtih • 1.8.2003, n. 259, článok 104 (činnost’ podlieha prostorih všeobecnému oprávnení) pre použitie vonku a článok 105 (vo né...
  • Page 23 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Para productos con interfaces LAN Para todos los territorios franceses: Solamente 5,15-5,35 GHz autorizados para 802.11a inalámbricas / 802.11 Italia Los productos que se agrupan dentro de esta categoría están denotados por inclusión del símbolo identificador de la clase 2 (signo de exclamación en un círculo) que se acompañan con la Se solicita una autorización general para uso en exteriores en marca CE en la etiqueta sobre las regulaciones de los...
  • Page 24 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information За продукти с интерфейси за Fransa безжична локална мрежа Fransa Anakarası için LAN / 802.11 • Kapalı alanlarda kullanım için izin verilen 2,400 - 2,4835 GHz (Kanallar 1-13) Продуктите, които попадат в тази категория, се •...
  • Page 25 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information За Гвиана и Рейюниън Juhtmeta kohtvõrguga / 802.11 liidestega • 2,400 2,4835 ГХц (канали 1 13), разрешени за toodetele употреба на закрито • 2,420 2,4835 ГХц (канали 5 13), разрешени за употреба Selle kategooria tooted on tähistatud klassi 2 kuuluvuse на...
  • Page 26 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Francija Kõik Prantsusmaa territooriumid: Ainult 5,15 -5,35 GHz lubatud 802.11a jaoks Kontinentālajai Francijai Itaalia • 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (Kanāli 1-13) atļauts izmantošanai telpās Itaalias on välistingimustes kasutamiseks vajalik üldine luba. • 2.400 - 2.454 GHz (Kanāli 1-7) atļauts izmantošanai telpās Nende seadmete kasutamine on reguleeritud järgmiste eeskirjadega: Gviānai un Reinjonai...
  • Page 27 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Produktų su belaidžio LAN / 802.11 Italija sąsajomis Italijoje reikalingas įgaliojimas, kad būtų galima naudoti lauke. Šios įrangos naudojimas reglamentuojamas: Šiai kategorijai priskiriami produktai jų naudojimo apribojimų • „“ 2003-08-01, nr. 259, 104 str. (veiklos, kuriai etiketėje arba ant 802.11 įkišamos kortelės yra pažymėti 2 reikalingas bendras autorizavimas) dėl naudojimo lauke ir klasės indentifikavimo simboliu (šauktuko ženklu apskritime),...
  • Page 28 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Франция • D.M. 28.5.03, для создания всеобщего доступа через локальную радиосеть сетям и телекоммуникационным услугам. Для континентальной части Франции • Для использования в помещении разрешен диапазон 2,400 2,4835 ГГц (каналы 1 13) • Для использования вне помещения разрешен диапазон 2,400 2,454 ГГц...
  • Page 29 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Fyrir vörur með þráðlausan LAN / 802.11 rafeindamiðil Vörur sem falla í þennan flokk eru merktar með 2. flokks auðkennistákni (upphrópunarmerki inni í hring) ásamt CE merkingu á eftirlitsmerki vörunnar eða er á 802.11 íbótarkortinu, sjá dæmi að neðan: NOTE: Númer hins tilkynnta aðila, skráð...
  • Page 30 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Ítalía Frankrike Óskað er eftir almennri heimild til utanhússnotkunar á Ítalíu. For Fastlandsfrankrike Notkun þessara tækja er skv. eftirfarandi reglum: • 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz (Kanalene 1-13) godkjent for innendørs • 1.8.2003, n. 259, grein 104 (starfsemi þarfnast bruk almennrar heimildar) til notkunar utanhúss og grein 105 •...
  • Page 31: European Union

    MERCURY (Hg) AND MUST BE RECYLCED Abbreviated R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC Compliance Statement OR DISPOSED OF ACCORDING TO LOCAL, STATE, Hereby, Dell Inc. declares that all CE Marked Dell products incorporating Radio and Telecoms Terminal Equipment OR FEDERAL LAWS. FOR MORE INFORMATION,...
  • Page 32 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information 日本 AC 電源ケーブルをコンセントに接続します。 電源に関する一般的注意事項 100 V 115 V 警告 : AC 한국 メモ : 에너지 관련 정보 金属製のアースコネクタをコンセントのアース端子に 본 제품의 소비 전력은 플러그를 뽑은 상태에서는 제로가 될 接続します。 수 있습니다 . アース端子を緩めます。 金属製のアースコネクタをアース端子の後ろ側に挿入し、 アース端子を締めます。...
  • Page 33 Generell strømsikkerhet Hvis produktet leveres med en 3-stiftet strømledning, skal Dell strømledningen bare settes i en jordet stikkontakt. Dell B.V. Sikkerhet for TV-antenne ADVARSEL: Det kan oppstå en potensiell farlig situasjon som skyldes spenningsforskjeller mellom skjermingen av den koaksiale kabelen til kabelfordelingssystemet og jordingen av det lokale utstyret (vanligvis det jordede chassisset til PC-systemet).
  • Page 34: Información Para Nom (Únicamente Para México)

    La información siguiente se proporciona en el dispositivo o dispositivos descritos en este documento, en cumplimiento con los requisitos de la Norma oficial mexicana (NOM): Importador: Dell México S.A. de C.V. Paseo de la Reforma 2620 - 11° Piso Col. Lomas Altas 11950 México, D.F .
  • Page 35 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Modelo Voltaje de alimentación Frecuencia Consumo eléctrico Voltaje de salida Intensidad de salida PP08X 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,5A 19,5 V de CC 10,8A PP17L 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,5A 19,5 V de CC 4,62A PP18L 100–240 V CA...
  • Page 36 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Modelo Voltaje de alimentación Frecuencia Consumo eléctrico Voltaje de salida Intensidad de salida PP38L 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,5A 19,5 V de CC 3,34A/4,62A PP39L 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,5A 19,5 V de CC 3,34A/4,34A PP40L 100–240 V CA...
  • Page 37 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Modelo Voltaje de alimentación Frecuencia Consumo eléctrico Voltaje de salida Intensidad de salida PR03X 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,8A/3,2A 19,5 V de CC 6,7A/10,76A PR04X 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz 1,5A 19,5 V de CC 3,34A/4,62A PR12S 100–240 V CA...
  • Page 38 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Modelo Suministro Entrada Frecuencia DCDR01 7 ,0/5,0A 115/230 V 50/60 Hz DCGAF 8,0/4,0A 115/230 V 50/60 Hz DCMA 7 ,0/4,0A 115/230 V 50/60 Hz DCME 7 ,0/4,0A 115/230 V 50/60 Hz DCMF 7 ,0/4,0A 115/230 V 50/60 Hz DCMMF 10,0/5,0A...
  • Page 39 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information Modelo Suministro Entrada Frecuencia DCTA 6,0/3,0A o 12,0A 115/230 V o 100–240 V CA 50/60 Hz o 50-60 Hz DCTR 18,0A 12,0 V de CC DITTC10 3,0A 12,0 V de CC 50/60 Hz 3,0A 100–240 V CA 50-60 Hz MTG24 4,0A...
  • Page 40 Kurtarmak ve geri dönüşümünü sağlamak için uygun şartlarda saklanması gerekir. Bu ürünün geri döşünümünün nasıl sağlanacağı konusunda bilgi için lütfen şu adresi ziyaret edin: EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur Ve Elektronik Eşyalarda Bazi Zararli Maddelerin Kullaniminin Sinirlandirilmasina Dair Yönetmelik.
  • Page 41 Models Dell Portables: P01E, P02E, P02F, P02T series, P03G, P03S series, P03T, P04E, P04F, P04G, P04T, P04S, P06S, PP09S, PP04X, PP06XA, PP08X, PP17L, PP18L, PP24L, PP26L, PP25L, PP27L, PP28L, PP29L, PP30L, PP31L, PP32LA, PP32LB, PP33L, PP35L, PP36L, PP37L, PP38L, PP39L, PP40L, PP41L,...
  • Page 42 Printed in the U.S.A. w w w. d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m...
  • Page 43 Modelos Dell Portables: P01E, P02E, P02F, P02T series, P03G, P03S series, P03T, P04E, P04F, P04G, P04T, P04S, P06S, PP09S, PP04X, PP06XA, PP08X, PP17L, PP18L, PP24L, PP26L, PP25L, PP27L, PP28L, PP29L, PP30L, PP31L, PP32LA, PP32LB, PP33L, PP35L, PP36L, PP37L, PP38L, PP39L, PP40L, PP41L,...
  • Page 44 Printed in Ireland. w w w.d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m...
  • Page 45 Modelos Dell Portables: P01E, P02E, P02F, P02T series, P03G, P03S series, P03T, P04E, P04F, P04G, P04T, P04S, P06S, PP09S, PP04X, PP06XA, PP08X, PP17L, PP18L, PP24L, PP26L, PP25L, PP27L, PP28L, PP29L, PP30L, PP31L, PP32LA, PP32LB, PP33L, PP35L, PP36L, PP37L, PP38L, PP39L, PP40L, PP41L,...
  • Page 46 Printed in Malaysia. w w w. d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m...
  • Page 47 Modelos Dell Portables: P01E, P02E, P02F, P02T series, P03G, P03S series, P03T, P04E, P04F, P04G, P04T, P04S, P06S, PP09S, PP04X, PP06XA, PP08X, PP17L, PP18L, PP24L, PP26L, PP25L, PP27L, PP28L, PP29L, PP30L, PP31L, PP32LA, PP32LB, PP33L, PP35L, PP36L, PP37L, PP38L, PP39L, PP40L, PP41L,...
  • Page 48 Printed in China. Printed on Recycled Paper. w w w. d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m...
  • Page 49 Modelos Dell Portables: P01E, P02E, P02F, P02T series, P03G, P03S series, P03T, P04E, P04F, P04G, P04T, P04S, P06S, PP09S, PP04X, PP06XA, PP08X, PP17L, PP18L, PP24L, PP26L, PP25L, PP27L, PP28L, PP29L, PP30L, PP31L, PP32LA, PP32LB, PP33L, PP35L, PP36L, PP37L, PP38L, PP39L, PP40L, PP41L,...
  • Page 50 Printed in Brazil. w w w. d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m...

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