Dell E1913S User Manual
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Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide
D e ll™ E1 9 1 3 S/ E1 9 1 3 / E2 2 1 3 M on it or Use r 's Gu ide
About Your Monit or
Set t ing Up t he Monit or
Operat ing t he Monit or
Troubleshoot ing
N ot e s, Ca u t ion s, W a r n in gs
A NOTE indicat es im port ant inform at ion t hat helps you m ake bet t er use of your com put er.
A CAUTI ON indicat es pot ent ial dam age t o hardware or loss of dat a if inst ruct ions are not followed.
A WARNI NG indicat es a pot ent ial for propert y dam age, personal inj ury, or deat h.
I n for m a t ion in t h is docu m e n t is su bj e ct t o ch a n ge w it h ou t n ot ice .
© 2 0 1 2 D e ll I n c. All r igh t s r e se r ve d.
Reproduct ion of t hese m at erials in any m anner what soever wit hout t he writ t en perm ission of Dell I nc. is st rict ly forbidden.
Tradem arks used in t his t ext : Dell and t he DELL logo are t radem arks of Dell I nc.; Microsoft and Windows are eit her t radem arks or regist ered t radem arks of Microsoft Corporat ion in
t he Unit ed St at es and/ or ot her count ries. ENERGY STAR is a regist ered t radem ark of t he U.S. Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency. As an ENERGY STAR part ner, Dell I nc. has det erm ined
t hat t his product m eet s t he ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
Ot her t radem arks and t rade nam es m ay be used in t his docum ent t o refer t o eit her t he ent it ies claim ing t he m arks and nam es or t heir product s. Dell I nc. disclaim s any propriet ary
int erest in t radem arks and t rade nam es ot her t han it s own.
M ode l E1 9 1 3 Sf/ E1 9 1 3 Sc/ E1 9 1 3 c/ E2 2 1 3 c
Apr il 2 0 1 2 Re v. A0 0
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Dell E1913S

  • Page 1 Tradem arks used in t his t ext : Dell and t he DELL logo are t radem arks of Dell I nc.;...
  • Page 2 About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Back t o Cont ent s Page Abou t You r M on it or D e ll™ E1 9 1 3 S/ E1 9 1 3 / E2 2 1 3 M on it or Use r 's Gu ide...
  • Page 3 The Dell™ E1 9 1 3 S/ E1 9 1 3 / E2 2 1 3 flat panel display has an act ive m at rix, Thin- Film Transist or, Liquid Cryst al Display.
  • Page 4: Identifying Parts And Controls

    About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide I de n t ifyin g Pa r t s a n d Con t r ols Fr on t Vie w Funct ion but t ons ( For m ore inform at ion, see Operat ing t he Monit or 2.
  • Page 5 Power rat ings and energy inform at ion. Barcode serial num ber label Refer t o t his label if you need t o cont act Dell for t echnical support . Securit y lock slot Use a securit y lock wit h t he slot t o help secure your m onit or.
  • Page 6 About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Pow e r M a n a ge m e n t M ode s I f you have VESA's DPM com pliance display card or soft ware inst alled in your PC, t he m onit or aut om at ically reduces it s power consum pt ion when not in use. This is referred t o as Power Save Mode . I f t he com put er det ect s input from keyboard, m ouse, or ot her input devices, t he m onit or aut om at ically resum es funct ioning.
  • Page 7 Act ivat e t he com put er and m onit or t o gain access t o t he OSD. N OTE: Dell E1913S/ E1913/ E2213 m onit or is EN ERGY STAR ® - com pliance. * Zero power consum pt ion in OFF m ode can only be achieved by disconnect ing t he m ain cable from t he m onit or.
  • Page 8 About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide DDC + 5V GND- sync DDC dat a H - sync V- sync DDC clock D VI Con n e ct or 2 4 - pin Side of t h e Con n e ct e d Sign a l...
  • Page 9 * Based on est im at ion. * * [ E1913S/ E1913/ E2213] color gam ut ( t ypical) is based on CI E1976 ( 82 % ) and CI E1931 ( 72 % ) t est st andards. Re solu t ion Spe cifica t ion s...
  • Page 10 240 V: 60 A ( Max.) Pr e se t D ispla y M ode s The following t able list s t he preset m odes for which Dell guarant ees im age size and cent ering: E1 9 1 3 S:...
  • Page 11: Physical Characteristics

    About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide VESA, 800 x 600 37.9 60.3 40.0 + / + VESA, 800 x 600 46.9 75.0 49.5 + / + VESA, 1024 x 768 48.4 60.0 65.0 - / - VESA, 1024 x 768 60.0...
  • Page 12: Lcd Monitor Quality And Pixel Policy

    About Your Monitor: Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Tem perat ure Operat ing 0 ° C t o 40 ° C ( 32 ° F t o 104 ° F) 0 ° C t o 40 ° C ( 32 ° F t o 104 ° F) 0 °...
  • Page 13 Rem oving t he Monit or St and for VESA Wall Mount Connect ing Your Monit or At t aching t he Dell Soundbar ( Opt ional) At t a ch in g t h e St a n d N OTE: The st and base is det ached when t he m onit or is shipped from t he fact ory.
  • Page 14 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide a. Place t he m onit or on a soft clot h or cushion near t he edge of desk. b. Align t he st and assem bly bracket t o t he m onit or groove.
  • Page 15 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Aft er placing t he m onit or panel on a soft clot h or cushion, com plet e t he following st eps t o rem ove t he m onit or st and: Use a long screwdriver t o push t he release lat ch locat ed in a hole j ust above t he m onit or st and.
  • Page 16 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Con n e ct in g t h e w h it e D VI ca ble ( for E1 9 1 3 / E2 2 1 3 on ly) CAUTI ON : The graphics are used for t he purpose of illust rat ion only. Appearance on t he com put er m ay vary.
  • Page 17 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide CAUTI ON : Do not use wit h any device ot her t han t he Dell Soundbar. To at t ach t he soundbar: Working from t he back of t he m onit or, at t ach Soundbar by aligning t he t wo slot s wit h t he t wo t abs along t he bot t om of t he m onit or.
  • Page 18: Using The Front Panel Controls

    Using t he On - Screen Display ( OSD) Menu Set t ing t he Maxim um Resolut ion Using t he Dell Soundbar ( Opt ional) Using t he Tilt Pow e r On t h e M on it or Press t he but t on t o t urn on t he m onit or.
  • Page 19: Fr On T Pa N E L Bu T T On

    Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Fr on t pa n e l bu t t on D e scr ipt ion Use t he Pr e se t m ode s but t on t o choose from a list of preset color m odes. See...
  • Page 20 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Fr on t pa n e l bu t t on D e scr ipt ion Use t he Up but t on t o adj ust ( increase ranges) it em s in t he OSD m enu.
  • Page 21 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Press t he but t on t o open t he OSD m enu and display t he m ain m enu. M a in M e n u file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 22 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 23 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Press t he but t ons t o t oggle bet ween opt ions in t he Menu. As you m ove from one icon t o anot her, t he opt ion nam e is highlight ed.
  • Page 24 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 25 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Br igh t n e ss Allows you t o adj ust t he bright ness or lum inance of t he backlight . Press t he but t on t o increase bright ness and press t he but t on t o decrease bright ness ( m in 0 ~ m ax 100) .
  • Page 26 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 27 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Aut o Adj ust m ent allows t he m onit or t o self- adj ust t o t he incom ing video signal. Aft er using Aut o Adj ust m ent , you can furt her t une your m onit or by using t he Pixel Clock ( Coarse) and Phase ( Fine) cont rols under D ispla y Se t t in gs.
  • Page 28 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Au t o Se le ct Select Au t o Se le ct t o scan for available input signals. Select VGA input when you are using t he analog ( VGA) connect or. Push t o select t he VGA input source.
  • Page 29 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 30 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide I n pu t Color For m a t Allows you t o set t he video input m ode t o : RGB : Select t his opt ion if your m onit or is connect ed t o a com put er or DVD player using t he HDMI t o DVI adapt er.
  • Page 31 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 32 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide St a n da r d : Loads t he m onit or's default color set t ings. This is t he default preset m ode. M u lt im e dia : Loads color set t ings ideal for m ult im edia applicat ions.
  • Page 33 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 34 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Adj ust s t he im age rat io as Wide 16: 10, 4: 3, or 5: 4. Aspe ct Ra t io ( for E1913 and E2213 N OTE: Wide 16: 10 adj ust m ent is not required at m axim um preset resolut ion 1440 x 900 ( for E1913) or 1680 x 1050 ( for E2213) .
  • Page 35 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Select t his opt ion t o adj ust t he set t ings of t he OSD, such as, t he languages of t he OSD, t he am ount of t im e t he m enu rem ains on screen, Ot h e r Se t t in gs and so on.
  • Page 36 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 37 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide La n gu a ge Allows you t o set t he OSD display t o one of eight languages: English, Spanish, French, Germ an, Brazilian Port uguese, Russian, Sim ply Chinese, Japanese. M e n u Tr a n spa r e n cy Allows you t o adj ust t he OSD background from opaque t o t ransparent .
  • Page 38 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Fa ct or y Re se t Reset s all OSD set t ings t o t he fact ory preset values. Pe r son a lize Select t his opt ion allows you t o set t wo short cut but t on.
  • Page 39 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 40 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Sh or t cu t Ke y 1 User can select from " Preset Modes" , " Bright ness/ Cont rast " , " Aut o Adj ust " , " I nput Source" ( for E1913 and E2213 only) , " Aspect Rat io" ( for E1913 and E2213 only) and set as short cut Key.
  • Page 41 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide file:///K|/Dell/E1913/Dell%20E1913(S)%20E2213%20E-DOC%20Source/en/ug/operate.htm[2012-3-19 16:22:04]...
  • Page 42 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Sh or t cu t Ke y 2 User can select from " Preset Modes" , " Bright ness/ Cont rast " , " Aut o Adj ust " , " I nput Source" ( for E1913 and E2213 only) , " Aspect Rat io" ( for E1913 and E2213 only) and set as short cut key.
  • Page 43 Recom m ended m ode is 1280 x 1024 ( for E1913S) or 1440 x 900 ( for E1913) or 1680 x 1050 ( for E2213) .
  • Page 44 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Act ivat e t he com put er and wake up t he m onit or t o gain access t o t he OSD. I f you press any but t on ot her t han t he power but t on t he following m essages will appear depending on t he select ed input :...
  • Page 45: Setting The Maximum Resolution

    3 .
  • Page 46: Usin G T H E Tilt

    The Dell Soundbar is a st ereo t wo channel syst em , m ount able on Dell Flat Panel Displays.
  • Page 47 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Wit h t he st and assem bly, you can t ilt t he m onit or for t he m ost com fort able viewing angle. N OTE: The st and base is det ached when t he m onit or is shipped from t he fact ory.
  • Page 48 1 . Turn off bot h your com put er and t he m onit or. 2 . Unplug t he video cable from t he back of t he com put er. To ensure a successful Self- Test operat ion, rem ove t he Analog connect or for E1913S. For E1913 and E2213, rem ove bot h t he Digit al ( whit e connect or) and t he Analog ( blue connect or) connect ors from t he back of t he com put er.
  • Page 49: Built-In Diagnostics

    Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide 4 . This box also appears during norm al syst em operat ion, if t he video cable becom es disconnect ed or dam aged. The m onit or will ent er Pow e r Sa ve M ode a ft e r 5 m in u t e s if left at t his st at e.
  • Page 50 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide To run t he built - in diagnost ics: 1 . Ensure t hat t he screen is clean ( no dust part icles on t he surface of t he screen) . 2 . Unplug t he video cable( s) from t he back of t he com put er or m onit or. The m onit or t hen goes int o t he self- t est m ode.
  • Page 51 Pixel t hat is perm anent ly off is a nat ural defect t hat can occur in LCD t echnology. For m ore inform at ion on Dell Monit or Qualit y and Pixel Policy, see Dell Support sit e at : su ppor t .de
  • Page 52 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide self- t est m ode. Missing Color Pict ure m issing color Perform m onit or self- t est feat ure check. Ensure t hat t he video cable connect ing t he m onit or t o t he com put er is connect ed properly and is secure.
  • Page 53 Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Clean and reseat t he audio line- in plug. Test t he Soundbar using anot her audio source ( For exam ple: port able CD player, MP3 player) . Dist ort ed Sound Com put er's sound card is used Clear any obst ruct ions bet ween t he Soundbar and t he user.
  • Page 54: Fcc Notices (U.s. Only) And Other Regulatory Information

    Dell E1913S/E1913/E2213 Monitor User's Guide Back t o Cont ent s Page Appe n dix D e ll™ E1 9 1 3 S/ E1 9 1 3 / E2 2 1 3 M on it or Use r 's Gu ide Safet y I nst ruct ions FCC Not ice ( U.S.
  • Page 55 Click Con t a ct Us on t he left side of t he page. Select t he appropriat e service or support link based on your need. Choose t he m et hod of cont act ing Dell t hat is convenient for you. Back t o Cont ent s Page...

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