Activate your update
service of UTM firewall
D-Link provides 90 days free trial* for IPS, Anti-Virus and WCF service.
After 90 days trial period expired, you need to subscribe NetDefend
UTM Subscription Package and enter authentication code onto the
device GUI to renew your either one of NetDefend UTM Service or all
service combination you purchased.
How to activate 90 days free trial Update Service of
UTM firewall?
1.Please login your account on NetDefend Center, and click "UTM
Firewall Service" of My D-Link, and click "Activate 90 days trial"
2.You will get the all of trial activation codes for UTM Update Service.
Need help?
Do you have a question about the DFL-1660-IPS-12 and is the answer not in the manual?
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