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Nice PS124 Instructions And Warnings For The Fitter page 3


4) Maintenance, Storage Battery Replacement, Disposal
The PS124 buffer battery does not require
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ever, i n case of l o ng periods of i n activity, i t shou c
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from the system and stored i n a dry l o cation.
Storage batteries should be replaced whenever :-
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i s
significantly reduced as a result of aging. This
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performed by qualified technicians; please
contac: \
== :
WARNING: storage batteries contain lead and other
polluting substances; certain electronic components may
contain polluting substances: do not dispose of them with
other common waste. Use the disposal methods estab­
lished by the regulations locally in force.
5) Technical Characteristics
Nice S.p.a., i n order to i m prove i t s products. rese·.eo :-= -;:-: .o rnod ',
cnaracteristics at any time without prior notice. I n
any case, the manufacturer guarantees their lune c-2 -:_.
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Note: all the technical characteristics refer to a tempe-2:_-= :'
Note: the performances of l e ad-acid storage batte es
:o"c:-::ed by
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:::::rd1t1ons: temperature, absorbed current, state of
charge and age of the storage battery may cause sign: ca-: . 2- ations
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PS124 buffer battery
Type: 24V batterv kit cc=o e:s .: :h t::::::s-. :-a·;:s- s., .ac e ":::,-
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automation systems i n the event of mains power
Charge/discharge voltage: 2:.
. · .--2- -
the battery s d sco-u-ec.eo
Current delivered: Rated
4A; 7 .SA for 3 seconds,
s1amng current
Storage capacity: 1.2Ah, corresponding to an autonomy of apprcxfmately 12 hours with the automation system i n stand-by mode: or 5
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Complete recharqe time: -ccroxunately 16 hou-s
Storage battery life: Esurnated at 4 -;- 6 years: or. over 1000 eye es for 30°:i discharge depth. over 500 cycles for 50°0 discharge. over
200 cycles for 100'10 discharge.
Ambient operating temperature: -20-;- 5occ (storage battery e":::iency decreases at l o wer temperatures: at -10°C efficiency i s 30%;
storage battery l i fetime decreases at higher temperatures: at 40°C. 'e: me expectation could be reduced to 2 years.
Use in acid, saline or potentially explosive atmosphere: Ne
Mounting and connections: I n stallation i n the compartments pre. :ed i n the control units or gearmotors. Connection via supplied cable.
Protection class: I P 30 (to be used only i n side control units or ge2� otors or other protected environments)
Dimensions I weight: 1 04 x 53 h 143mm I 14509

