Dometic AH-Elite Control Operation Manual page 11

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AH-Elite Control Operations Manual
P-19: Filter Cleaning/Replacement Timer Value & Reset
(Available only in software revision A15 and newer.) This parameter displays the current elapsed time (in hours times 10)
since the timer was started or reset. For example, if the value of P-19 is "30", then between 300-399 hours have elapsed since
the timer was started or reset. Once the value of P-19 reaches the value set in P-18 (explained above), "FIL" flashes on the LED
display every 10 seconds until it is cleared. To clear the "FIL" reminder, press either the Up or Down button while viewing the P-
19 parameter. This resets P-19 to 0 and restarts the timer.
P-20: CAN-bus Unit ID
(Available only in software revision A16 and newer.) This parameter displays only when CAN-bus network capability is
available and the AH-Elite is plugged into networked Passport I/O and U-boards. This parameter does not display when the AH-
Elite is plugged into a standard board. Each control on the same CAN-bus network must be assigned a unique Unit ID (0 - 255).
For example, the control that has P-20 set to 5 will respond to commands with a destination address of 5.
P-21: CAN-bus Group ID
(Available only in software revision A16 and newer.) This parameter displays only when CAN-bus network capability is
available and the AH-Elite is plugged into networked Passport I/O and U-boards. This parameter does not display when the AH-
Elite is plugged into a standard board. Assign the address for the control's CAN-bus network group (0 - 255). This number
should be unique and different than any CAN-bus Unit ID. For example, all controls that have P-21 set to 100 will respond to
commands with a destination address of 100 (in addition to responding to commands that target their individual Unit IDs).
P-22: Voltage Calibration
(Available only in software revision A15 and newer.) This feature displays the voltage being read by the circuit board. It
displays a live reading of the voltage and can be manipulated by pressing the Up or Down buttons. Use a reliable voltmeter as a
reference when adjusting this parameter.
P-23: Set Point Temperature Differential
(Available only in software revision B23 and newer.) This parameter is the temperature differential in Fahrenheit for all
modes of operation: Automatic, Cool, or Heat. Refer to "Modes of Operation" on page 5 for more information on how this
parameter affects these modes. By default, this parameter setting is 2°F (1.1°C). It can be set to either 1°F (0.55°C) or 2°F
(1.1°C). Setting this parameter to 1°F (0.55°C) will result in the control maintaining the room temperature closer to the desired
set point. However, this may result in more frequent shorter-duration cooling or heating cycles. In most cases, the factory default
of 2°F (1.1°C) is adequate for maintaining a comfortable temperature variation around the desired set point. If you desire less
variation in temperature, set this parameter to 1°F (0.55°C).
P-24: Moisture Mode Minimum Temperature
(Available only in software revision B23 and newer.) This parameter is the minimum room temperature in Fahrenheit for
which Moisture Mode will run a cooling cycle to remove moisture from the air. If the room temperature is below this parameter
setting, Mositure Mode will run a heating cycle instead. By default, this parameter is 50°F (10°C), and it can be adjusted
between 40°F (4.4°C) to 75°F (23.9°C). Please refer to the description of "Moisture Mode" on page 5 for more information on
how Moisture Mode functions and utilizes this parameter.
P-25: Auto Fan Speed Temperature Differential
(Available only in software revision B24 and newer.) The incremental differential (with cumulative steps) between the
ambient temperature and the set point temperature at which the fan speed will increment to the next speed. Note that there is
1°F hysteresis in the auto fan speed differential to prevent the speed from changing if the room temperature changes. Also,
programming parameters P-12, Reverse Automatic Fan Speeds During Heating, and P-23, Set Point Temperature Differential,
both have an effect on the operation of the auto fan speed.
P-26: Supply Air High Temperature Limit
(Available only in software revision B24 and newer.) Enabling this parameter has no effect unless parameter P-13, Reverse-
Cycle Heating or Electric-Heat-Only Option Installed, is also enabled (set to "ELE"). Use of this parameter requires that the OAT
sensor is placed in the supply air stream immediately downstream of the blower discharge. The setting is the maximum the
supply air discharge temperature will allow. Heat mode will be shutdown if the temperature of this sensor exceeds the setting.
Heat mode will be restored once a 10°F hysteresis has been satisfied. Heat mode will also be restored if power is cycled to the
control and the OAT sensor temperature is less than the setting but still within the hysteresis. There is no fault indication when
this condition occurs, and no lockout. The discharge temperature can be displayed by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons
simultaneous (same as viewing the Outside Air Temperature).


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