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HP 86908 Manual page 10

Convertible sweep oscillators


Page 10
Model 8690B
The first simple and relatively inexpensive solution to
the problem of broadband sweep capability (more than
an octave) is offered by Hewlett-Packard's Model 8706A
Control Unit with the Model 8707 A RF Unit Holder.
When used with the HP Model 8690B Sweep Oscillator
and appropriate RF units, a compact, bench-top multi-
band source is formed.
The Model 8706A Control Unit with its nine band
selector buttons, replaces the usual RF unit as a plug-in
for the sweep oscillator mainframe.
supplies power
for and controls as many as three Model 8707 A RF Unit
Holders, each of which accommodates three RF units.
is possible to obtain complete frequency cover-
age from 400 kHz to 40 GHz with one easy-to-use sys-
Units may be programmed either by front panel con-
trol unit pushbutton selection, or sequentially by re-
mote contact closure to ground. The 8706A also can
provide voltages for control of remote circuits, relays,
etc. By utilizing these voltages to program a coaxial
switch, for example, you can channel the output sig-
nals of several RF units through a single system output
connector. Multi-band tests can then be made quickly
and easily; changing RF unit3 and cable connections is
handled automatically at the touch of a button.
Switching time between bands is one second, with
no degradation of BWO life. This is an exclusive new
accomplishment. Two separate types of sweep capa-
bility are available in each band. If normal sweep is
selected for one or more of the RF units in the 8707 A
RF Unit Holder, the breadth of the RF unit sweep will
correspond to the setting of the start/stop cursor on
the sweeper mainframe-100% if 0 and 100 are select-
ed, or any proportion as designated on the start/ stop
dial. A second preset mode is available for one or more
RF units by pre-adjusting start/ stop frequency settings
made on potentiometers adjacent to each RF unit plug-
in in the 8707 A RF Unit Holder.
Unnecessary operation of BWO tubes should be
avoided to prolong their life. At the same time, it is de-
sirable to have the output of any RF unit quickly avail-
able. The 8707 A sweep system maintains the BWO's
on standby, removing the high voltage when not in use
to extend tube life. When a single band is not to be
used over some period of time, for example during a
laboratory set-up procedure, an individual RF unit may
easily be turned off, minimizing all aging effects.

