Haier AS25THMHRA-C Service Manual
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jest wypełnione czynnikiem chłodniczym R32. Zachowaj tę
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Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General Co, Ltd.



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Summary of Contents for Haier AS25THMHRA-C

  • Page 1 1U50MEEFRA 1U50JECFRA-3 1U68REEFRA 1U42S2SM1FA-2 1U25BEEFRA 1U25S2SM1FA-2 1U50S2SJ2FA-2 1U35YEGFRA-1 1U35S2SM1FA-2 1U25YEGFRA-1 1U35YEGFRA-2 1U25YEFFRA-1 1U68WEGFRA Proszę przeczytać tę instrukcję przed montażem. Urządzenie jest wypełnione czynnikiem chłodniczym R32. Zachowaj tę instrukcję w łatwo dostępnym miejscu. Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General Co, Ltd.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Spis treści Ostrzeżenie ..........................1 Wymagania dotyczące załadunku i rozładunku, zarządzania transportem i przechowywania.. 3 Instrukcje montażu ........................3 Procedury przenoszenia ......................7 Instrukcje konserwacji ....................... 7 Złomowanie i odzysk ....................... 10 Rysunki montażowe urządzenia wewnętrznego/zewnętrznego ..........12 Środki ostrożności ........................13 Przeczytać...
  • Page 4: Ostrzeżenie

    Czyszczenie i konserwacja nie mogą być wykonywane przez dzieci.  Klimatyzator nie może zostać wyrzucony ani zezłomowany. W razie zaistnienia potrzeby zezłomowania urządzenia należy skontaktować się z działem obsługi klienta firmy Haier, aby uzyskać prawidłowe metody usuwania urządzenia.  Połączenia mechaniczne i kielichowe do wielokrotnego użytku nie są dozwolone wewnątrz pomieszczeń.
  • Page 5 UWAGA:  Nie wolno montować klimatyzatora w miejscu, w którym występuje ryzyko wycieku gazów łatwopalnych. W razie wycieku gazu gromadzenie się go w otoczeniu klimatyzatora może stwarzać zagrożenie pożarem.  Dokręcić nakrętkę połączenia kielichowego metodą podaną w dokumentacji, np. kluczem dynamometrycznym. Po dłuższej eksploatacji zbyt mocne dokręcenie nakrętki połączenia kielichowego może spowodować...
  • Page 6: Wymagania Dotyczące Załadunku I Rozładunku, Zarządzania Transportem I Przechowywania

    Wymagania dotyczące załadunku i rozładunku, zarządzania transportem i przechowywania  Wymagania dotyczące załadunku i rozładunku Podczas załadunku i rozładunku produkty muszą być ostrożnie przenoszone. Nieprawidłowe obchodzenie się z urządzeniem, tj. kopanie urządzenia, rzucanie nim, upuszczanie go, a także uderzanie, ciągnięcie i przetaczanie urządzenia, jest zabronione. Pracownicy zajmujący się...
  • Page 7  Świadomość bezpieczeństwa Procedury: Urządzenie powinno być obsługiwane zgodnie z kontrolowanymi procedurami, aby zminimalizować prawdopodobieństwo wystąpienia ryzyka. Obszar: Obszar powinien być odpowiednio podzielony i odizolowany; należy unikać obsługi urządzenia w zamkniętej przestrzeni. Przed uruchomieniem układu chłodniczego lub przed rozpoczęciem prac stwarzających zagrożenie pożarowe należy zapewnić...
  • Page 8  Wymagania bezpieczeństwa elektrycznego Uwaga: Warunki otoczenia (temperatura otoczenia, bezpośrednie światło słoneczne i woda deszczowa) powinny być wzięte pod uwagę podczas wykonywania instalacji elektrycznej z uwzględnieniem środków ochronnych. Jako przewód elektryczny i przewód przyłączeniowy należy stosować przewód miedziany zgodny z lokalnymi normami. Zarówno urządzenie wewnętrzne jak i urządzenie zewnętrzne muszą...
  • Page 9 Mocowanie Wspornik urządzenia zewnętrznego należy przymocować do powierzchni ściany, a następnie urządzenie zewnętrzne należy zamocować na wsporniku w poziomie. Jeżeli urządzenie zewnętrzne jest montowane na ścianie lub na dachu, należy przymocować je w sposób trwały, aby uniknąć uszkodzeń spowodowanych przez silny wiatr. Montaż...
  • Page 10: Procedury Przenoszenia

    Procedury przenoszenia Kontrola szczelności Usunięcie czynnika chłodniczego systemu przed Demontaż ze względów bezpieczeństwa demontażem Kontrola stanu Usunięcie czynnika chłodniczego Demontaż eksploatacyjnego ze względów bezpieczeństwa Odzyskiwanie czynnika chłodniczego przez system Czyszczenie urządzenia wewnętrznego i rur łączących gazem obojętnym Demontaż Montaż zgodnie z wymogami norm Uwaga: Jeżeli wymagane jest przeniesienie urządzenia, należy odciąć...
  • Page 11 Kontrola środowiska konserwacji  Przed rozpoczęciem pracy nie może występować wyciek czynnika chłodniczego.  Powierzchnia pomieszczenia, w którym dokonywana jest konserwacja, powinna być zgodna z tabliczką znamionową.  Podczas konserwacji należy zapewnić stałą wentylację.  Źródła otwartego ognia i źródła ciepła o wysokiej temperaturze przekraczającej 548°C, które mogą łatwo wywołać otwarty ogień, nie są...
  • Page 12 Zasady bezpieczeństwa  Podczas konserwacji produktu należy zapewnić odpowiednią wentylację w miejscu konserwacji i zabronione jest zamykanie jakichkolwiek drzwi/okien.  Niedozwolone jest używanie otwartego ognia, w tym spawanie i palenie tytoniu, w miejsca eksploatacji urządzenia. Zabronione jest również korzystanie z telefonów. Użytkownik powinien zostać poinformowany, że gotowanie z użyciem otwartego ognia jest zabronione.
  • Page 13: Złomowanie I Odzysk

    Usuwanie czynnika chłodniczego i próżniowanie Konserwacja lub inne czynności na obiegu chłodniczym powinny być wykonywane zgodnie z konwencjonalnymi procedurami. Ponadto należy również wziąć uwagę palność czynnika chłodniczego. Należy przestrzegać następujących procedur:  Usuwanie czynnika chłodniczego;  Oczyszczanie rurociągów gazem obojętnym; ...
  • Page 14 Jeżeli nie można uzyskać stanu próżni, próżniowanie powinno zostać przeprowadzone z wielu pozycji w celu wypompowania czynnika chłodniczego z każdej części układu; Przed odzyskiem należy upewnić się, że pojemność butli jest wystarczająca; Sprzęt do odzysku należy uruchamiać i obsługiwać zgodnie z instrukcją obsługi producenta; Butle nie mogą...
  • Page 15: Rysunki Montażowe Urządzenia Wewnętrznego/Zewnętrznego

    Rysunki montażowe urządzenia wewnętrznego/zewnętrznego Model ten zawiera czynnik chłodniczy HFC R32. Aby zamontować urządzenie wewnętrzne, należy odnieść się do instrukcji montażu załączonej do tego urządzenia. (Schemat przedstawia urządzenie wewnętrzne przymocowane do ściany). Należy zwrócić uwagę na unoszenie się prze- ponad 15 cm wodu odpływowego.
  • Page 16: Środki Ostrożności

    Środki ostrożności W celu prawidłowej obsługi klimatyzatora należy uważnie przeczytać poniższe informacje. Poniżej podano trzy rodzaje środków ostrożności i zaleceń. Niewłaściwa obsługa grozi śmiercią lub poważnymi obrażeniami. OSTRZEŻENIE Niewłaściwa obsługa grozi zranieniem ciała lub uszkodzeniem urządzenia; w niektórych przypadkach mogą wystąpić UWAGA poważne konsekwencje.
  • Page 17 Środki ostrożności OSTRZEŻENIE z Montaż klimatyzatora należy zlecić autoryzowanemu serwisowi. z Podczas montażu urządzenia należy bezwzględnie przestrzegać Nieprawidłowy montaż grozi wyciekiem wody, porażeniem wszystkich zapisów niniejszej instrukcji obsługi. elektrycznym i pożarem. Nieprawidłowy montaż grozi wyciekiem wody, porażeniem prądem, dymem lub pożarem. z Urządzenie należy umieścić...
  • Page 18 Środki ostrożności Środki ostrożności dla jednostek wykorzystujących R32 Uwaga Zabrania się używania czynnika chłodniczego z przewodów. Należy zastosować pompę próżniową z zaworem zwrotnym. z Zużyty czynnik chłodniczy i olej chłodniczy w przewodach z Zastosowanie innych typów zaworów spowoduje, że olej z pompy zawierają...
  • Page 19 Środki ostrożności Przed montażem (przeniesieniem) urządzenia lub pracami elektrycznymi Uwaga Rozpylanie wody oraz zanurzanie klimatyzatora w wodzie Wymagane jest uziemienie urządzenia. jest zabronione. z Zabrania się podłączania uziemienia urządzenia do rur z gazem, z Woda na urządzeniu grozi porażeniem prądem. rur z wodą, piorunochronów lub przyłącza uziemienia telefonów.
  • Page 20: Przeczytać Przed Montażem

    Przeczytać przed montażem Elementy, które należy sprawdzić: (1). Określić rodzaj czynnika chłodniczego, jaki został użyty w obsługiwanym urządzeniu. Rodzaj czynnika chłodniczego: R32 (2). Sprawdzić oznaki, jakie wykazuje obsługiwane urządzenie. Poszukać w instrukcji obsługi oznak związanych z cyklem chłodzenia. (3). Należy bardzo dokładnie zapoznać się ze środkami bezpieczeństwa przedstawionymi na początku niniejszej instrukcji. (4).
  • Page 21 Przeczytać przed montażem Materiały rurociągu Rodzaje rur miedzianych (referencje) Maksymalne ciśnienie robocze Odpowiednie czynniki chłodnicze 3,4 MPa R22, R407C 4,3 MPa z Należy używać rur spełniających standardy lokalne. Materiały rurociągu/Grubość promieniowa Należy stosować rury wykonane z miedzi odtlenionej fosforem. Ciśnienie robocze urządzeń wykorzystujących R32 jest wyższe niż ciśnienie urządzeń używanych z R22, należy zastosować rury o grubości promieniowej co najmniej na poziomie przedstawionym w poniższej tabeli.
  • Page 22 Przeczytać przed montażem Test hermetyczności Nie wprowadzono żadnych zmian w standardowej metodzie. Należy pamiętać, że wykrywacz nieszczelności dla R22 lub R410A nie wykryje nieszczelności w przypadku R32. Latarka halogenowa Wykrywacz nieszczelności R22 lub R407C Elementy, na które należy zwracać szczególną uwagę: 1.
  • Page 23: Procedura Montażu

    Procedura montażu Montaż urządzenia zewnętrznego 1. Akcesoria Obramowanie „Obramowanie” w celu ochrony przewodów elektrycznych przed otwartymi krawędziami. 2. Wybór miejsca montażu Należy wybrać miejsce instalacji spełniające poniższe warunki i jednocześnie otrzymać pozwolenie od klienta lub użytkownika.Miejsce, w którym krąży powietrze. Miejsce wolne od promieniowania ciepła z innych źródeł...
  • Page 24 Procedura montażu Połączenie rurociągu 1. Wymiary rurociągu  Należy zainstalować usunięte nakrętki rozszerzające, a następnie rozszerzyć rury.  Wartości rozmiaru orurowania przedstawiono w tabeli 4 2. Połączenie rur Aby wygiąć rurę, należy nadać jej jak największą okrągłość, tak aby jej nie złamać.
  • Page 25 Procedura montażu Test hermetyczności Po podłączeniu rury przenoszącej czynnik chłodniczy należy przeprowadzić test hermetyczności.  Test hermetyczności przystosowuje zbiornik z azotem do nadania ciśnienia w rurze zgodnego z rodzajem połączenia, jak pokazano na poniższym rysunku.  Zawór gazu i cieczy jest zamknięty. Aby zapobiec przedostaniu się azotu do systemu obiegu urządzenia zewnętrznego, należy dokręcić...
  • Page 26 Procedura montażu Próżniowanie Zawór odcinający ciecz Zawór zawór 2-drożny Metoda próżniowania rury: użycie pompy próżniowej odcinający gaz zawór 2-drożny zawór 3-drożny 1. Odłączyć nakrętkę portu obsługi zaworu trójdrożnego, nakrętka drążka popychacza Miernik (R32) zawór 3-drożny zaworów dwudrożnych i trójdrożnych, a następnie podłączyć port serwisowy do węża uzupełniającego (dół) miernika ogólnego.
  • Page 28: Rozwiązywanie Problemów Z Urządzeniem Zewnętrznym

    Rozwiązywanie problemów z urządzeniem zewnętrznym UWAGA!  URZĄDZENIE ZOSTANIE URUCHOMIONE NATYCHMIAST BEZ UŻYCIA PRZYCISKU „ON”, GDY ZNAJDUJE SIĘ ONO POD NAPIĘ- CIEM. NALEŻY UŻYĆ PRZYCISKU „OFF” PRZED ODŁĄCZENIEM ZASILANIA.  Jednostka posiada funkcję automatycznego, ponownego startu po odzyskaniu zasilania. 1. Przed rozpoczęciem działania testowego (dla wszystkich modeli pomp ciepła) Należy upewnić...
  • Page 29 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 30 SE RVICE MANUAL AS25THMHRA-C Model WARNING This servic e informatio n is designed for experience d repai r technician s only and is not designe d for use by the genera l public. It does not contai n warning s or caution s to advise non-technic al individu als of potentia l dangers in attemptin g to servic e a product.
  • Page 31 Table of contents Contents 1. Introduction .................... 1 2. Features ....................7 3. Specifications ..................8 4. Sensors list.................... 9 5. Piping diagrams ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram........11 7. Functions and control ................8. Dimensional drawings ................9.
  • Page 32: Introduction

    Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation self-clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Indoor units Version number 25 capicity Platform of indoor units: T (T platform) Nominal cooling capacity (9000BTU/h) Type of indoor unit: S (wall-mounted) Indoor unit Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 33 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 34 Introduction Warning Do not repair the electrical components with wet hands . Working on the equipment with wet hands can cause an electrical shock Do not clean the air conditioner by splashing water. Washing the unit with water can cause an electrical shock.
  • Page 35 Introduction Warning Be sure to use an exclusive power circuit for the equipment, and follow the technical standards related to the electrical equipment, the internal wiring regulations and the instruction manual for installation when conducting electrical work. Insufficient power circuit capacity and improper electrical work can cause an electrical shock or fire. Be sure to use the specified cable to connect between the indoor and outdoor units.
  • Page 36 Introduction Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the installation site, to prevent electrical shocks. Do not install the equipment in a place where there is a possibility of combustible gas leaks. If a combustible gas leaks and remains around the unit, it can cause a fire.
  • Page 37 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 38: Features

    Self-Clean Freezes the evaporator with moisture in the air, and then removes away dirt in melting, ensuring clean air out of the air conditioner. Wi-Fi Control Download the Haier hOn App to an Apple or Android smart device, and link the equipment to the smart device for system control from whenever and wherever you want.
  • Page 39: Specifications

    Specifications 3.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE Phase Frequency Voltage 220-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT Cooling heating Capacity rated Btu/h 8870 9555 Power Consumption(Rated) 0.75 EER/COP 3.23 3.71 Annual energy consumption Moisture Removal m³/h 1 *10 ﹣³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions H*W*D 820×280×195 Packaged Dimensions...
  • Page 40: Sensors List

    Specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-PARTS cooling heating Type Cross flow fan Motor output Air flow rate(high) m³/h Speed(super/high/low) 1150/1000/850 1050/ 900/750 Type ML fin-φ 5HI-HX tube Heat exchanger Segment *stage*fitch 3*15*1.3 Air direction control Horizontal,Downward Removable/Washable/Mildew Proof Air filter Microcomputer Control Temperature control Remote controller model 0010401715DG Note: the data are based on the conditions shown in the table below...
  • Page 41: Piping Diagrams

    Piping diagrams 5 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 42: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6.Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) For AS25THMHRA-C CN9&CN8 Connector for fan motor 2) CN6 Connector for heat exchanger thermistor and Room temperature thermistor 3) CN5’ Connector for UP&DOWN STEP motor...
  • Page 43 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB(1) CN5’ CN51 CN34 CN36 CN23 CN21 CN27 CN17 Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 45 Functions and control 7.Funcitions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 Automatic operation When the running mode is turned to automation after starting the system, the system will first determine the running mode according to the current room temperature and then will run according to the determined mode.
  • Page 46 Functions and control 7.1.3 Dehumidifying mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: Control feature: send the dehumidifying signal to the outdoor system. When Tr>Ts+3 , the compressor will be turned on, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed. When Tr is between the Ts and Ts+3 , the outdoor system will operate at the high dehumidifying frequency for 10 minutes and then at the low dehumidifying mode for six minutes.
  • Page 47 Functions and control malfunctions when dehumidifying. * Timing system on/off function. * Dormant control functio n. 7.1.4 Heating operation mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: * control feature: the temperature compensation is automatically added and the system will send the heating signals to the outdoor system.
  • Page 48 Functions and control temperature compensation (4 ) will be added. When the status is switched off, the compensation will be erased. 7.1.5 Strength operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘strength signal’. Send strength operation signal to the outdoor system. The mode change finishes the strength operation.
  • Page 49 Functions and control 7.1.9 Dormant operation The dormant timing is an eight hours unadaptable one. The timing signs are shown on the V series board. (RC series show the dormant signal, the timing light is lighted on the 6 lights board). 2.1 Under the cooling/ dehumidifying operation, after the setting of the dormant operation, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade 1 hour later.
  • Page 50 Functions and control 7.1.11 Low load protection control In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below 1 centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan will continue to operate.
  • Page 51 Functions and control temperature goes beyond this range, the abnormality can be confirmed. If the temperature goes back into the range, the system will automatically resume. 3 .indoor malfunction: Out door malfunction: When the indoor system receives the outdoor malfunction codes, it will store the code into E2 for the malfunction list resume.
  • Page 52 Functions and control 7.2 Value of thermistor Room sensor and Pipe Sensor R25 =10K B25 /50 =3700K 2% Temp.(( )) Max.(K ) Normal(K ) Min.(K ) Tolerance( ) 165.2170 147.9497 132.3678 -1.94 1.75 155.5754 139.5600 125.0806 -1.93 1.74 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -1.91 1.73...
  • Page 53 Functions and control 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -1.18 1.14 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -1.15 1.12 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -1.13 1.09 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.03 1.01 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.01 0.99...
  • Page 54 Functions and control 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62 3.9206 3.6943 3.4780 -1.74 1.66 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -1.78 1.70 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95 1.85 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -2.00 1.89...
  • Page 55 Functions and control 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46 1.0030 0.9061 0.8179 -3.85 3.51 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74...
  • Page 56 Dimensional drawings 8.Dimensional drawings 9.Center of gravity Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 57 Service diagnosis 10. Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 58 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Outdoor Referenc Only For 498 and fault description (LED1 e Page 498A display flash Other display (Red/Green Time Run times) □On★Flash■Off) Indoor Communication fault between ■...
  • Page 59 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 60 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 61 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor DC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 62 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 63 Service diagnosis Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. it is normal Reinsert the terminals Electrify the machine again and turn it on in The motor and the Cool state with the remote controller. outdoor pcb are check whether the motor could run.
  • Page 64 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 65 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 66 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 67 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 68 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 69 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 70 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 71 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 72 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 73 Circuit diagrams 11. Circuit Diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 74 Circuit diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 75 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2015 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 76 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel front panel Loosen the hook and the service Cover Loosen the screw Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 77 Removal Procedure Lift up the control box cover Loosen the screw Lift up the control box cover Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 78 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel Pull the wires out of the control box and then release the pivots on both sides of the unit to remove the front panel. Remove the air filters Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 79 Removal Procedure Remove the casing three Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 80 Removal Procedure horizontal flap and the stepper motor flap Loosen the screws and remove the stepper motor Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 81 Removal Procedure horizontal louver and control box Every blade go round and round,then move Loosen the screws Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 82 Removal Procedure Lift up the exchanger Lift up the exchanger and remove it Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 83 Removal Procedure motor cover motor cover Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 84 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 85 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 86 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2018 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 87 Contents Contents 1. Introduction ....................1 2. Specifications..................7 3. Sensors list ....................8 4. Piping diagrams ..................9 5. Operation range ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram ........11 7. Functions and control................8. Dimensional drawings................9. Center of gravity ................... 10. Service diagnosis ................11.
  • Page 88 Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation self clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Heat pump & R32 refrigerant Version number Europe Platform of outdoor units: 0.8P Platform Nominal cooling capacity (9000BTU/h) Type of outdoor unit : U (normal type) The maximum combination number Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 89 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 90 Introduction If the refrigerant gas discharges during the repair work, do not touch the discharging refrigerant gas .The refrigerant gas can cause frostbite. When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor , the refrigerant gas or cooling machine oil discharges ●...
  • Page 91 Introduction 1.2.3 Cautions Regarding Products after Repair Warning Be sure to use parts listed in the service parts list of the applicable model and appropriate tools to conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
  • Page 92 Introduction stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it. If a child swallows the coin battery, see a doctor immediately. Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the ●...
  • Page 93 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 94 Specification 2 .Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE 0-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT cooling heating 2.6(0.8-3.0) 2.8 (0.8-3.2) Capacity rated Btu/h 8870(2730-10238 ) 9555 ( 2730-10920) Power Consumption(Rated) 0.75 ³ 1*10 ³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-UNIT Dimensions H*W*D 700×245×544 Packaged H*W*D 845×320×593 Dimensions 22.8 25.3...
  • Page 95 Specification TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-OTHERS Refrigerant type Refrigerant charge 0.51 Refrigerant Maximum allowable distance circuit between indoor an outdoor Maximum allowable level difference Refrigerant control CAPILLARY liquid 6.35 Piping connections 9.52 (external diameter) drain Heat insulation type Both liquid and Gas pipes Max.
  • Page 96 Pinping diagrams 4 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 97 Operation range 5.Operation range Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 98 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram (Control PCB) For 1U25YEFFRA-C Connector for power N and L Connector for ground Connector for the U, V, W wire of the compressor L-IN (CN5) Connector for reactor L-OUT (CN6) CN10 Connector for fan motor...
  • Page 99 Functions and control Wiring diagrams OUTDOOR UNIT Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 100: Functions And Control

    Functions and control 7. Functions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 The operation frequency of outdoor unit and its control The operation frequency control of compressor The operation frequency scope of compressor Mode Minimum operation frequency Maximum operation frequency Heating 09K 30Hz...
  • Page 101 Functions and control Wh_c<-2 Max_hz3 99HZ Wh_c<5 Max_hz4 93HZ Wh_c<10 Max_hz5 82HZ Wh_c<17 Max_hz6 66HZ Wh_c<20 Max_hz7 59HZ Wh_c> 20 Max_hz8 51HZ Remarks: The above are the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, and they have nothing to do with the ability of the indoor unit. Refrigeration/dehumidification mode: Serial No.
  • Page 102 Functions and control F-MIN-d(compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-d(compressor’s Max_hz) When heating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-r (compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-r (compressor’s Max_hz) PID control : The innital frequency Sn is determined by Pn . We can calculate Hzoutf according to the value of Kp ,Ki ,Kd, Out_gain,Pn.Then , Fn = Sn + Hzoutf.
  • Page 103 Functions and control 7.1.4 Four way control For the details of defrosting four-way valve control, see the defrosting process. Four way working in other ways: Under the mode of heating, open the four-way valve, when the compressor is not started or changed to non-heating mode, make sure the compressor is stoped for 2 minutes, and then close the four-way valve.
  • Page 104 Functions and control (09K) TC( ) The compressor stops Fgh_t1 63 Fgh_t1 2 Fgh_t2 2 N Decreasing the frequency rapidly Fgh_t2 60 P Decreasing the frequency slowly Fgh_t3 57 Fgh_t3 2 Fgh_t4—2 Q Prohibiting increasing the frequency Fgh_t4 52 R Increasing slowly Fgh_t5 40 Fgh_t5—2 Normal...
  • Page 105 Functions and control the compressor decreases at the speed of 0.1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 7.5A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the prohibited speed. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 6.5A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of no faster than 0.1HZ/second.
  • Page 106 Functions and control modification rate. If during the course of weak magnetic control, the modification rate is still not high enough, enter into the control of decreasing frequency until the alarm of modification rate is relieved. Temperature protection of the outdoor refrigerating coil When the defrosting temperature and the sensor’s temperature are higher than 68 , the frequency of the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds.
  • Page 107 Functions and control 33.8936 31.7844 29.7796 -1.36 1.29 32.2608 30.2968 28.4267 -1.34 1.28 30.7162 28.8875 27.1431 -1.32 1.26 29.2545 27.5519 25.9250 -1.29 1.24 27.8708 26.2858 24.7686 -1.27 1.22 26.5605 25.0851 23.6704 -1.25 1.20 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -1.23 1.18 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -1.20 1.16...
  • Page 108 Functions and control 5.2001 4.9430 4.6944 -1.41 1.36 5.0163 4.7630 4.5185 -1.45 1.40 4.8400 4.5905 4.3500 -1.49 1.44 4.6708 4.4252 4.1887 -1.53 1.47 4.5083 4.2666 4.0342 -1.57 1.51 4.3524 4.1145 3.8862 -1.61 1.55 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -1.65 1.59 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62...
  • Page 109 Functions and control 1.2583 1.1448 1.0405 -3.43 3.15 1.2226 1.1113 1.0092 -3.48 3.19 1.1880 1.0789 0.9789 -3.53 3.24 1.1546 1.0476 0.9497 -3.58 3.28 1.1223 1.0174 0.9215 -3.64 3.33 1.0910 0.9882 0.8942 -3.69 3.37 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46...
  • Page 110 Functions and control 11096.6531 9212.8101 7641.8972 -2.91 2.42 10365.4565 8622.8491 7166.7474 -2.90 2.42 9687.0270 8074.3787 6724.1389 -2.88 2.41 9057.2314 7564.2244 6311.6413 -2.87 2.41 8472.2852 7089.4741 5927.0206 -2.86 2.40 7928.7217 6647.4547 5568.2222 -2.84 2.39 7423.3626 6235.7109 5233.3554 -2.83 2.39 6953.2930 5851.9864 4920.6791 -2.82 2.38...
  • Page 111 Functions and control 807.3024 723.4134 647.6580 -2.22 2.00 766.4212 687.8205 616.7252 -2.20 1.99 727.8172 654.1596 587.4271 -2.18 1.98 691.3524 622.3161 559.6694 -2.16 1.96 656.8979 592.1831 533.3634 -2.14 1.95 624.3328 563.6604 508.4261 -2.12 1.93 593.5446 536.6540 484.7796 -2.10 1.92 564.4275 511.0760 462.3510 -2.09 1.90...
  • Page 112 Functions and control 104.8443 99.7046 94.7315 -1.28 1.23 100.6112 95.7939 91.1253 -1.25 1.21 96.5692 92.0553 87.6735 -1.23 1.19 92.7088 88.4805 84.3690 -1.20 1.17 89.0211 85.0614 81.2048 -1.18 1.15 85.4976 81.7908 78.1744 -1.15 1.12 82.1303 78.6615 75.2715 -1.13 1.10 78.9116 75.6668 72.4902 -1.10 1.08...
  • Page 113 Functions and control 21.6159 20.4303 19.2924 -1.81 1.74 20.9508 19.7825 18.6626 -1.85 1.77 20.3091 19.1582 18.0563 -1.89 1.81 19.6899 18.5564 17.4723 -1.93 1.85 19.0924 17.9761 16.9098 -1.98 1.89 18.5157 17.4166 16.3680 -2.02 1.93 17.9590 16.8769 15.8458 -2.06 1.96 17.4214 16.3564 15.3427 -2.10 2.00...
  • Page 114: Dimensional Drawings

    Dimensional drawings 8.Dimensional drawings unit:mm unit:mm 9.Center of gravity Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 115: Service Diagnosis

    Service diagnosis 10 Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 116 Service diagnosis 10.2 Problem Symptoms and Measures Check the power supply. Check to make sure that the rated voltage is supplied. None of the units operates Check the indoor PCB Check to make sure that the indoor PCB is broken Operation A power failure of 2 to 10 cycles can stop air conditioner Check the power supply.
  • Page 117 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Outdoor Referenc Only For 498 and (LED1 fault description e Page 498A display flash Other display (Red/Green Time Run times) □On★Flash■Off) Indoor Communication fault between indoor and outdoor units Page.42 ■...
  • Page 118 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 119 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 120 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor DC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 121 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 122 Service diagnosis Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 123 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Outdoor display: Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 124 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 125 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 126 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 127 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 128 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 129 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 130 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 131 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 132 Performance and curves diagrams 11.Performence and curves diagrams 11.1 Cooling capacity-temperature curves performance curves cooling value-temerature table outdoor temp. indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 1979 1963 1927 1799 2204 2453 2360 2279 2149 24/16℃...
  • Page 133 Performance and curves diagrams 11.2 Cooling power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value-temp.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 1021 24/16℃ 1045 27/19℃ 1032 1145 30/22℃ 1087 1161 32/23℃...
  • Page 134 Performance and curves diagrams 11.3 Cooling discharge pressure curves performance curves cooling discharge pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1933 1995 2121 15℃ 1913 2022 2152 20℃ 1998 2048 2182 25℃ 2065 2128 2271 30℃...
  • Page 135 Performance and curves diagrams 11.4 Cooling suction pressure curves performance curves cooling suction pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1079 15℃ 1090 20℃ 1101 25℃ 1124 30℃ 1018 1135 35℃ 1028 1195 38℃ 1060 1219 40℃...
  • Page 136 Performance and curves diagrams 11.5 Heating capacity-temperature curves performance curves heating capacity and indoor/outdoor temp.table indoor temp.(humidity 46%) outdoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 1593 1484 1416 -10℃ 2448 2238 2064 -7/-8℃ 3008 2727 2535 2/1℃ 3216 2838 2574 7/6℃...
  • Page 137 Performance and curves diagrams 11.6 Heating power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value-temp.table indoor temp.(humidity 46%) outdoor temp. DB/WB ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ -7/-8 ℃ ℃ ℃ 12/11 ℃ 18/16 ℃ 24/20 ℃ heating capacity and indoor/outdoor temp.curves 1200 1000 10℃...
  • Page 138 Performance and curves diagrams 11.7 Heating discharge pressure curves performance curves heating discharge pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 2595 2734 2835 -10℃ 2792 2947 3031 -7/-8℃ 3238 3373 3542 2/1℃ 3370 3657 3781 7/6℃ 3361 3550 3685 12/11℃...
  • Page 139 Performance and curves diagrams 11.8 Heating suction pressure curves performance curves heating suction pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ -10℃ -7/-8℃ 2/1℃ 7/6℃ 12/11℃ 18/16℃ 1011 1051 1071 24/20℃ 1197 1237 1257 heating suction pressure and temp. curves 1400 1300 1200...
  • Page 140: Circuit Diagrams

    ircuit Diagra 12. Circuit diagrams 12.1 Outdoor unit control board circuit diagrams omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 141 ircuit Diagra omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 143 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2015 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 144 Removal Procedure 1.Removal of Outdoor panel...
  • Page 145 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 146 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 147 Removal Procedure 2.Removal of Electrical Box...
  • Page 148 Removal Procedure 3.Removal of Fan and Fan Motor...
  • Page 149 Removal Procedure 4.Removal of fan motor brcked and partition...
  • Page 150 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 151 Removal Procedure 5.Removal of compressor and heat exchanger...
  • Page 152 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 153 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 154 Repai r the produc t or product s deal t with in this servic e infor mation by anyone else could result in seriou s injury or death 202 0 (Qing dao Haie r Air Condi tione r Genera l corp . , Ltd) All right s reser ved. Unauthoriz ed copying and distributio n is a violati on of law Haier Group Version V1 Date 2020-10-28...
  • Page 155 Table of contents Contents 1. Introduction .................... 1 2. Features ....................7 3. Specifications ..................8 4. Sensors list.................... 9 5. Piping diagrams ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram........11 7. Functions and control ................8. Dimensional drawings ................9.
  • Page 156: Introduction

    Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation self-clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Indoor units Version number 35 capicity Platform of indoor units: T (T platform) Nominal cooling capacity (12000BTU/h) Type of indoor unit: S (wall-mounted) Indoor unit Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 157 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 158 Introduction Warning Do not repair the electrical components with wet hands . Working on the equipment with wet hands can cause an electrical shock Do not clean the air conditioner by splashing water. Washing the unit with water can cause an electrical shock.
  • Page 159 Introduction Warning Be sure to use an exclusive power circuit for the equipment, and follow the technical standards related to the electrical equipment, the internal wiring regulations and the instruction manual for installation when conducting electrical work. Insufficient power circuit capacity and improper electrical work can cause an electrical shock or fire. Be sure to use the specified cable to connect between the indoor and outdoor units.
  • Page 160 Introduction Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the installation site, to prevent electrical shocks. Do not install the equipment in a place where there is a possibility of combustible gas leaks. If a combustible gas leaks and remains around the unit, it can cause a fire.
  • Page 161 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 162 Self-Clean Freezes the evaporator with moisture in the air, and then removes away dirt in melting, ensuring clean air out of the air conditioner. Wi-Fi Control Download the Haier hOn App to an Apple or Android smart device, and link the equipment to the smart device for system control from whenever and wherever you want.
  • Page 163: Specifications

    Specifications 3.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE Phase Frequency Voltage 220-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT Cooling heating Capacity rated Btu/h 10920 11603 Power Consumption(Rated) 1.07 EER/COP 3.01 3.41 Annual energy consumption Moisture Removal m³/h 1.4*10 ﹣³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions H*W*D 820×280×195 Packaged Dimensions H*W*D...
  • Page 164: Sensors List

    Specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-PARTS cooling heating Type Cross flow fan Motor output Air flow rate(high) m³/h Speed(super/high/low) 1200/1050/900 1100/ 950/800 Type ML fin-φ 5HI-HX tube Heat exchanger Segment *stage*fitch 3*15*1.3 Air direction control Horizontal,Downward Removable/Washable/Mildew Proof Air filter Microcomputer Control Temperature control Remote controller model 0010401715DG Note: the data are based on the conditions shown in the table below...
  • Page 165: Piping Diagrams

    Piping diagrams 5 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 166: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6.Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) For AS35TAMHRA-C CN9&CN8 Connector for fan motor 2) CN6 Connector for heat exchanger thermistor and Room temperature thermistor 3) CN5’ Connector for UP&DOWN STEP motor CN17 Connector for indoor terminal L 5) CN21 Connector for indoor terminal N 6) CN7 Connector for display board...
  • Page 167 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB(1) CN5’ CN51 CN34 CN36 CN23 CN21 CN27 CN17 Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 169: Functions And Control

    Functions and control 7.Funcitions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 Automatic operation When the running mode is turned to automation after starting the system, the system will first determine the running mode according to the current room temperature and then will run according to the determined mode.
  • Page 170 Functions and control 7.1.3 Dehumidifying mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: Control feature: send the dehumidifying signal to the outdoor system. When Tr>Ts+3 , the compressor will be turned on, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed. When Tr is between the Ts and Ts+3 , the outdoor system will operate at the high dehumidifying frequency for 10 minutes and then at the low dehumidifying mode for six minutes.
  • Page 171 Functions and control malfunctions when dehumidifying. * Timing system on/off function. * Dormant control functio n. 7.1.4 Heating operation mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: * control feature: the temperature compensation is automatically added and the system will send the heating signals to the outdoor system.
  • Page 172 Functions and control temperature compensation (4 ) will be added. When the status is switched off, the compensation will be erased. 7.1.5 Strength operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘strength signal’. Send strength operation signal to the outdoor system. The mode change finishes the strength operation.
  • Page 173 Functions and control 7.1.9 Dormant operation The dormant timing is an eight hours unadaptable one. The timing signs are shown on the V series board. (RC series show the dormant signal, the timing light is lighted on the 6 lights board). 2.1 Under the cooling/ dehumidifying operation, after the setting of the dormant operation, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade 1 hour later.
  • Page 174 Functions and control 7.1.11 Low load protection control In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below 1 centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan will continue to operate.
  • Page 175 Functions and control temperature goes beyond this range, the abnormality can be confirmed. If the temperature goes back into the range, the system will automatically resume. 3 .indoor malfunction: Out door malfunction: When the indoor system receives the outdoor malfunction codes, it will store the code into E2 for the malfunction list resume.
  • Page 176 Functions and control 7.2 Value of thermistor Room sensor and Pipe Sensor R25 =10K B25 /50 =3700K 2% Temp.(( )) Max.(K ) Normal(K ) Min.(K ) Tolerance( ) 165.2170 147.9497 132.3678 -1.94 1.75 155.5754 139.5600 125.0806 -1.93 1.74 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -1.91 1.73...
  • Page 177 Functions and control 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -1.18 1.14 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -1.15 1.12 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -1.13 1.09 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.03 1.01 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.01 0.99...
  • Page 178 Functions and control 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62 3.9206 3.6943 3.4780 -1.74 1.66 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -1.78 1.70 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95 1.85 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -2.00 1.89...
  • Page 179 Functions and control 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46 1.0030 0.9061 0.8179 -3.85 3.51 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74...
  • Page 180: Dimensional Drawings

    Dimensional drawings 8.Dimensional drawings 9.Center of gravity Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 181: Service Diagnosis

    Service diagnosis 10. Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 182 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Outdoor Referenc Only For 498 and (LED1 fault description e Page 498A display flash Other display (Red/Green Time Run times) □On★Flash■Off) Indoor Communication fault between indoor and outdoor units Page.42 ■...
  • Page 183 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 184 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 185 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor DC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 186 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 187 Service diagnosis Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. it is normal Reinsert the terminals Electrify the machine again and turn it on in The motor and the Cool state with the remote controller. outdoor pcb are check whether the motor could run.
  • Page 188 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 189 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 190 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 191 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 192 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 193 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 194 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 195 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 196 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 197 Circuit diagrams 11. Circuit Diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 198 Circuit diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 199 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2015 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 200 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel front panel Loosen the hook and the service Cover Loosen the screw Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 201 Removal Procedure Lift up the control box cover Loosen the screw Lift up the control box cover Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 202 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel Pull the wires out of the control box and then release the pivots on both sides of the unit to remove the front panel. Remove the air filters Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 203 Removal Procedure Remove the casing three Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 204 Removal Procedure horizontal flap and the stepper motor flap Loosen the screws and remove the stepper motor Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 205 Removal Procedure horizontal louver and control box Every blade go round and round,then move Loosen the screws Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 206 Removal Procedure Lift up the exchanger and remove it Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 207 Removal Procedure motor cover motor cover Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 208 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 209 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 210 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2018 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 211: Performance And Curves Diagrams

    Contents Contents 1. Introduction ....................1 2. Specifications..................7 3. Sensors list ....................8 4. Piping diagrams ..................9 5. Operation range ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram ........11 7. Functions and control................8. Dimensional drawings................9. Center of gravity ................... 10. Service diagnosis ................11.
  • Page 212: Introduction

    Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation self clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Heat pump & R32 refrigerant Version number Europe Platform of outdoor units: 0.8P Platform Nominal cooling capacity (12000BTU/h) Type of outdoor unit : U (normal type) The maximum combination number Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 213 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 214 Introduction If the refrigerant gas discharges during the repair work, do not touch the discharging refrigerant gas .The refrigerant gas can cause frostbite. When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor , the refrigerant gas or cooling machine oil discharges ●...
  • Page 215 Introduction 1.2.3 Cautions Regarding Products after Repair Warning Be sure to use parts listed in the service parts list of the applicable model and appropriate tools to conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
  • Page 216 Introduction stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it. If a child swallows the coin battery, see a doctor immediately. Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the ●...
  • Page 217 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 218: Specifications

    Specification 2 .Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE 0-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT cooling heating 3.2(0.8-3.6) 3.4 (0.8-4.2) Capacity rated Btu/h 10920(2730-12286 ) 11603 ( 2730-14330) Power Consumption(Rated) 1.07 ³ 1.4*10 ³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-UNIT Dimensions H*W*D 700×245×544 Packaged H*W*D 845×320×593 Dimensions 23.5 dB(A)
  • Page 219: Sensors List

    Specification TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-OTHERS Refrigerant type Refrigerant charge 0.53 Refrigerant Maximum allowable distance circuit between indoor an outdoor Maximum allowable level difference Refrigerant control CAPILLARY liquid 6.35 Piping connections 9.52 (external diameter) drain Heat insulation type Both liquid and Gas pipes Max.
  • Page 220: Piping Diagrams

    Piping diagrams 4 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 221: Operation Range

    Operation range 5.Operation range Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 222: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram (Control PCB) For 1U35YEFFRA-C Connector for power N and L Connector for ground Connector for the U, V, W wire of the compressor L-IN (CN5) Connector for reactor L-OUT (CN6) CN10 Connector for fan motor...
  • Page 223 Functions and control Wiring diagrams OUTDOOR UNIT Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 224: Functions And Control

    Functions and control 7. Functions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 The operation frequency of outdoor unit and its control The operation frequency control of compressor The operation frequency scope of compressor Mode Minimum operation frequency Maximum operation frequency Heating 09K 32Hz...
  • Page 225 Functions and control Wh_c<-2 Max_hz3 99HZ Wh_c<4 Max_hz4 99HZ Wh_c<10 Max_hz5 71HZ Wh_c<17 Max_hz6 67HZ Wh_c<20 Max_hz7 59HZ Wh_c> 20 Max_hz8 48HZ Remarks: The above are the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, and they have nothing to do with the ability of the indoor unit. Refrigeration/dehumidification mode: Serial No.
  • Page 226 Functions and control F-MIN-d(compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-d(compressor’s Max_hz) When heating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-r (compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-r (compressor’s Max_hz) PID control : The innital frequency Sn is determined by Pn . We can calculate Hzoutf according to the value of Kp ,Ki ,Kd, Out_gain,Pn.Then , Fn = Sn + Hzoutf.
  • Page 227 Functions and control 7.1.4 Four way control For the details of defrosting four-way valve control, see the defrosting process. Four way working in other ways: Under the mode of heating, open the four-way valve, when the compressor is not started or changed to non-heating mode, make sure the compressor is stoped for 2 minutes, and then close the four-way valve.
  • Page 228 Functions and control (09K) TC( ) The compressor stops Fgh_t1 63 Fgh_t1 2 Fgh_t2 2 N Decreasing the frequency rapidly Fgh_t2 60 P Decreasing the frequency slowly Fgh_t3 57 Fgh_t3 2 Fgh_t4—2 Q Prohibiting increasing the frequency Fgh_t4 52 R Increasing slowly Fgh_t5 40 Fgh_t5—2 Normal...
  • Page 229 Functions and control the compressor decreases at the speed of 0.1HZ/second. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 7.5A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the prohibited speed. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 6.5A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of no faster than 0.1HZ/second.
  • Page 230 Functions and control modification rate. If during the course of weak magnetic control, the modification rate is still not high enough, enter into the control of decreasing frequency until the alarm of modification rate is relieved. Temperature protection of the outdoor refrigerating coil When the defrosting temperature and the sensor’s temperature are higher than 68 , the frequency of the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds.
  • Page 231 Functions and control 33.8936 31.7844 29.7796 -1.36 1.29 32.2608 30.2968 28.4267 -1.34 1.28 30.7162 28.8875 27.1431 -1.32 1.26 29.2545 27.5519 25.9250 -1.29 1.24 27.8708 26.2858 24.7686 -1.27 1.22 26.5605 25.0851 23.6704 -1.25 1.20 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -1.23 1.18 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -1.20 1.16...
  • Page 232 Functions and control 5.2001 4.9430 4.6944 -1.41 1.36 5.0163 4.7630 4.5185 -1.45 1.40 4.8400 4.5905 4.3500 -1.49 1.44 4.6708 4.4252 4.1887 -1.53 1.47 4.5083 4.2666 4.0342 -1.57 1.51 4.3524 4.1145 3.8862 -1.61 1.55 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -1.65 1.59 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62...
  • Page 233 Functions and control 1.2583 1.1448 1.0405 -3.43 3.15 1.2226 1.1113 1.0092 -3.48 3.19 1.1880 1.0789 0.9789 -3.53 3.24 1.1546 1.0476 0.9497 -3.58 3.28 1.1223 1.0174 0.9215 -3.64 3.33 1.0910 0.9882 0.8942 -3.69 3.37 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46...
  • Page 234 Functions and control 11096.6531 9212.8101 7641.8972 -2.91 2.42 10365.4565 8622.8491 7166.7474 -2.90 2.42 9687.0270 8074.3787 6724.1389 -2.88 2.41 9057.2314 7564.2244 6311.6413 -2.87 2.41 8472.2852 7089.4741 5927.0206 -2.86 2.40 7928.7217 6647.4547 5568.2222 -2.84 2.39 7423.3626 6235.7109 5233.3554 -2.83 2.39 6953.2930 5851.9864 4920.6791 -2.82 2.38...
  • Page 235 Functions and control 807.3024 723.4134 647.6580 -2.22 2.00 766.4212 687.8205 616.7252 -2.20 1.99 727.8172 654.1596 587.4271 -2.18 1.98 691.3524 622.3161 559.6694 -2.16 1.96 656.8979 592.1831 533.3634 -2.14 1.95 624.3328 563.6604 508.4261 -2.12 1.93 593.5446 536.6540 484.7796 -2.10 1.92 564.4275 511.0760 462.3510 -2.09 1.90...
  • Page 236 Functions and control 104.8443 99.7046 94.7315 -1.28 1.23 100.6112 95.7939 91.1253 -1.25 1.21 96.5692 92.0553 87.6735 -1.23 1.19 92.7088 88.4805 84.3690 -1.20 1.17 89.0211 85.0614 81.2048 -1.18 1.15 85.4976 81.7908 78.1744 -1.15 1.12 82.1303 78.6615 75.2715 -1.13 1.10 78.9116 75.6668 72.4902 -1.10 1.08...
  • Page 237 Functions and control 21.6159 20.4303 19.2924 -1.81 1.74 20.9508 19.7825 18.6626 -1.85 1.77 20.3091 19.1582 18.0563 -1.89 1.81 19.6899 18.5564 17.4723 -1.93 1.85 19.0924 17.9761 16.9098 -1.98 1.89 18.5157 17.4166 16.3680 -2.02 1.93 17.9590 16.8769 15.8458 -2.06 1.96 17.4214 16.3564 15.3427 -2.10 2.00...
  • Page 238: Dimensional Drawings

    Dimensinal drawings 8.Dimensional drawings unit:mm unit:mm 9.Center of gravity Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 239: Service Diagnosis

    Service diagnosis 10 Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 240 Service diagnosis 10.2 Problem Symptoms and Measures Check the power supply. Check to make sure that the rated voltage is supplied. None of the units operates Check the indoor PCB Check to make sure that the indoor PCB is broken Operation A power failure of 2 to 10 cycles can stop air conditioner Check the power supply.
  • Page 241 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Outdoor Referenc Only For 498 and (LED1 fault description e Page 498A display flash Other display (Red/Green Time Run times) □On★Flash■Off) Indoor Communication fault between indoor and outdoor units Page.42 ■...
  • Page 242 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 243 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 244 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor DC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 245 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 246 Service diagnosis Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 247 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Outdoor display: Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 248 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 249 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 250 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 251 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 252 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 253 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 254 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 255 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 256 Performance and curves diagrams 11.Performence and curves diagrams 11.1 Cooling capacity-temperature curves performance curves cooling value-temerature table outdoor temp. indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 2421 2418 2296 2207 2764 2953 2944 2843 2578 24/16℃...
  • Page 257 Performance and curves diagrams 11.2 Cooling power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value-temp.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 1048 1193 1232 24/16℃ 1034 1216 1288 27/19℃ 1137 1328 1417 30/22℃...
  • Page 258 Performance and curves diagrams 11.3 Cooling discharge pressure curves performance curves cooling discharge pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1994 2108 2197 15℃ 2041 2136 2270 20℃ 2091 2164 2287 25℃ 2131 2248 2325 30℃...
  • Page 259 Performance and curves diagrams 11.4 Cooling suction pressure curves performance curves cooling suction pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1060 1232 15℃ 1071 1244 20℃ 1093 1257 25℃ 1104 1283 30℃ 1024 1162 1295 35℃...
  • Page 260 Performance and curves diagrams 11.5 Heating capacity-temperature curves performance curves heating capacity and indoor/outdoor temp.table indoor temp.(humidity 46%) outdoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 1991 1855 1769 -10℃ 3060 2798 2580 -7/-8℃ 3760 3409 3168 2/1℃ 4020 3547 3217 7/6℃...
  • Page 261 Performance and curves diagrams 11.6 Heating power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value-temp.table indoor temp.(humidity 46%) outdoor temp. DB/WB ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 1029 1071 1125 -7/-8 ℃ 1074 1142 1200 ℃ 1115 1174 1233 ℃ 1033 1076 1130...
  • Page 262 Performance and curves diagrams 11.7 Heating discharge pressure curves performance curves heating discharge pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 2825 2965 3040 -10℃ 3025 3196 3329 -7/-8℃ 3465 3658 3759 2/1℃ 3632 3966 4144 7/6℃ 3667 3850 3991 12/11℃...
  • Page 263 Performance and curves diagrams 11.8 Heating suction pressure curves performance curves heating suction pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ -10℃ -7/-8℃ 2/1℃ 7/6℃ 12/11℃ 18/16℃ 1011 1051 1071 24/20℃ 1197 1237 1257 heating suction pressure and temp. curves 1400 1300 1200...
  • Page 264 ircuit Diagra 12. Circuit diagrams 12.1 Outdoor unit control board circuit diagrams omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 265 ircuit Diagra omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 267 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2015 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 268 Removal Procedure 1.Removal of Outdoor panel...
  • Page 269 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 270 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 271 Removal Procedure 2.Removal of Electrical Box...
  • Page 272 Removal Procedure 3.Removal of Fan and Fan Motor...
  • Page 273 Removal Procedure 4.Removal of fan motor brcked and partition...
  • Page 274 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 275 Removal Procedure 5.Removal of compressor and heat exchanger...
  • Page 276 Removal Procedure Domestic Air Condition...
  • Page 277 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 278 Repai r the produc t or product s deal t with in this servic e infor mation by anyone else could result in seriou s injury or death 2020(Qing dao Haie r Air Condi tioner Genera l corp . , Ltd) All right s reser ved. Unauthoriz ed copying and distributio n is a violati on of law Haier Group Version V1 Date 2020-11-06...
  • Page 279: Service Diagnosis

    Table of contents Contents 1. Introduction .................... 1 2. Features ....................7 3. Specifications ..................8 4. Sensors list.................... 9 5. Piping diagrams ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram........11 7. Functions and control ................8. Dimensional drawings ................9.
  • Page 280: Introduction

    Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation Self-clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Indoor units Version number 50T Platform Platform of indoor units: T (T platform) Nominal cooling capacity (18000BTU/h) Type of indoor unit: S (wall-mounted) Indoor unit Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 281 Intuoduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead ●...
  • Page 282 Intuoduction When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor , the refrigerant gas or refrigerating machine oil discharges when the pipe is disconnected, and it can cause injury.
  • Page 283 Intuoduction conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. When relocating the equipment, make sure that the new installation site has sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the equipment.
  • Page 284 Intuoduction itself is harmless, but it can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames, such as fan and other heaters, stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it.
  • Page 285 Intuoduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. ●...
  • Page 286: Features

    Features 2.Features Super quiet: Lower noise operation condition A-PAM DC inverter:With adoption of S-TYPE,S-PAM and PHASE control technology to works more stably at low-frequency,and is more energy-saving,mor powerful at high frequency. Long distance air supplying: Heating: When -15 can still heating natural heating maintenance:Heating Holding 10 temperature Confortable sleep The setting temperature and the indoor noise can be adjusted to a more comfortable...
  • Page 287: Specifications

    Specifications 3.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE 220-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT n i l 5.0(1.3-5.8) 5.2(1.4-6.0) Capacity rated Btu/h 17740 ( 4770-20470) 17060 ( 4430-19790) 1.46 1.40 1610 ³ 2.0*10 ³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1008*318*225 1085*403*329 11.6 14.4 White Sound dB(A) 44/40/35/28 44/40/35/28...
  • Page 288: Sensors List

    Specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-PARTS cooling heating Air flow rate(high) m³/h 850/700/550 Speed(Hi/Mid/Lo) 900/750/650 Type ML fin- 7HI-HX tube Heat exchanger c t i Removable/Washable/Mildew Proof Air filter Microcomputer Control Temperature control l l o 0010401715DG Note: the data are based on the conditions shown in the table below Conversation formulae n i l Kcal/h= KW×860...
  • Page 289: Piping Diagrams

    Piping diagrams 5 Piping diagrams CAPILLARY CAPILLARY Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 290: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) For 18k 1) CN9 Connector for fan motor 2) CN6 Connector for heat exchanger thermistor and Room temperature thermistor 3) CN5’ Connector for UP&DOWN STEP motor 4) CN11 CN11’...
  • Page 291 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB(1) Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 292: Functions And Control

  • Page 293 Functions and control 7.Funcitions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 Automatic operation When the running mode is turned to automation after starting the system, the system will first determine the running mode according to the current room temperature and then will run according to the determined mode.
  • Page 294 Functions and control 7.1.3 Dehumidifying mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: Control feature: send the dehumidifying signal to the outdoor system. When Tr>Ts+2 , the compressor will be turned on, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed. When Tr is between the Ts and Ts+2 , the outdoor system will operate at the high dehumidifying frequency for 10 minutes and then at the low dehumidifying mode for six minutes.
  • Page 295 Functions and control malfunctions when dehumidifying. * Timing system on/off function. * Dormant control functio n. 7.1.4 Heating operation mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: * control feature: the temperature compensation is automatically added and the system will send the heating signals to the outdoor system.
  • Page 296 Functions and control temperature compensation (4 ) will be added. When the status is switched off, the compensation will be erased. 7.1.5 Strength operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘strength signal’. Send strength operation signal to the outdoor system. The mode change finishes the strength operation.
  • Page 297 Functions and control 7.1.9 Dormant operation The dormant timing is an eight hours unadaptable one. The timing signs are shown on the V series board. (RC series show the dormant signal, the timing light is lighted on the 6 lights board). 2.1 Under the cooling/ dehumidifying operation, after the setting of the dormant operation, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade 1 hour later.
  • Page 298 Functions and control 7.1.11 Low load protection control In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below 1 centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan will continue to operate.
  • Page 299 Functions and control 3 .indoor malfunction: Out door malfunction: When the indoor system receives the outdoor malfunction codes, it will store the code into E2 for the malfunction list resume. The indoor system will continue to operate according to the original status, the malfunction code will not be revealed or processed. 4.
  • Page 300 Functions and control R25 =10K B25 /50 =3700K 2% Temp.(( )) Max.(K ) Normal(K ) Min.(K ) Tolerance( ) 165.2170 147.9497 132.3678 -1.94 1.75 155.5754 139.5600 125.0806 -1.93 1.74 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -1.91 1.73 138.1285 124.3392 111.8256 -1.89 1.71 130.2371 117.4366 105.7989 -1.87...
  • Page 301 Functions and control 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.03 1.01 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.01 0.99 15.9366 15.2770 14.6315 -0.98 0.96 15.2385 14.6268 14.0271 -0.96 0.94 14.5748 14.0079 13.4510 -0.93 0.92...
  • Page 302 Functions and control 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95 1.85 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -2.00 1.89 3.0919 2.8922 2.7029 -2.04 1.93 2.9909 2.7948 2.6092 -2.08 1.97 2.8936 2.7012 2.5193 -2.13 2.01...
  • Page 303 Functions and control 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74 0.8507 0.7646 0.6867 -4.18 3.78 0.8281 0.7436 0.6672 -4.23 3.83 0.8061 0.7233 0.6484 -4.29 3.88...
  • Page 304: Center Of Gravity

    Seivice diagnosis 8.Dimensional unit:mm 1008 9.Center of gravity unit:mm 1008 431.5 Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 305 Service diagnosis 10. Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 306 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Only For 498 and Outdoor Reference fault description 498A display (LED1 flash Page Other display (Red/Green Time times) Run □On★Flash■ Off) Indoor and Communication fault between Page.39 ■...
  • Page 307 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 308 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 309 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor DC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 310 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 311 Service diagnosis Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. it is normal Reinsert the terminals Electrify the machine again and turn it on in The motor and the Cool state with the remote controller. outdoor pcb are check whether the motor could run.
  • Page 312 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 313 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 314 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 315 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 316 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 317 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 318 Service diagnosis Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 319 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 320 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 321 ircuit Diagra 11 Circ c uit Diag g rams omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 322 ircuit Diagra omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 324 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2015 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 325 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel Indoor unit Step Procedure Points 1.Features 2.Remove the front panel Hold the front panel by the tabs on the both sides and lift it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 326 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the screw and lift Loosen the screw up the casing cover Loosen the screw and lift up the control box cover Loosen the screw Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 327 Removal Procedure Remove the air filters and horizontal flap Step Procedure Points Pull the Harness out of the control box and then release the pivots on both sides of the unit to remove the front panel Remove the air filters Lift an air filter upwards slightly and then pull it out downwards...
  • Page 328 Removal Procedure Remove the casing Step Procedure Points Release the screw covers(3EA) Loosen the marked Screw (7EA) Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 329 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Holes (4EA) ■When assembling, install the front Release the marked grille horizontally hooks (4EA) and then so as not to stuff Pull the front grille out the flap inside. ■When assembling, Horizontally and remove it make sure the four hooks are caught properly.
  • Page 330 Removal Procedure Release stepping motor and control box Step Procedure Points Hooks (3EA) Release the top cover of the control box hooks then remove it. Loosen screws (2EA) Pull the Harness out of the PCB unit and then Loosen control Harness: Box screws (2EA) .
  • Page 331 Removal Procedure Release stepping motor and control box Step Procedure Points Loosen the stepping motor screws (2EA), and then Release the stepping motor Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 332 Removal Procedure Removal of Heat Exchanger Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screws(2EA) Loosen the Screws (2EA) Pull mounting plate and heat exchanger bracket from Hook of the base frame then release them. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 333 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Release the fixture plate from the base frame hook and remove it. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 334 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screws (7EA). And then Remove the heat exchanger Remove Fan Motor Loosen the marked screws(4EA) and release the cover of fan motor Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 335 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw (2EA) of fan motor up bracket and remove it Screw of fan rotor Screw of Fan Motor up bracket Loosen the marked screw (1EA) of fan motor and remove fan motor ove it Fan motor bracket(UP) Fan motor assy...
  • Page 336 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Lift up the right part of the fan and remove it Remove horizontal louver and fan motor bracket Every blade go round and round, then move Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 337 Removal Procedure Remove fan motor bracket and fan bearing Step Procedure Points Pull the hook of fan motor bracket and upward remove it Pull the hook of bearing bracket and upward remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 338 Removal Procedure Remove frame work board Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw of frame work board Screw of frame work board Pull the hook of frame work board, remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 339 Removal Procedure Remove drain pipe and drain pipe stem Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw of drain pipe and then remove it Pull the drain pipe stem from base frame and the remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 340 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 341 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2020 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law Haier Group Version:V1...
  • Page 342 Contents Contents 1.Introduction ..................... 1 2.Specifications ..................7 3.Sensors list ..................... 8 ● 4.Pinping diagrams ..................9 ● 5.Operation range ..................10 6.Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram ......... 11 7.Outdoor Functions and Control ............. 14 8.Dimensional drawings ................28 ●...
  • Page 343: Introduction

    Introduction 1.Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation self clean Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Heat pump & R32 refrigerant Version number Europe Platform of outdoor units: NEW 1.5P platform Nominal cooling capacity (18000BTU/h) Type of outdoor unit : U (normal type) The maximum combination number Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 344 Intuoduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead ●...
  • Page 345 Intuoduction When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor , the refrigerant gas or refrigerating machine oil discharges when the pipe is disconnected, and it can cause injury.
  • Page 346 Intuoduction conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire. When relocating the equipment, make sure that the new installation site has sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the equipment.
  • Page 347 Intuoduction itself is harmless, but it can generate toxic gases when it contacts flames, such as fan and other heaters, stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it.
  • Page 348 Intuoduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. ●...
  • Page 349: Specifications

    Specification 2.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE ● 220-240 NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT n i l Capacity rated Btu/h 17060 17740 ● Power Consumption(Rated) 1.55 1.40 Annual energy consumption 1610 ³ 2.0*10 ﹣³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-UNIT Dimensions H*W*D 800×275×553 ● Packaged H*W*D 908×405×625 Dimensions...
  • Page 350: Sensors List

    Specification c t i TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-OTHERS Refrigerant type Refrigerant charge 0.90 Refrigerant Maximum allowable distance circuit between indoor an outdoor Maximum allowable level difference ● Refrigerant control capillary liquid Φ6.35 Piping connections Φ12.7 (external diameter) drain Φ16 ● Heat insulation type Both liquid and Gas pipes ●...
  • Page 351 Piping diagrams 4.Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 352: Operation Range

    Operation range 5.Operation range Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 353: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Wiring diagrams 6.Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram Connectors PCB (1) (Outdoor Control PCB) Connector for power N and ● Connector for ground CN2’ CN3’ Connector for the U, V, W wire of the compressor CN4’ LI (CN7) Connector for reactor LO (CN6) CN21 Connector for fan motor...
  • Page 354 Wiring diagrams PCB (1) Bottom L N PE heater 4-way valve E-valve Sensor DC fan motor ● Compressor PFC Reactor ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 355 Wiring diagrams Wiring diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 356: Outdoor Functions And Control

    Functions and control 7.Outdoor Functions and Control 7.1 Main functions and control specification .1.1 The operation frequency of outdoor unit and its control ● The operation frequency control of compressor The operation frequency scope of compressor: Mode Minimu m operation frequency Maximum operation frequency ●...
  • Page 357 Functions and control 112HZ Wh_c<-8 Max_hz2 112HZ Wh_c<-2 Max_hz3 94HZ Wh_c<5 Max_hz4 78HZ Wh_c<10 Max_hz5 67HZ Wh_c<17 Max_hz6 56HZ Wh_c<20 Max_hz7 52HZ Wh_c>=20 Max_hz8 Remarks: The above are the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, and they have nothing to do with the ability of the indoor unit. Refrigeration/dehumidification mode: Serial No.
  • Page 358 Functions and control When refrigerating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-d(compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-d(compressor’s Max_hz) When heating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-r (compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-r (compressor’s Max_hz) PID control : The innital frequency Sn is determined by Pn . We can calculate Hzoutf according to the value of Kp ,Ki ,Kd, Out_gain,Pn.Then , Fn = Sn + Hzoutf.
  • Page 359 Functions and control 7.1.4 Four way control For the details of defrosting four-way valve control, see the defrosting process. Four way working in other ways: Under the mode of heating, open the four-way valve, when the compressor is not started or changed to non-heating mode, make sure the compressor is stoped for 2 minutes, and then close the four-way valve.
  • Page 360 Functions and control state). TC=indoor coil temp. The indoor heat exchanger sensor tests the temperature of the indoor heat exchanger. If the temperature is higher than 63 ℃ , decrease the rotate speed of the compressor and do the high temperature-preventing protection of the indoor heat exchanger;...
  • Page 361 Functions and control the compressor increases at the prohibited speed. During the starting process of the compressor, if the AC current is greater than 6.5A, the frequency of the compressor increases at the speed of no faster than 0.1HZ/second. Remarks: when the outdoor temperature is high, there’s compensation for AC current protection. (1) When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 40℃, AC current protection value decreases by 2A/1A(09K/12K).
  • Page 362 Functions and control the compressor decreases 1hz/10seconds. Keep the frequency until it decreases to the lowest frequency. When the temperatures are lower than 68℃ and higher than 62℃, keep the frequency of the compressor. When the temperatures are lower than 62℃, relieve the defrosting temperature protection. 7.2 Value of Thermistor Ambient Sensor, Defrosting Sensor, Pipe sensor ●...
  • Page 363 Functions and control 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -1.23 1.18 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -1.20 1.16 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -1.18 1.14 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -1.15 1.12 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -1.13 1.09 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03...
  • Page 364 Functions and control 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -1.65 1.59 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62 3.9206 3.6943 3.4780 -1.74 1.66 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -1.78 1.70 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 ● 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95...
  • Page 365 Functions and control 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46 1.0030 0.9061 0.8179 -3.85 3.51 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74...
  • Page 366 Functions and control 7928.7217 6647.4547 5568.2222 -2.84 2.39 7423.3626 6235.7109 5233.3554 -2.83 2.39 6953.2930 5851.9864 4920.6791 -2.82 2.38 6515.8375 5494.2064 4628.5894 -2.80 2.37 6108.5393 5160.4621 4355.6078 -2.79 2.37 5729.1413 4848.9963 4100.3708 -2.77 2.36 5375.5683 4558.1906 3861.6201 -2.76 2.35 5045.9114 4286.5535 3638.1938 -2.75 2.34...
  • Page 367 Functions and control 624.3328 563.6604 508.4261 -2.12 1.93 593.5446 536.6540 484.7796 -2.10 1.92 564.4275 511.0760 462.3510 -2.09 1.90 536.9865 486.9352 441.1516 -2.07 1.89 511.0105 464.0500 421.0258 -2.05 1.87 486.4151 442.3499 401.9146 -2.03 1.86 463.1208 421.7683 383.7626 -2.01 1.84 441.0535 402.2430 366.5175 -1.99 1.83...
  • Page 368 Functions and control 85.4976 81.7908 78.1744 -1.15 1.12 82.1303 78.6615 75.2715 -1.13 1.10 78.9116 75.6668 72.4902 -1.10 1.08 75.8343 72.8004 69.8249 -1.08 1.06 72.8916 70.0561 67.2703 -1.05 1.03 70.0770 67.4283 64.8213 -1.03 1.01 67.3844 64.9115 62.4731 -1.00 0.99 64.8080 62.5006 60.2211 -0.98 0.96...
  • Page 369 Functions and control 18.5157 17.4166 16.3680 -2.02 1.93 17.9590 16.8769 15.8458 -2.06 1.96 17.4214 16.3564 15.3427 -2.10 2.00 16.9023 15.8542 14.8577 -2.15 2.04 16.4010 15.3696 14.3902 -2.19 2.08 15.9167 14.9020 13.9394 -2.23 2.12 15.4489 14.4506 13.5047 -2.27 2.16 14.9968 14.0149 13.0855 -2.32 2.19...
  • Page 370: Dimensional Drawings

    Dimensional drawing 8.Dimensional drawings 9.Center of gravity ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 371: Service Diagnosis

    Service diagnosis 10.Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. ● 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 372 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Only For 498 and Outdoor Reference fault description 498A display (LED1 flash Page Other display (Red/Green Time times) Run □On★Flash■ Off) Indoor and Communication fault between Page.42 ■...
  • Page 373 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat -exchange sensor failure ● Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times:Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times:Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times:Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times:Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 374 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal  Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision ●...
  • Page 375 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor AC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the d etected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes ●...
  • Page 376 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 377 Service diagnosis Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. it is normal Reinsert the terminals Electrify the machine again and turn it on in The motor and the Cool state with the remote controller. outdoor pcb are check whether the motor could run.
  • Page 378 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision ■...
  • Page 379 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times ● Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged ● Decision or the compressor is damaged ●...
  • Page 380 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault ●...
  • Page 381 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage ● Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction...
  • Page 382 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: LED1 flash 8 times ● Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected ● Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110℃ Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 383 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision ■...
  • Page 384 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 385 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times ● LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; ●...
  • Page 386 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65℃...
  • Page 387: Performence And Cerves Diagrams

    Performance and ceves diagrams   11.Performence and cerves diagrams 11.1 Cooling capacity-temperature curves ● performance curves cooling value-temerature table indoor temp. outdoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 3824 3761 3736 3478 4246 4664 4648 4487 4205...
  • Page 388 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.2 Cooling power consumption value- temperature curves ● performance curves power consumption value-temp.table indoor temp. outdoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 1234 1213 1205 1260 1589 1841 1966 24/16℃...
  • Page 389 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.3 Cooling discharge pressure curves performance curves cooling discharge pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1899 1986 2068 15℃ 1917 2012 2108 20℃ 1938 2039 2144 25℃ 2038 2118 2261 30℃...
  • Page 390 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.4 Cooling suction pressure curves performance curves cooling suction pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1005 15℃ 1015 20℃ 1025 25℃ 1046 30℃ 1057 35℃ 1112 38℃ 1135 40℃ 1086 1249 43℃...
  • Page 391 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.5 Heating capacity-temperature curves performance curves heating capacity and indoor/outdoor temp.table outdoor temp. indoor temp.(humidity 46%) DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 3021 2815 2686 -10℃ 4644 4246 3916 -7/-8℃ 5707 5174 4808 2/1℃ 6101 5384 4882 7/6℃...
  • Page 392 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.6 Heating power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value-temp.table outdoor temp. indoor temp.(humidity 46%) DB/WB ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃ 1293 1361 1443 ℃ 1549 1613 1694 ℃ -7/-8 1617 1720 1806 ℃ 1679 1768 1856...
  • Page 393 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.7 Heating discharge pressure curves performance curves heating discharge pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 2578 2706 2771 -10℃ 2784 2917 2997 -7/-8℃ 3160 3338 3467 2/1℃ 3334 3619 3743 7/6℃ 3330 3514 3696...
  • Page 394 Performance and ceves diagrams   11.8 Heating suction pressure curves performance curves heating suction pressure.table outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ -10℃ -7/-8℃ 2/1℃ 7/6℃ 12/11℃ 18/16℃ 1010 1050 1070 24/20℃ 1196 1236 1256 heating suction pressure and temp. curves 1400 1300 1200...
  • Page 395: Sound Level

    Circuit diagrams 12.Sound level Sound pressure level 230V,50HZ Sound power level Model Measuring location (cooling/heating) Cooling/heating microphone 1U50MEGFRA ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 396 Circuit diagrams 13 Wiring Diagrams 13.1 Outdoor unit control board circuit diagrams ICE5AR4770BZ Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 399 Remove of front panel Outdoor unit Loosen the service Be careful not to cover screw and cut your finger by remove the service the fins of the cover. heat exchanger Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 400 Step Procedure Step Procedure Points Step Procedure Points Points 2. Remove the panels. Loosen the 7 screws and lift the top panel Loosen the screws of the panel. Pull and remove the front panel. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 401 Remove the fixting screws, then lift the electrical box Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 402 Remove the air filters and horizontal flap Loosen the fixting screws and remove back protect net . ■ Loosen the fixting screws and remove the side panel. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 403 Remove the casing Loosen the fixting screws and remove the side panel. ■ Loosen the fixting screws and remove the cross beam. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 404 Loosen the fixting screws remove the fan Loosen the fixting screws and lift the fan motor. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 405 Release stepping motor (2type) Remove fixing screws,then lift the fan motor bracket Cut down and pull out compressor and remove Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 406 Removal of Heat Exchanger Loosen the marked fixing screws Loosen the fixting hook Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 407 Remove fixing screw,then lift valve set Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 408 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 409 Repai r the produc t or product s deal t with in this servic e infor mation by anyone else could result in seriou s injury or death 2020 (Qing dao Haie r Air Condi tione r Genera l corp . , Ltd) All right s reser ved. Unauthoriz ed copying and distributio n is a violati on of law Haier Group Version V1 Date 2020-11-26...
  • Page 410 Table of contents Contents 1. Introduction .................... 1 2. Features ....................7 3. Specifications ..................8 4. Sensors list.................... 9 5. Piping diagrams ..................10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram........11 7. Functions and control ................8. Dimensional drawings ................9.
  • Page 411: Introduction

    Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation Self-Cleaning Apply toT1; 220~240V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Indoor units Version number 60T Platform Platform of indoor units: T (T platform) Nominal cooling capacity (24000BTU/h) Type of indoor unit: S (wall-mounted) Indoor unit Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 412 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 413 Introduction Warning Do not repair the electrical components with wet hands . Working on the equipment with wet hands can cause an electrical shock Do not clean the air conditioner by splashing water. Washing the unit with water can cause an electrical shock.
  • Page 414 Introduction Warning Be sure to use an exclusive power circuit for the equipment, and follow the technical standards related to the electrical equipment, the internal wiring regulations and the instruction manual for installation when conducting electrical work. Insufficient power circuit capacity and improper electrical work can cause an electrical shock or fire. Be sure to use the specified cable to connect between the indoor and outdoor units.
  • Page 415 Introduction Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the installation site, to prevent electrical shocks. Do not install the equipment in a place where there is a possibility of combustible gas leaks. If a combustible gas leaks and remains around the unit, it can cause a fire.
  • Page 416 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 417: Features

    Features 2.Features Super quiet: Lower noise operation condition A-PAM DC inverter:With adoption of S-TYPE,S-PAM and PHASE control technology to works more stably at low-frequency,and is more energy-saving,mor powerful at high frequency. Long distance air supplying:The indoor unit is improved by optimized motor,fan and air duct so as to provide long distance airflow with 12m + maximum.
  • Page 418: Specifications

    Specifications 3.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT n i l 7.0(2.2-8.5) 8.1(2.4-10.0) Capacity rated Btu/h 27640(8190-34120) 23880(7500-29000) 2.16 2.18 . 7.1 1963 ³ 2.8*10 ³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1125*335*240 1206*418*342 17.5 White Sound dB(A) 47/43/37/30 47/43/37/30 pressure(Hi/Mid/Lo) Sound level dB(A) Sound power(high)
  • Page 419: Sensors List

    Specifications TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-PARTS cooling heating Air flow rate(high) m³/h 1200 1000/850/700 Speed(Hi/Mid/Lo) 1100/950/800 Type ML fin- 7HI-HX tube Heat exchanger c t i Removable/Washable/Mildew Proof Air filter Microcomputer Control Temperature control l l o 0010401715DG Note: the data are based on the conditions shown in the table below Conversation formulae n i l Kcal/h= KW×860...
  • Page 420: Piping Diagrams

    Piping diagrams 5 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 421 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram Connectors PCB(1) (Control PCB) For 24K 1) CN9 Connector for fan motor 2) CN6 Connector for heat exchanger thermistor and Room temperature thermistor 3) CN5’ Connector for UP&DOWN STEP motor 4) CN11 CN11’...
  • Page 422: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB(1) Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 423: Functions And Control

  • Page 424 Functions and control 7.Funcitions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 Automatic operation When the running mode is turned to automation after starting the system, the system will first determine the running mode according to the current room temperature and then will run according to the determined mode.
  • Page 425 Functions and control 7.1.3 Dehumidifying mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: Control feature: send the dehumidifying signal to the outdoor system. When Tr>Ts+2 , the compressor will be turned on, the indoor fan will operate at the set speed. When Tr is between the Ts and Ts+2 , the outdoor system will operate at the high dehumidifying frequency for 10 minutes and then at the low dehumidifying mode for six minutes.
  • Page 426 Functions and control malfunctions when dehumidifying. * Timing system on/off function. * Dormant control functio n. 7.1.4 Heating operation mode. * temperature control range: 16---30 * temperature difference: * control feature: the temperature compensation is automatically added and the system will send the heating signals to the outdoor system.
  • Page 427 Functions and control temperature compensation (4 ) will be added. When the status is switched off, the compensation will be erased. 7.1.5 Strength operation The system enters the mode after receiving the ‘strength signal’. Send strength operation signal to the outdoor system. The mode change finishes the strength operation.
  • Page 428 Functions and control 7.1.9 Dormant operation The dormant timing is an eight hours unadaptable one. The timing signs are shown on the V series board. (RC series show the dormant signal, the timing light is lighted on the 6 lights board). 2.1 Under the cooling/ dehumidifying operation, after the setting of the dormant operation, the set temperature will be raised for 1 centigrade after 1 hour’s operation and will be raised for 1 centigrade 1 hour later.
  • Page 429 Functions and control 7.1.11 Low load protection control In order to prevent the frosting of the indoor heat interaction device, the outdoor system will be stopped if the indoor heat interaction temperature is below 1 centigrade for 5 minutes, but the fan will continue to operate.
  • Page 430 Functions and control 3 .indoor malfunction: Out door malfunction: When the indoor system receives the outdoor malfunction codes, it will store the code into E2 for the malfunction list resume. The indoor system will continue to operate according to the original status, the malfunction code will not be revealed or processed. 4.
  • Page 431 Functions and control R25 =10K B25 /50 =3700K 2% Temp.(( )) Max.(K ) Normal(K ) Min.(K ) Tolerance( ) 165.2170 147.9497 132.3678 -1.94 1.75 155.5754 139.5600 125.0806 -1.93 1.74 146.5609 131.7022 118.2434 -1.91 1.73 138.1285 124.3392 111.8256 -1.89 1.71 130.2371 117.4366 105.7989 -1.87...
  • Page 432 Functions and control 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03 17.4442 16.6782 15.9315 -1.03 1.01 16.6711 15.9601 15.2657 -1.01 0.99 15.9366 15.2770 14.6315 -0.98 0.96 15.2385 14.6268 14.0271 -0.96 0.94 14.5748 14.0079 13.4510 -0.93 0.92...
  • Page 433 Functions and control 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95 1.85 3.1969 2.9935 2.8005 -2.00 1.89 3.0919 2.8922 2.7029 -2.04 1.93 2.9909 2.7948 2.6092 -2.08 1.97 2.8936 2.7012 2.5193 -2.13 2.01...
  • Page 434 Functions and control 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74 0.8507 0.7646 0.6867 -4.18 3.78 0.8281 0.7436 0.6672 -4.23 3.83 0.8061 0.7233 0.6484 -4.29 3.88...
  • Page 435 Seivice diagnosis 8.Dimensional unit:mm 9.Center of gravity unit:mm Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 436 Service diagnosis 10. Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indoor or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling equipment operation. 2.
  • Page 437 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Only For 498 and Outdoor Reference fault description 498A display (LED1 flash Page Other display (Red/Green Time times) Run □On★Flash■ Off) Indoor and Communication fault between Page.39 ■...
  • Page 438 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 439 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 440 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor AC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 441 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 442 Service diagnosis Check whether Terminal on the outdoor mainboard is well inserted. it is normal Reinsert the terminals Electrify the machine again and turn it on in The motor and the Cool state with the remote controller. outdoor pcb are check whether the motor could run.
  • Page 443 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: / F1 LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision The compressor faulty leads to IPM protection Conditions...
  • Page 444 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: F2 LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 445 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault Decision The IPM module broken leads to communication fault Conditions...
  • Page 446 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 447 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: F4 LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110 Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 448 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault. Decision The indoor PCB broken leads to communication fault.
  • Page 449 Service diagnosis Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 450 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; Decision or the compressor is damaged Conditions...
  • Page 451 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger thermistor exceeds the limit. Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger Decision rises above 65 twices in 30 minutes.
  • Page 452 ircuit Diagra 11 Circ c uit Diag g rams omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 453 ircuit Diagra omestic air conditioner...
  • Page 454 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death 2018 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law...
  • Page 455 Removal Procedure Removal of front panel Indoor unit Step Procedure Points 1.Features 2.Remove the front panel Hold the front panel by the tabs on the both sides and lift it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 456 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the screw and lift Loosen the screw up the casing cover Loosen the screw and lift up the control box cover Loosen the screw Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 457 Removal Procedure Remove the air filters and horizontal flap Step Procedure Points Pull the Harness out of the control box and then release the pivots on both sides of the unit to remove the front panel Remove the air filters Lift an air filter upwards slightly and then pull it out downwards...
  • Page 458 Removal Procedure Remove the casing Step Procedure Points Release the screw covers(3EA) Loosen the marked Screw (7EA) Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 459 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Holes (4EA) ■When assembling, install the front Release the marked grille horizontally hooks (4EA) and then so as not to stuff Pull the front grille out the flap inside. ■When assembling, Horizontally and remove it make sure the four hooks are caught properly.
  • Page 460 Removal Procedure Release stepping motor and control box Step Procedure Points Hooks (3EA) Release the top cover of the control box hooks then remove it. Loosen screws (2EA) Pull the Harness out of the PCB unit and then Loosen control Harness: Box screws (2EA) .
  • Page 461 Removal Procedure Release stepping motor and control box Step Procedure Points Loosen the stepping motor screws (2EA), and then Release the stepping motor Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 462 Removal Procedure Removal of Heat Exchanger Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screws(2EA) Loosen the Screws (2EA) Pull mounting plate and heat exchanger bracket from Hook of the base frame then release them. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 463 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Release the fixture plate from the base frame hook and remove it. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 464 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screws (7EA). And then Remove the heat exchanger Remove Fan Motor Loosen the marked screws(4EA) and release the cover of fan motor Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 465 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw (2EA) of fan motor up bracket and remove it Screw of fan rotor Screw of Fan Motor up bracket Loosen the marked screw (1EA) of fan motor and remove fan motor ove it Fan motor bracket(UP) Fan motor assy...
  • Page 466 Removal Procedure Step Procedure Points Lift up the right part of the fan and remove it Remove horizontal louver and fan motor bracket Every blade go round and round, then move Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 467 Removal Procedure Remove fan motor bracket and fan bearing Step Procedure Points Pull the hook of fan motor bracket and upward remove it Pull the hook of bearing bracket and upward remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 468 Removal Procedure Remove frame work board Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw of frame work board Screw of frame work board Pull the hook of frame work board, remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 469 Removal Procedure Remove drain pipe and drain pipe stem Step Procedure Points Loosen the marked screw of drain pipe and then remove it Pull the drain pipe stem from base frame and the remove it Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 470 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.
  • Page 471 Repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death ● 2019 (Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner General corp. , Ltd) All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law Haier Group Version :V1...
  • Page 472 Contents Contents 1.Introduction ................... 1 ● 2.Specifications ..................7 3.Sensors list ................... 8 4.Pinping diagrams .................. 9 5.Operation range .................. 10 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram ........11 7. Functions and control ................. 14 8.Dimensional drawings ................. 28 ●...
  • Page 473: Introduction

    Introduction 1.Introduction 1.1 Model name explanation ● self clean Apply toT1; 230V50HZ/1ph DC inverter Heat pump & R32 refrigerant Version number Europe Platform of outdoor units: NEW 2p Nominal cooling capacity (24000BTU/h) Type of outdoor unit : U (normal type) The maximum combination number ●...
  • Page 474 Introduction 1.2 Safety Cautions Be sure to read the following safety cautions before conducting repair work. The caution items are classified into “Warning” and “Caution”. The “Warning” items are especially important since they can lead to death or serious injury if they are not followed closely. The “Caution” items can also lead to serious accidents under some conditions if they are not followed.
  • Page 475 Introduction If the refrigerant gas discharges during the repair work, do not touch the discharging refrigerant gas .The refrigerant gas can cause frostbite. When disconnecting the suction or discharge pipe of the compressor at the welded section, release the refrigerant gas completely at a well-ventilated place first. If there is a gas remaining inside the compressor , the refrigerant gas or cooling machine oil discharges ●...
  • Page 476 Introduction 1.2.3 Cautions Regarding Products after Repair Warning Be sure to use parts listed in the service parts list of the applicable model and appropriate tools to ● conduct repair work. Never attempt to modify the equipment. The use of inappropriate parts or tools can cause an electrical shock, excessive heat generation or fire.
  • Page 477 Introduction stoves and ranges. When replacing the coin battery in the remote controller, be sure to disposed of the old battery to prevent children from swallowing it. If a child swallows the coin battery, see a doctor immediately. Caution Installation of a leakage breaker is necessary in some cases depending on the conditions of the ●...
  • Page 478 Introduction Caution Check to see if the parts and wires are mounted and connected properly, and if the connections at the soldered or crimped terminals are secure. Improper installation and connections can cause excessive heat generation, fire or an electrical shock. If the installation platform or frame has corroded, replace it.
  • Page 479: Specifications

    Specification 2.Specifications NOMINAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE ● Phase Frequency ● Voltage NOMINAL CAPACITY and NOMINAL INPUT ● Cooling heating Capacity rated Btu/h 23880 27640 Power Consumption(Rated) 2.16 2.18 SEER/SCOP 7.1/A++ 4.0/A+ Annual energy consumption 1963 Moisture Removal m³/h 2.8*10 ﹣³ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-UNIT Dimensions H*W*D...
  • Page 480: Sensors List

    Specification TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS-OTHERS Refrigerant type Refrigerant charge Refrigerant Maximum allowable distance circuit between indoor an outdoor Maximum allowable level difference ● Refrigerant control ● liquid Φ6.35 Piping connections Φ12.7 (external diameter) drain Φ16 ● Heat insulation type Both liquid and Gas pipes Max.
  • Page 481: Pinping Diagrams

    Pinping diagrams 4 Piping diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 482: Operation Range

    Operation range 5.Operation range Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 483: Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram

    Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram 6. Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram Connectors PCB (1) (Contr ol PCB) For 24k 1) CN1, CN2 Connector for power N and L 2) CN3 Connector for ground 3) CN22 Connector for DC POWER 15V and 5V to the module board 4) CN8, CN9 Connector for CN2,CN1 on the module board 5) CN21 Connector for fan motor 6) CN10 Connector for four way valve coil...
  • Page 484 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB (1) CN26 CN24 CN23 CN22 CN16 CN20 CN22 ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 485 Printed circuit board connector wiring diagram PCB(2) CN10 CN11 Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 486: Functions And Control

    Functions and control 7. Functions and control 7.1 Main functions and control specification 7.1.1 The operation frequency of outdoor unit and its control The operation frequency control of compressor The operation frequency scope of compressor: Mode Minimum operation frequency Maximum operation frequency Heating 15Hz...
  • Page 487 Functions and control Wh_c<-2 Max_hz3 91 HZ Wh_c<5 Max_hz4 91 HZ Wh_c<10 Max_hz5 83 HZ Wh_c<17 Max_hz6 83 HZ Wh_c<20 Max_hz7 61 HZ Wh_c>=20 Max_hz8 51 HZ Remarks: The above are the maximum frequency limitations of the complete appliance which are affected by the environment, and they have nothing to do with the ability of the indoor unit.
  • Page 488 Functions and control When refrigerating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-d(compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-d(compressor’s Max_hz) When heating, it is needed to satisfy F-MIN-r (compressor’s Min_hz)< F<F-MAX-r (compressor’s Max_hz) PID control : The innital frequency Sn is determined by Pn . We can calculate Hzoutf according to the value of Kp ,Ki ,Kd, Out_gain,Pn.Then , Fn = Sn + Hzoutf.
  • Page 489 Functions and control If |SH|≥3,and △SH=0, 10s/ 1 step. If 3≥|SH|≥0, 30s/ 1 step. △SH= current SH- last SH SH= Ts (suction temp)-Tc1 (indoor coil temp)-Tsh (fixed data, depend on different models, -1~2) 7.1.4 Four way control For the details of defrosting four-way valve control, see the defrosting process. Four way working in other ways: Under the mode of heating, open the four-way valve, when the compressor is not started or changed to non-heating mode, make sure the compressor is stoped for 2 minutes, and then close the...
  • Page 490 Functions and control TC(℃) The compressor stops Fgh_t1 63℃ Fgh_t1-2 Fgh_t2-2 N Decreasing the frequency rapidly Fgh_t2 59℃ P Decreasing the frequency slowly Fgh_t3 56℃ Fgh_t3-2 Fgh_t4—2 Q Prohibiting increasing the frequency Fgh_t4 53℃ R Increasing slowly Fgh_t5 40℃ Fgh_t5—2 Normal N:Decreasing at the speed of 1HZ/1 second P:Decreasing at the speed of 1Hz/10 seconds...
  • Page 491 Functions and control (1) When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 40℃, AC current protection value decreases by 1A. (2) When the outdoor environment temperature is higher than 50℃, AC current protection value decreases by 2A. Anti-freezing protection of the indoor heat exchanger When refrigerating/heating, prevent freezing.
  • Page 492 Functions and control decreases to the lowest frequency. When the temperatures are lower than 68℃ and higher than 62℃, keep the frequency of the compressor. When the temperatures are lower than 62℃, relieve the defrosting temperature protection. 7.2 Value of Thermistor Ambient Sensor, Defrosting Sensor, Pipe sensor R25℃=10KΩ±3% B25℃/50℃=3700K±3% Temp.(℃)
  • Page 493 Functions and control 25.3193 23.9462 22.6273 -1.23 1.18 24.1432 22.8656 21.6361 -1.20 1.16 23.0284 21.8398 20.6939 -1.18 1.14 21.9714 20.8659 19.7982 -1.15 1.12 20.9688 19.9409 18.9463 -1.13 1.09 20.0176 19.0621 18.1358 -1.11 1.07 19.1149 18.2270 17.3646 -1.08 1.05 18.2580 17.4331 16.6305 -1.06 1.03...
  • Page 494 Functions and control 4.2026 3.9686 3.7443 -1.65 1.59 4.0588 3.8287 3.6084 -1.70 1.62 3.9206 3.6943 3.4780 -1.74 1.66 3.7878 3.5654 3.3531 -1.78 1.70 3.6601 3.4416 3.2332 -1.82 1.74 3.5374 3.3227 3.1183 -1.87 1.78 3.4195 3.2085 3.0079 -1.91 1.82 3.3060 3.0989 2.9021 -1.95 1.85...
  • Page 495 Functions and control 1.0607 0.9599 0.8679 -3.74 3.42 1.0314 0.9326 0.8424 -3.80 3.46 1.0030 0.9061 0.8179 -3.85 3.51 0.9756 0.8806 0.7941 -3.90 3.55 0.9490 0.8558 0.7711 -3.96 3.60 0.9232 0.8319 0.7489 -4.01 3.64 0.8983 0.8088 0.7275 -4.07 3.69 0.8741 0.7863 0.7067 -4.12 3.74...
  • Page 496 Functions and control 7423.3626 6235.7109 5233.3554 -2.83 2.39 6953.2930 5851.9864 4920.6791 -2.82 2.38 6515.8375 5494.2064 4628.5894 -2.80 2.37 6108.5393 5160.4621 4355.6078 -2.79 2.37 5729.1413 4848.9963 4100.3708 -2.77 2.36 5375.5683 4558.1906 3861.6201 -2.76 2.35 5045.9114 4286.5535 3638.1938 -2.75 2.34 4738.4141 4032.7098 3429.0191 -2.73 2.34...
  • Page 497 Functions and control 593.5446 536.6540 484.7796 -2.10 1.92 564.4275 511.0760 462.3510 -2.09 1.90 536.9865 486.9352 441.1516 -2.07 1.89 511.0105 464.0500 421.0258 -2.05 1.87 486.4151 442.3499 401.9146 -2.03 1.86 463.1208 421.7683 383.7626 -2.01 1.84 441.0535 402.2430 366.5175 -1.99 1.83 ● 420.1431 383.7151 350.1301 -1.97...
  • Page 498 Functions and control 82.1303 78.6615 75.2715 -1.13 1.10 78.9116 75.6668 72.4902 -1.10 1.08 75.8343 72.8004 69.8249 -1.08 1.06 72.8916 70.0561 67.2703 -1.05 1.03 70.0770 67.4283 64.8213 -1.03 1.01 67.3844 64.9115 62.4731 -1.00 0.99 64.8080 62.5006 60.2211 -0.98 0.96 ● 62.3423 60.1906 58.0609 -0.95...
  • Page 499 Functions and control 17.9590 16.8769 15.8458 -2.06 1.96 17.4214 16.3564 15.3427 -2.10 2.00 16.9023 15.8542 14.8577 -2.15 2.04 16.4010 15.3696 14.3902 -2.19 2.08 15.9167 14.9020 13.9394 -2.23 2.12 15.4489 14.4506 13.5047 -2.27 2.16 14.9968 14.0149 13.0855 -2.32 2.19 ● 14.5599 13.5942 12.6811 -2.36...
  • Page 500: Dimensional Drawings

    Dimensional drawing 8.Dimensional drawings 9.Center of gravity ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 501: Service Diagnosis

    Service diagnosis 10. Service Diagnosis 10.1 Caution for Diagnosis The operation lamp flashes when any of the following errors is detected. 1. When a protection device of the indo or or outdoor unit is activated or when the thermistor malfunctions, disabling ●...
  • Page 502 Service diagnosis 10.3 Error Codes and Description indoor display Code indication Indoor displaying panel code indication Outdoor Referenc Only For 498 and fault description (LED1 e Page 498A display flash Other display (Red/Green Time Run times) □On★Flash■Off) Indoor Communication fault between ■...
  • Page 503 Service diagnosis 10.3.1 Thermistor or Related Abnormality Indoor Display E1: Room temperature sensor failure E2: Heat-exchange sensor failure Outdoor display LED1 flash 10 times:Defrost temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 11 times:Suction temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 12 times:Ambient temperature sensor failure LED1 flash 13 times:Discharge temperature sensor failure Method of The temperatures detected by the thermistors are used to determine thermistor errors...
  • Page 504 Service diagnosis 10.3.2 EEPROM abnormal Indoor Display E4: Indoor EEPROM error Indoor display F12: Outdoor EEPROM error; Outdoor LED1 flash 1 times Method of The Data detected by the EEPROM are used to determine MCU Malfunction Detection Malfunction When the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 505 Service diagnosis 10.3.3 Indoor AC fan motor malfunction Indoor Display Method of The rotation speed detected by the Hall IC during fan motor operation is used to determine Malfunction abnormal fan motor operation Detection Malfunction when the detected rotation feedback signal don’t received in 2 minutes Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 506 Service diagnosis 10.3.4 Outdoor DC fan motor fault Outdoor display LED1 flash 9 times Method of DC fan motor is detected by checking the fan running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the data of EEPROM is error or the EEPROM is damaged Decision Conditions ■...
  • Page 507 Service diagnosis Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 508 Service diagnosis 10.3.5 IPM protection Outdoor display: LED1 flash 2 times Method of IPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so on Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The system leads to IPM protection due to over current Decision ■...
  • Page 509 Service diagnosis 10.3.6 Over-current of the compressor Outdoor Display: LED1 flash 3 or 24 or 25 times Method of The current of the compressor is too high Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the IPM Module is damaged Decision or the compressor is damaged. Conditions power supply voltage is too low or too high Supposed...
  • Page 510 Service diagnosis 10.3.7 The communication fault between IPM and outdoor PCB Outdoor display: LED1 flash 4 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the IPM module and the outdoor PCB Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault ●...
  • Page 511 Service diagnosis 10.3.8 Power Supply Over or under voltage fault Outdoor display: LED1 flash 6 times The power supply is over voltage Method of An abnormal voltage rise or fall is detected by checking the specified voltage detection circuit. Malfunction Detection Malfunction An voltage signal is fed from the voltage detection circuit to the microcomputer...
  • Page 512 Service diagnosis 10.3.9 Overheat Protection For Discharge Temperature Outdoor display: LED1 flash 8 times Method of The Discharge temperature control is checked with the temperature being detected Malfunction by the Discharge pipe thermistor ● Detection Malfunction when the compressor discharge temperature is above 110℃ Decision Conditions Supposed...
  • Page 513 Service diagnosis 10.3.10 The communication fault between indoor and outdoor Indoor display outdoor display LED1 flash 15 times Method of Communication is detected by checking the indoor PCB and the outdoor PCB. Malfunction Detection Malfunction ■ The outdoor PCB broken leads to communication fault ●...
  • Page 514 Service diagnosis If the voltage is a constant value The indoor mainboard is of 0V DC to 5V DC.Or the voltage damaged; replace it with a between Communication line(red ) and N(white new one. line) is not close to18V DC when only indoor charged. Test the outdoor power is Check the cable supply 230VAC with a...
  • Page 515 Service diagnosis 10.3.11 Loss of synchronism detection Inverter side current detection is abnormal Outdoor Display LED1 flash 18 times LED1 flash 19 times Method of The position of the compressor rotor can not detected normally ● Malfunction Detection Malfunction when the wiring of compressor is wrong or the connection is poor; ●...
  • Page 516 Service diagnosis 10.3.12 High work-intense protection Outdoor display LED1 flash 21 times Method of High work-intense control is activated in the heating mode if the temperature Malfunction being sensed by the heat exchanger ther mistor exceeds the limit. ● Detection Malfunction Activated when the temperature being sensed by the heat exchanger ●...
  • Page 517: Performence And Cerves Diagrams

    Sound level 11.Performence and cerves diagrams 11.1 Cooling capacity-temperature curves performance curves cooling va lue -temerature table ● indoor temp. outdoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ 21/15℃ 5297 5135 5101 4885 6035 6585 6437 6121 5774 24/16℃...
  • Page 518 Sound level 11.2 Cooling power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value -temp.table indoor temp. outdoor temp. DB/WB 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 38℃ 40℃ 43℃ ℃ ● 21/15℃ 1709 1657 1646 1019 1416 1819 2227 2517 2723 24/16℃...
  • Page 519 Sound level 11.3 Cooling discharge pressure curves performance curves cooling discharge pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) DB/WB 21/15 27/19℃ 35/24℃ ℃ ● 10℃ 1882 1973 2071 15℃ 1931 1999 2092 20℃ 1931 2025 2099 25℃ 2033 2104 2195 30℃...
  • Page 520 Sound level 11.4 Cooling suction pressure curves performance curves cooling suction pressure.table outdoor temp. indoor temp. (humidity 46%) ● DB/WB 21/15℃ 27/19℃ 35/24℃ 10℃ 1004 15℃ 1014 20℃ 1024 25℃ 1045 30℃ 1056 35℃ 1111 ● 38℃ 1134 40℃ 1085 1247 ●...
  • Page 521 Sound level 11.5 Heating capacity-temperature curves performance curves heating capacity and indoor/outdoor temp.table ● outdoor temp. indoor temp.(humidity 46%) DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 4607 4293 4095 ● -10℃ 7081 6474 5972 -7/-8℃ 8702 7890 7332 2/1℃ 9303 8210 7445 ℃...
  • Page 522 Sound level 11.6 Heating power consumption value- temperature curves performance curves power consumption value -temp.table ● outdoor temp. indoor temp.(humidity 46%) ℃ ℃ ℃ DB/WB ℃ 1999 2104 2230 ● ℃ 2393 2493 2618 ℃ -7/-8 2499 2658 2791 ℃ 2595 2732 2868...
  • Page 523 Sound level 11.7 Heating discharge pressure curves performance curves heating discharge pressure.table ● outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ 2562 2710 2844 ● -10℃ 2743 2922 3082 -7/-8℃ 3183 3344 3430 2/1℃ 3327 3626 3721 ℃ 3392 3520 3695 ●...
  • Page 524 Sound level 11.8 Heating suction pressure curves performance curves heating suction pressure.table ● outdoor temp indoor temp. DB/WB 10℃ 20℃ 27℃ -15℃ ● -10℃ -7/-8℃ 2/1℃ ℃ ● 12/11℃ 18/16℃ 1014 1053 1073 24/20℃ 1200 1239 1259 heating suction pressure and temp. curves 1400 1300 1200...
  • Page 525: Sound Level

    Sound level 12.Sound level Sound pressure level 230V,50HZ Sound power level Model Measuring location (cooling/heating) Cooling/heating microphone ● 1U68RENFRA ● Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 526: Wiring Diagrams

    Wiring diagrams 13 Wiring Diagrams 13.1 Outdoor unit ● COMP.TEMP.SENSOR DEFROST TEMP.SENSOR AMBIENT TEMP.SENSOR ● ● ● ● 3(C) TO INDOOR UNIT POWER Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 527 Circuit diagrams 13.2 Outdoor unit control board circuit diagrams Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 528 Circuit diagrams 12.3 Module board circuit diagram Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 530 REMOVAL PROCEDURE WARNING This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for use by the general public. It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians.
  • Page 531 1.Removal of Outdoor panel Procedure Warning Be sure to wait 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before disassembling work Loosen the screws and lift the top panel and remove the handle. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 532 Loosen the screws of the panel, pull and remove the front panel. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 533 2.Removal of Electrical Box Procedure Warning Be sure to wait 10 minutes or more after turning off all power supplies before disassembling work Remove the fixing screws, Than lift the electrical box. Domestic air conditioner...
  • Page 534 Removal Procedure 3.Removal of Fan and Fan Motor Loosen the fixing screws. Remove the fan and motor. Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 535 Removal Procedure 4.Removal of Fan Motor Bracket and Partition Loosen the fixing screws and lift the fan motor bracket. Remove the partition Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 536 Removal Procedure 5.Removal of Compressor and Heat Exchanger Remove the valve plate. Remove the valves and the compressor. Loosen the screws and remove the heat exchanger. Domestic Air Conditioner...
  • Page 537 86-300 Grudziądz +48 723 737 378 www.haier-ac.pl Producent: Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Electric Co., Ltd. Haier lndustrial Park, Qianwangang Road, Eco-Tech Development Zone, Qingdao 266555, Shandong, R.P.C. +86 532 88936943 www.haier.com Haier zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania zmian bez wcześniejszego powiadomienia.

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