Qlightec QTG50(M)L Manual page 5

Ethernet led tower light
Table of Contents


Applying the Ethernet Device
Run the "Mac_Setting.exe" program that is inside the IP Set Program Folder .
When the program is running such as the right figure, click the "Mac Find" button in the
"Find Mac Address / Select" section
MAC Address of the connected device appears when you click the Device List combo box.
(If the Mac Addr does not appear, make sure that the connection status or the power supply
is functional and then retry.)
Select the MAC Addr of the device you want to change, and then click on the "Read" button.
Check the information and settings from the "Mac config status"
Set the value of users network information identified in the previous chapter (subnet mask,
gateway) in each text box, and set a different IP_Addr than your PC
Apply the settings by pressing the Write button
The port is set to "20000"by default and the port number can be changed if necessary
Reconnect After Disconnecting the power from the tower light.
7. ETN Test Program Files folder includes the followings.
Test Program
8. Run the "QLight_Lamptest_TCP" program.
Network information setting
Lamp contro l
Sound group selection
Sound selection
• User can select appropriate sound pattern by referring Ordering Specifications. There're WS, WM, and WA sound patterns
and user can choose the option when placing order.
Lamp Control
• Fill TCP/IP and TCP/PORT (①Network Information Setting) with IP address and port that has been setted in ethernet tower light.
• When click LAMP ON, correspond lamp turns on.
• When click LAMP OFF, correspond lamp turns off.
• Please choose appropriate sound pattern group by referring ③ Sound Group Selection area.
• You can choose sound pattern by referring ④ Sound Selection.
• Tower lamp plays sound when SOUND button is pressed.
• Tower lamp stops sound when SOUND OFF button is pressed.
Library required for the test program
- Input port on TCP/PORT and IP address on TCP/IP that set on Ethernet tower lights
- ON : Click the button Lamp ON
- ON/OFF : Click the button Lamp Flash
- OFF : Click the button Lamp OFF
- WS : 5 warning sounds(mono)
- WP : 5 special warning sounds(mono)
- WM(1) : 5 Melodies(mono)
- WA(1) : 5 alarms(mono)
- WB : Software Buzzer 5 sounds(speaker type)
- Buzzer : 5 Buzzer sounds
- Select 5 sounds based on model which is fixed on Ordering Specifications
Detailed specification
Information Setting
Sound Group Selection
Sound Selection


Table of Contents

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