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NEC Ultralite PC-17-0 Maintenance And Service Manual page 14

Laptop computer


Portable Floppy Disk Drive (optional)
3.5" 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive
Access Time:
Sequential: 192 ms (720K); 193 ms (1.44MB)
Random: 192 ms (720K); 193 ms (1.44 MB)
Data Transfer Rate: 21.6 KB/s
Number of Bytes/Sector: 512 bytes
Size: 43/16" (W) x 6 7/8" (D) x 2" (H)
Weight: 1.78 pounds
® One 68 pin expansion port (connects to UltraLite)
@ One 25 pin parallel printer port
Expansion Port (NEC
Proprietary Bus)
Power Supply: +5 V @ 500 mA, 1.2 A (peak Current)
Modem: Internal 2400 BPS modem located on the mother board)
Style: Desktop equivalent PS/2 derivative keyboard (without the center section); 78 keys,
12 function, imbedded numeric keypad, separate cursor keypad. LED Indicators: Red
indicators are integrated in Caps Lock and NUM Lock keys.
Laptop Ports
® One 68-pin expansion port (FDD)
® One 9-pin serial port (9-pin DIN)
e@ One DC-IN plug
@ Two RJ-11 modem ports (TEL and LINE)
@ RAM/ROM card slot
System Software
e MS-DOS 3.3
@ LAP-LINK Version 2
@ Microsoft DOS Manager Version 2.0

