1553Bbc Bus Connections; 1553Bbc Demo Card Address Map; Core1553Bbc Memory; Core1553Bbc Cpu Registers - Actel Core1553BBC DevKit Quick Start Manual

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1553BBC Bus Connections

1553BBC Demo Card Address Map

Core1553BBC Memory

Core1553BBC CPU Registers

The 1553BBC development card uses DIRECT 1553B connections. You can
convert the card to a transformer coupling by removing the four 50R resistors
and fitting links to connect the transformers directly to the 1553B connectors.
Please contact Actel customer support for help if this is required.
The 1553B BC demo card uses a single PCI BAR register, BAR0, and requires
256K bytes of memory (00000hex-3FFFFhex). The lower half of this address
directly addresses the 128K bytes of SSRAM memory. The upper 128K is used
to access the Core1553BBC CPU registers.
The 128K bytes of SSRAM memory is directly mapped to PCI addresses
000000 to 01FFFF hex. When accessed from the PCI bus this memory
supports byte addressing as per the PCI specification. When the bus controller
accesses the memory it uses its word addressing mechanism. This means that
the PCI address 0200 hex maps to the bus controller address 0100 hex etc.
The Core1553BBC CPU registers are directly mapped to PCI addresses
020000-02001C hex and above. Each register is as described in the
Core1553BBC core datasheet, and is mapped to the lower 16-bits of the 32-bit
PCI data word
Table 3-7. Core1553BBC CPU Registers
Control and Status
1553BBC Bus Connections


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