Room Treatment - Verity Audio Florestan Owner's Manual

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your major asset in establishing the best setup for your loudspeaker.
Here are a few simple rules that will guide you. A good setup will give
you fast transients from the bottom end to top-end, proper image
height and a wide and deep soundstage.
Having that in mind, the following guidelines are based on our own ex-
perience with the Florestan. We recommend that you start with these
and later on (after getting familiar with your Florestan) bring your own
modifications that will optimize your setup.
First, the distance from the rear wall to the speaker woofer (dust-cap
center) should be equaled to the length of your room multiplied by
0.1459. Then the distance from the side wall to the speaker woofer
(dust-cap center) should be equaled to the width of your room multi-
plied by 0.1459. Finally, your listening position should be width-cente-
red and the distance from the rear wall to your ears should be equaled to
the length of your room multiplied by either 0.1459, 0.2360 or 0.3819.
Note that the above method should be considered as a rudimentary
guideline. Loudspeaker room placement is an art in itself and the best
setup will most likely require trials and errors . For best results, we sim-
ply recommend that you contact Verity Audio (
and ask for advice. Our acousticians are knowledgable and will propose
a few loudspeaker placements according to your room specifications
and restrictions. We have been helping our customers for years in fin-
ding the best location for their loudspeakers. Please note that there is
no distance limitation with the rear woofer and back wall, simply make
sure that the vent clearance is more than 8-inches.
We suggest that you start with the speakers aligned directly at you.
Then open them (angle increase) slowly until you get the best sounds-
tage without losing too much center-stage definition. In most cases,
the left speaker should be aligned toward your left shoulder and the
right speaker should be aligned toward your right shoulder. Opening
them will improve your image width and closing them will improve your
image center definition.

Room Treatment

The Florestan gives its best performance in an average-furnished do-
mestic listening room. It requires a minimum of room treatment. Be-
fore investing in room treatment, we strongly recommend that you
take the time to listen and get familiar with your speakers. The Flo-
restan has proven to be a standalone loudspeaker that rarely needs to
be acoustically corrected. A good room placement is usually the most
effective approach.
You should always start to position your speakers without any treat-
ment. If speaker positioning cannot solve standing waves or reverbera-
tion problems read the following.
The principal design factor for internal acoustics of a room, in addition
to shape and size, is the control of sound absorption and reflection. The
total absorption required to give optimum reverberation is inherent to
August 2023
Fig 1


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